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1 Header Yes E/I No N/A

1a Name of Vehicle(s)/Program(s) included?
1b Model Year of Program(s) included?
1c Name of Supplier included?
1d Part Number and Description included?
1e Core Team includes (at a minimum): CUSTOMER: Supplier Quality Engineer
and design-responsible Engineer. Supplier: Quality Engineer and Plant Mfg.
Engineer? Names and titles or area of responsibility are included? Note:
Phone #'s recommended, but not mandatory for this audit.
1f Key Date shown is the date source identified in CUSTOMER Quality
Management System, or does not exceed PPAP date (for programs already in
1g production )? or latest "(Rev.)" date within past 60 days?
FMEA "(Orig.)"
Additional Comments (not to impact audit results):
If all answers "Yes," check "Yes." If one or more "No," check "No."

The header does not count against the overall

scoring, however, it is generally a good
indication of FMEA quality


General Requirements
2 General Requirements for all PFMEAs Yes E/I No N/A
2a All operations included in the Process Flow Diagram have been included in the
PFMEA or a risk assessment was done and only medium/high risk operations
have been included? Look for
2b All process steps included in the Work Instructions have been included in the PFD with
PFMEA or a risk assessment was done and only medium/high risk steps have requireme
been included? nts. Read
2c A review of all Safety Office Campaign and Yard Hold records was done and all through a
relevant issues are included in the PFMEA? Notes: 1) Supplier Quality Engineer
must be contacted to provide response. 2) If no relevant Campaign or Yard Hold
exists, answer "N/A".
of 10 lines
2d A review of applicable Lessons Learned was done and all relevant information is evenly
included in the Supplier's PFMEA? Notes: 1) CUSTOMER Supplier Quality dispersed
Engineer must be contacted to provide response. 2) If no applicable lessons through
learned exsits, answer "N/A". PFMEA to
2e All internal nonconformance over the past 6 months minimum caused by the get rating.
existing or a surrogate process have been included in the PFMEA?
2f All external (customer) nonconformance over the past 12 months minimum
caused by the existing or a surrogate process have been included in the
PFMEA? in text
Additional Comments (not to impact audit results):
If all answers "Yes," check "Yes." If one or more "No," check "No."
Otherwise, "E/I."
Process Function

3 Process Function/Requirements Yes E/I No N/A

3a Each operation is (briefly) described using a verb/noun (bend tube, apply primer,
pierce hole, etc.), rather than just numbered? Note: Noun not required if implied
(i.e., "heat treat" alone vs. "heat treat bolt" is acceptable if there is only one
component being heat treated).
3b Requirements of part/process included or implied (bend angle within design
limits, minimum primer thickness, hole diameter within spec. limits, flatness of
surface within spec. limits, length of tube 25mm. +/- 2, etc.)? Note: Including
spec. values (25 mm. +/- 2) is not required.
Additional Comments (not to impact audit results):
If all answers "Yes," check "Yes." If one or more "No," check "No."
Otherwise, "E/I."

Look for part numbers and trade names. Either specific values for specifications
should be called out, or a controlled document (specification) should be referenced.


Potential Failure Modes

4 Potential Failure Modes Yes E/I No N/A

4a Failure Modes specific and written as a negative outcome of "Requirements"
("bend angle too great" vs. "bend angle not to spec.", "hole dia. too big" vs. "hole
dia. incorrect", "surface too rough" vs. "surface roughness out of spec.", "primer
too thin" vs. "primer thickness incorrect", "tube too long" vs. "tube length
4b All applicable Failure Modes from the DFMEA have been included in the
PFMEA? Notes: 1) If Failure Mode description is not acceptable, mark "N/A". 2)
If no DFMEA exists, mark "N/A".
Additional Comments (not to impact audit results):
If all answers "Yes" or "N/A" check "Yes." If one or more "No," check
"No." Otherwise, "E/I."

Make sure that there is only one failure mode in each box. Again, audit at least 10
lines evenly dispersed throughout the PFMEA.


