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 Ventilation of the lungs(breathing)

 Exchange of gasses between blood and tissue

 The use of oxygen in cellular metabolism
10 Facts about
Respiratory System
1. Without the process of respiration, humans wouldn't seize to

2. Oxygen can never be permanently stored in the body, because it

is used up by the parts and organs in the human

3. Lungs are the major organ in the


4. The respiratory system uses the: nose, mouth, trachea,

bronchi, bronchioles and alveoli, to help the person

5. The oxygen passes through the alveoli to the blood stream, and
the carbon dioxide
6. The respiratory relies on the circulatory system to deliver
the oxygen throughout the body.

7. If toxic air were to travel down to the lungs, the airway

would get infected and swollen, which would lead to

8. Everyone’s left lung is a bit smaller than the right which

then leaves room for the heart.

9. The hair in a person’s nose known as “cilia” keeps the

particles out of the oxygen we breathe.

10. A person breathe 20 000 times a day.

Principal parts of the
respiratory system
 Larynx- (voice box) is a cartiligeous chamber
about 4cm (1.5 inches long). It’s primary function
is to keep food and drink out of the airway, but it
has evolved the additional role of producing
 Trachea- (windpipe) is a rigid tube about 12 cm
(4.5 inches long) in diameter lying anterior to the
 Bronchi- has a substantial amount of elastic
connective tissue which is important in expelling
air from the lungs.
 Nose- it warms, cleanses, and humidified
inhaled air.
 Pharynx- is a muscular funnel extending about
13 cm (5 inches) from the chonae to the larynx.
a. Nasopharynx
b. Oropharynx
c. Laryngopharynx

 Hypoxia – a decrease in oxygen.

 Anoxia – complete lack of oxygen.
 Pneumonia – defined as any inflammation of
the lung tissue itself, but the term is generally
applied only to an acute or rapidly developing
nature caused by certain bacteria or viruses.
The most common sever pneumonia is that
caused by the pneumococcus bacterium .
 Tuberculosis- is contracted by inhaling into the
lungs bacteria that have been coughed into the
air by a person with advanced disease. It is,
therefore contagious.
 Hay fever- involves the mucosa or
Lining of the upper respiratory tract only.
 Allergic asthma – is the result of the allergic
reaction taking place in the bronchial mucosal
lining rather than in the nasal lining.

 Lung cancer
 Cancer of the mouth, pharynx, larynx, and
 Emphysema and Bronchitis – diseases are
involve the whole lung. They can be varying
severity, and both are characterized by the
gradual progression of breathlessness.
Because chronic bronchitis is almost
Because chronic bronchitis is almost
invariably associated with pulmonary
emphysema, the combined disorder frequently
is called obstructive-airway disease. The disease
involves damage to the lung tissue.
 Sarcoidosis – a disease that affects black
people more often than whites, has
symptoms closely resembling those of
tuberculosis and other diseases. The most
obvious symptom is the formation of skin
nodules, often of the face, but the nodules,
called granulomas ( small tumors composed
chiefly of granulation tissue.)

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