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Tijn Adam, Declan Harreman and Pepijn Brok


■ Declan Harreman
■ People parents family: 10
■ People same house: 6 and 4
■ Proffession parents: IT mother
■ Place: Sprang-Capelle
■ Historical event: Holiday

■ Pepijn Brok
■ People parents family: 8
■ People samen house: 4 and 4
■ Proffession parents: truck dealer father
■ Place: Waalwijk
■ Historical event: Holiday

■ Charles Knops
■ People parents family: 4
■ People same house: 4
■ Proffession parents: Rabobank mother
■ Place: Sprang-Capelle
■ Historical event: First time in the python

■ Mother Tijn
■ People parents family: 5
■ People same house: 5
■ Proffession parents: Working with the Rabobank mother
■ Place: Sprang-Capelle
■ Historical event: Holiday

■ Mother Declan
■ People parents family: 6
■ People same house: 6
■ Proffession parents: hairstylist mother
■ Place: Waalwijk
■ Historical event: go to a camping in spain

■ Mother Pepijn
■ People parents family: 5
■ People same house: 5
■ Proffession parents: bank director father
■ Place: Drunen
■ Historical event: Berlin Wall fell

■ Tina Huijbers
■ People parents family: 8
■ People same house: 8
■ Proffession parents: Father head of MAVO, Mother House wife
■ Place: Genderen
■ Historical event: can’t remember

■ Kees Hijblom
■ People parents family: 11
■ People same house: 11
■ Proffession parents: Father beton
■ Place: Sprang-Capelle
■ Historical event: Landing on the moon

■ Grandmother Pepijn
■ People parents family: 5
■ People same house: 5
■ Proffession parents: father repairing weapons
■ Place: Waalwijk
■ Historical event: can’t remember
Answers of grandparents

■ Similarities
■ Much people in parents family
■ Parents all have oldish proffesion
■ Almost all forgot a historical event
■ Differences
■ Other places
■ Women and men
■ Conclusion answers grandparents
■ Can’t remenber special event and are oldish
Answers of parents

■ Similarities
■ 5 or 6 people in parents family
■ Around 45 years old
■ All mothers
■ Differences
■ Other work
■ Other places
■ Other special event
■ Conclusion of parents
■ Other life style en places and are same age category
Compare answers grandparents and
■ Similarities
■ Place in state waalwijk
■ Quite many people in parents family
■ Almost everyone gave up proffesion of father
■ Differences
■ Grandparents have oldish proffesions, parents have modern proffesions
■ Grandparents can’t remember event, parents do
■ All other places
■ Conclusion grandparents and parents
■ There are some differences and similarities
Conclusion main question

■ Have the relationship between men and women changed with the reference to
education, roles and oppurtunities?
■ Yes, nowadays women have more rights and can have more work than earlier. And
education has improve.

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