Potential Effects of Failure

5 Potential Effects of Failure Yes E/I No N/A

5a Effects written in terms of what customer (downstream process or end user) will
notice/experience ("unable to assemble" or "bsr" not just "scrap" or "FTC")?
Note: This is a description of a) what is the most severe effect if there were no
controls from operation being analyzed through end user (i.e., no inspection,
poke yokes, vehicle audits, etc.) or b) what is the most severe impact on the
manufacturing process through entire supply chain to and including the OEM
manufacturing facility (stop shipment, decreased line speed, added manpower,
5b Customer Engineering provided input on Effects?
5c Receiving manufacturing plant provided input on Effects?
5d All applicable Effects from the DFMEA have been included in the PFMEA?
Notes: 1) If Effects descriptions not acceptable or do not apply, mark "N/A". 2) If
no DFMEA exists, mark "N/A".
Additional Comments (not to impact audit results):
If all answers "Yes" or "N/A" check "Yes." If one or more "No," check
"No." Otherwise, "E/I."

“Dissatisfied customer” is not a potential effect. Look for specificity and technical
terms in the description (water escapes roof water management system and enters
passenger compartment is preferable to “customer gets wet”)


Severity Rating

6 Severity Yes E/I No N/A

6a Severity rankings not underrated based on AIAG Manual criteria? Note:
Overrating not recommended, but not requirement for this audit.
6b Severity rankings identical for identical Potential Effects?
All applicable Severity rankings from the DFMEA have been included in the
PFMEA? Notes: 1) If rankings not acceptable or do not apply, mark "N/A". 2) If
no DFMEA exists, mark "N/A."
Additional Comments (not to impact audit results):
If all answers "Yes" or "N/A" check "Yes." If one or more "No," check
"No." Otherwise, "E/I."

We have three choices here: customer specific rating scales or AIAG rating scale
(Inteva default) or VDA rating scale



7 Classification Yes E/I No N/A

7a Safety classification symbol (CUSTOMER or Supplier) present for all Severity 9
or 10?
7b Critical/key classification symbol (CUSTOMER or Supplier) present for all
Severity 8?
7c Classification symbol for Severity 7 or below for the same Effect on the DFMEA
have been included in the PFMEA? Note: If not acceptable or no DFMEA exists,
mark, "N/A."
Additional Comments (not to impact audit results):
If all answers "Yes" or "N/A" check "Yes." If one or more "No," check
"No." Otherwise, "E/I."

Here, we will start looking for linkage to the DFMEA. It is preferable that a copy of
the DFMEA be available – if not, linkage documents would be a good second


Potential Causes

8 Potential Causes Yes E/I No N/A

8a Descriptions specific? Note: 1) "incorrect set-up", "improper cooling", etc. must
be replaced by or include specific description of what was "incorrect" (temp. set
too high) or "improper" (time too short). 2) Replace "operator error" with a
description of what was done that was in error (e.g., "operator installed widget
upside down.").
Additional Comments (not to impact audit results):
If all answers "Yes" or "N/A" check "Yes." If one or more "No," check
"No." Otherwise, "E/I."

Here we’re looking for negatives of specific input requirements. That’s why it would
be good to have the requirements-based PFD appended.


Occurrence Ratings

9 Occurrence Yes E/I No N/A

9a One Occurrence ranking for each cause (e.g., "worn/broken tool" must have two
separate rankings)?
9b Internal (past 6 months minimum) and external (past 12 months minimum)
nonconformance data from the existing or a surrogate process were used to
determine Occurrence rankings?
9c Occurrence rankings are 2 or greater unless Potential Cause has been error-
Additional Comments (not to impact audit results):
If all answers "Yes," check "Yes." If one or more "No," check "No."
Otherwise, "E/I."

We have three choices here: customer specific rating scales or AIAG rating scale
(Inteva default) or VDA rating scale


Current Controls

10 Current Controls Yes E/I No N/A

10a Controls correctly identified as either Detection ("D") (Mistake Proof, 100%
Visual Insp., etc.) or Prevention ("P") (Visual Aids, Training, PM, etc.) controls?
Note: 1) separate "set-up" ("P") from "1st piece inspection" ("D"). 2) Error-
Proofing is preventive (can't make), but may be listed as "P" or "D" or both.

