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(Cavum Oris; Oral or

Buccal Cavity)
By drg. Indri Kurniasih
 The cavity of the mouth is placed
at the commencement of the
digestive tube.
 Consist of two parts:

* The vestibule (vestibulum oris)

* The mouth cavity proper (cavum
oris proprium)
A. Cavum Oris propium
1. Cavum oris propium is roofed in by:
a. Hard palates (Palatum durum) :
-proc. Palatinus ossis maxillaris
-pars horizontalis oss palatini
b. Soft Palates (Palatum molle)
-aponeurosis palatinus
-m. palatoglossus
-m. uvulae
2. The greater part of the floor is formed by
the tongue:
a. m digastricus
b. venter ant. M. mlohyoideus
c. m. geniohyoideus
3. Laterally and in front by :
a. proc. Alveolaris
b. arcus dentalis
B. Vestibulum oris
 The vestibule is a slit-like space,
• externally by the lips and cheeks
• Internally by gums and teeth
The Tongue
 The tongue is the principal organ of the
sense of taste, and an important organ it
also assists in the mastication and
deglutition of the food
 Consist of three parts :
* Root (radix linguae base)
* apex (apex linguae tip)
* The dorsum of the tongue sulcus
terminalis & foramen caecum
 Facies inferior frenulum linguae, v
provunda linguae, plica fimbriata (muara
gld lingualis ant.)
The Papillae of the tongue

• Papillae vallatae
• Papillae fungiformes
• Papillae filliformes
• Papillae simplices
Muscles of the tongue
 The extrinsic muscles are:
- m. Genioglossus
- m. Hyoglossus
- m. styloglossus
- m. palatoglossus
 The intrinsic muscles are:
- m. Longitudinalis superior
- m. longitudinalis inferior
- m. transversus
- m. verticalis

 Nerves the muscles of the tongue described

above are supplied by the hypoglossal nerve
 Arteri dlam CO :
a. lingualis
a. Palatina mayor
a. Palatina minor

Arteriae lingualis :
- Cabang dari a. Carotis eksterna lidah, bercabang
menjadi :
rr. dorsales linguae dorsum
a. profunda apex lingua
a. sublingualis frontal, bercabang
dengan a. mentalis
 Arteriae palatina mayor dan minor :
- cabang dari a. palatina desenden a.
maxillarisinterna (di fossa pterigo palatina)
- a. palatina major melalui foramen palatinus major
ke frontal foramen incisivus
- a. palatina minor mll foramen palatinus minor ke
occopital palatum molle
- a. alveolaris superior posterior berasal dari a.
maxillaris interna ke kaudofronto masuk for alveolaris
memberi darah untuk gigi atas posterior
- Aa. Alveolaris superior anterior dari infraorbitalis dari
a. max interna), memberi darah gigi anterior
- Gigi bawah disuplai oleh aa. Alveolaris inferior mll for
 Vena :
- v. profunda linguae dari apex linguae lateral
m hyoideus ke occipital keluar (antara m
hyoideus & mlohyoideus)
- vena lain mengikuti arteria
Nerves of the cavum oris
 Nervi Cavum oris :
n hypoglosus, n lingualis, n
glossopharyngeus, nn palatini

N. Hypoglossus :
- antara m hypoglosus dan m
mlohyoideus ke frontal
- menginervasi m hypoglossus, m
geniohyoideus, m styloglossus dan otot
 N. Lingualis :
- cabang n mandibularis
- masuk mll media corpus mandibulae
krania m mylohyoid frontal lateral
duktus submandibularis menyilang di kaudal
ke medial
- ke frontal sulkus terminalis memberi
cabang sensibel tunika mukosa, sensory
gustatori, efferen parasimpatis ganglion linguae
 N. Glossopharyngeus :
- tujuan mencapai radix lidah bercabang
menjadi rr. lingualis ke tunica mukosa dorsal
- memberi cabang rr Tonsilares ke
tunica mukosa tonsilla palatina dan arcus
 Nn. Palatini :
- ada 3 yaitu n palatinus posterior, n palatinus
medius, n palatinus anterior (cabang ganglion
- n palatinus medius & n palatinus posterior
tunika mukosa palatum molle & tonsila
- n palatinus anterior tunika mukosa
palatum durum & glandula palatina
 Three large pairs of the salivary
glands communicate with the
mouth, and their secretion into its
1. Parotid gland
2. Submandibular gland
3. Sublingual gland
Parotid gland (Glandula Parotis)
 the largest of the three
 It lies upon the side of the face

 The parotid duct is about 7 cm, It

begins anterior part of the gland,
crosses the masseter surface
of the cheek by small orifice,
opposite the second upper molar
wr. wb
Good Luck
Mini quis
 1. cavum oris terbagi 2;……….
 2 pembentuk 2/3 anterior palatum
 3. fungsi lidah……. (3)

 4. sebutkan 3 bagian lidah….

 5. nervus2 yang menginervasi

cavum oris merupakan cabang nervi
cranialis ………….

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