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Come to the feast of

heaven and earth
Come to the table of plenty
God will provide for all that
we need
Here at the table of plenty
O come and sit at my
Where saints and sinners
are friends
I come to welcome the
And lonely to share the
cup of my life
Come to the feast of
heaven and earth
Come to the table of
God will provide for all
that we need
Here at the table of plenty
O come and eat without
Come to drink without
My food of gladness will
your spirit with faith and
fullness of love.
Come to the feast of
heaven and earth
Come to the table of
God will provide for all
that we need
Here at the table of plenty
Glory to God in the
highest and on earth
peace to people of
goodwill Glory to God
in the highest
and on earth peace to
people of goodwill
We praise You we bless
You, we adore You
We glorify You, we give
You Thanks for Your great
Lord God heavenly King,
O God almighty Father
Lord Jesus Christ, only
begotten Son, Lord God
Lamb of God, Son of the
You take away the sins
of the world have mercy
on us
You take away the sins
of the world
Receive our prayer
You are seated at the
right hand of the Father
Have mercy on us
For you alone are the holy
You alone are the Lord
You alone are the most
Hight Jesus Christ
With the Holy Spirit
In the glory of God the
Glory to God in the
highest and on earth
peace to people of
goodwill Glory to God
in the highest
and on earth peace to
people of goodwill
and on earth peace to
people of goodwill

Take my life O Lord,
take my suffrings O my
Take my joys, take my
tears, take my love
Take my memry
Lord, take my
understanding Lord
Take my mind, take
my freedom Take
my will.
Take my talents
Lord, take my
weaknesses O Lord
Take my secrets,
take my sorrows,
take my sins
Take me all that I
am and make
empty of desire
For Your Love and
grace are
everything I need
Take my memry
Lord, take my
understanding Lord
Take my mind, take
my freedom Take
my will.
Yours is my life, I
abandon all I am to you
my God
Yours are my hands, O
Yours are my feet
My heart and soul are
Yours my Lord and God.
Take this bread O
Lord, take this wine I
offer You
Take my labors
though imperfect
they are Yours
Take my prayers
Lord make me
empty of desire
For Your love and
grace are everything
I need
Yours is my life, I
abandon all I am to you
my God
Yours are my hands, O
Yours are my feet
My heart and soul are
Yours my Lord and God.
Breathe on me,
Breath of God
Fill me with life anew
That I may love the
things You love
And do what You
would do
Breathe on me,
Breath of God
Breathe on me, Breath
of God
'Til my heart is pure
Until with You, I have
one will
To live and to endure
Breathe on me, Breath
of God
Breathe on me,
Breath of God
My soul with grace
Until this earthly
part of me
Glows with Your fire
Breathe on me, Breath
of God
So I shall never die
But live with You the
perfect life
In Your eternity
Breathe on me,
Breath of God
You are the voice of the
living God
Calling us now to live, in
Your love
To be children of God
once again.
Praise for the light that
shines through the
From darkness to light
from death to new life
And praise for the
morning that brings forth
To open our eyes to the
To open our eyes to the
You are the voice of the
living God
Calling us now to live, in
Your love
To be children of God
once again.

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