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Organizing your research

Naíla Barbosa da Costa (naila.barbosa.da.costa@umontreal.ca)

Academia: plenty of different tasks...

Read papers (and remember of them!)

Write manuscripts and codes in collaboration

Prepare presentations and posters

Keep focused, not forget meetings/discussion groups

Survey: which tools/apps do you use?

Link to Google Forms summary

Reference Data Time

management management management
Reference management
List of apps: EndNote (http://endnote.com/), Mendeley
(https://www.mendeley.com), Paperpile (https://paperpile.com/), Papers
(https://www.readcube.com/papers/), Zotero (https://www.zotero.org/)
and BibDesk (http://bibdesk.sourceforge.net/)

+ Nice suggestion → doitobib https://github.com/bibcure/doi2bib

Writing codes and manuscript

These were not in the original list:

Bit bucket slogan: “the Git solution for professional teams”

Authorea, Scrivener, Overleaf for manuscripts

Grammarly (En) and Antidote (Fr) for grammatical and styling review
For presentations...

Suggestion: Inkscape and GIMP QCBS workshop (https://qcbs.ca/wiki/graphics)

Beamer (LaTeX)
Time and tasks management
Google Calendar/Keep/Tasks AND Evernote (https://evernote.com/)

Stay focused: Forest App (https://www.forestapp.cc/en/)

Pomodoro App (method Pomodoro)

Timesheet phone app for time management (it records how much time you
spend in each task)
EXTRA: Git and Data/Software Carpentry
GitHub documentations/tutorials

Data carpentry (http://www.datacarpentry.org/)

Software carpentry (https://software-carpentry.org/lessons/)

The Free Code Camp (https://www.freecodecamp.org/)

Learn Git: https://swcarpentry.github.io/git-novice/

Learning how to learn (Coursera)

EXTRA: How do you keep updated?

Is that possible?

→ Twitter, ResearchGate, GoogleScholar Alerts, Journal’s subscriptions

→ Recommended

→ Pubchase https://www.pubchase.com/
Additional comments
How do you manage and share photos? Google photos, Flickr, GIMP (“free

To store datasets: datadryad.org, Mega.nz, Figshare

To edit/clean tables: http://openrefine.org/

For chemists/biochemists: ChemDraw and Pymol

For sharing lab protocols: https://www.protocols.io/?p0

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