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The Current State of ICT


Picture out what the web look like in Web 1.0, 2.0 & 3.0.
Create a timeline on the evolution of the web based on the
Appreciate the significance of each stage of development of
the web.
A term coined to differentiate the first stage of the World
Wide Web (WWW) in comparison with the present stage of the
internet technology.
At the beginning of the WWW, there were very few web
content creators and many of them were so called “read only
web” since there was no user interaction.
Web pages were static, meaning you can read the text and look
at the photos but the user could not interact
Feedback mechanism was thru private email and direct
comment was not available
The term was first used around the year 2004 to differentiate
the current internet technology with the past technology.
This was the beginning of the wide use and popularity of
social media such as Twitter, Facebook and YouTube.
Users can interact, contribute and create their own internet
space and content resulting in the explosion of information
available for everyone on the net.
The internet is available to everyone, expert or not.
Named and referred to by web experts as semantic web
or data driven web content and response.
As the user interacts or responds, contributes and
collaborates on the web, the context of the search of the
user is processed by a programming language to help
user by presenting options of what the person is
interested in.
Web 1.0
A term coined to differentiate the first stage of the World
Wide Web (WWW) in comparison with the present stage of the
internet technology.
At the beginning of the WWW, there were very few web
content creators and many of them were so called “read only
web” since there was no user interaction.
Web pages were static, meaning you can read the text and look
at the photos but the user could not interact
Feedback mechanism was thru private email and direct
comment was not available
Web 2.0
The term was first used around the year 2004 to differentiate
the current internet technology with the past technology.
This was the beginning of the wide use and popularity of
social media such as Twitter, Facebook and YouTube.
Users can interact, contribute and create their own internet
space and content resulting in the explosion of information
available for everyone on the net.
The internet is available to everyone, expert or not.
Web 3.0
Named and referred to by web experts as semantic web
or data driven web content and response.
As the user interacts or responds, contributes and
collaborates on the web, the context of the search of the
user is processed by a programming language to help
user by presenting options of what the person is
interested in.
Web 1.0, Web 2.0, Web 3.0 and User Participation in
the Web
In Web 1.0, the user is limited to viewing the website.
Web 2.0 is an internet technology and application that
allow user participation, collaboration, interaction,
content creation, and involvement in the virtual
Web 3.0 is the next development of the web; with all
the information, user-generated content, and
contributions, it has created a vast resource to tap and
use for the benefit of the user.
From the activities that we have, please narrate the
evolution of the web.
Is Web 1.0 obsolete?
1. Make a timeline of the development of the web using
drawings or illustrations.
2. Use manila paper or cartolina.
3. Present your work in class.
“You never change things by fighting the existing
reality. To change something, build a new model
that makes the existing model obsolete.”

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