10b Controls are adequately explained and do not just reference a document
Note: The description for Controls shall include where done (station #), how
done (go/no-go gage, variable gage, visual, poke-yoke with line lock-out, etc.),
frequency and sample size (e.g., 100%).
Additional Comments (not to impact audit results):
If all answers "Yes," check "Yes." If one or more "No," check "No."
Otherwise, "E/I."

When examining this area, look for specifics – e.g., if preventive maintenance is
called out, then ask the question “PM of what?”


Detection Ratings

11 Detection Yes E/I No N/A

11a One Detection ranking for each Occurrence ranking?
11b Detection ranking consistent with AIAG Manual? Note: Detection ranking is no
better than the best detection method (post-processing 100% visual inspection
[8] + hourly audit [9] = 8). Note: Overrating not recommended, but not
requirement for this audit.
Additional Comments (not to impact audit results):
If all answers "Yes," check "Yes." If one or more "No," check "No."
Otherwise, "E/I."

See other slides on ratings.


Recommended Actions

12 Recommended Actions & Responsibility Yes E/I No N/A

12a Do all Severity rankings of 9 or 10 with a Detection ranking >4 have a
Recommended Action which will lower the Detection? Note: "None" only to be
used if Detection ranking <5, with justification for "None" in this column
recommended, but not mandatory for this audit.
12b Do all Severity rankings of 8 with a Detection ranking >5 have a Recommended
Action which will lower the Detection? Note: "None" only to be used if Detection
ranking <6, with justification for "None" in this column recommended, but not
mandatory for this audit.
12c Severity 5 or more AND Occurrence 4 or more addressed with needed actions?
Notes: 1) "None" only to be used if "Current Controls (Prevention and
Detection)" deemed adequate. 2) Justification for "None" in this column
recommended, but not mandatory for this audit. 3) Actions which will not reduce
Occ./Det. Rankings should not be considered as "needed."
12d Recommended Actions are assigned to a specific person (not a department)?
12e Target Completion dates are shown and not past due (unless action has been
taken and noted as such)?
Additional Comments (not to impact audit results):
If all answers "Yes" or "N/A" check "Yes." If one or more "No," check
"No." Otherwise, "E/I."
When examining this area, look for specifics – e.g., if preventive maintenance is
called out, then ask the question “PM of what?”
Actions Taken

13 Action Results Yes E/I No N/A

13a "Actions Taken" column filled out with a clear description of what was done?
13b Re-rankings affected Occurrence and/or Detection (not Severity)?
13c Occurrence and/or Detection re-rankings consistent with AIAG Manual?
Additional Comments (not to impact audit results):
If all answers "Yes" or "N/A" check "Yes." If one or more "No," check
"No." Otherwise, "E/I."

Look for adherence to planned dates – and results of the implemented actions (we
did this and got a 49% improvement…)


Supplier Process FMEA: Audit Summary (based on Fourth Edition FMEA Manual)
Name of Component(s), Sub-System(s) or System(s):
Part Number(s):
Responsible Supplier:
Responsible CUSTOMER Supplier Quality Engineer:
Name of Auditor:
Date Reviewed:
Date of PFMEA audited (Later of Original or Rev. Level):

Rating Detail Result Criteria

Header: "Yes" if all answers in section 1 are
Non-Header sections (2 through 13):
Count # of sections 2-13 "No" and # "E/I."
Overall Rating (place an "X" in the appropriate box) Header "Yes" overall and no more than
three sections "E/I" overall = "Green"
Neither "Green" nor "Red" criteria met =
Six or more non-Header sections "No"
overall = "Red"


Dashboard – Spider Chart


1 1.00 7 7 1
2 1.00 6 6 13 2
3 1.00 2 2
4 1.00 2 2 12 3
5 1.00 4 4
6 1.00 4 4
7 1.00 3 3 11 4
8 1.00 3 3
9 1.00 3 3
10 1.00 2 2 10 5
11 1.00 3 3
12 1.00 5 5
13 1.00 3 3 9 6
8 7

In this case, a perfect audit was achieved. This is what the

spider chart would look like


Spider Chart


1 0.29 2 7 1
2 0.33 2 6 13 2
3 0.02 2
4 0.02 2 12 3
5 0.02 4
6 0.50 2 4
7 0.67 2 3 11 4
8 0.02 3
9 0.33 1 3
10 0.50 1 2 10 5
11 0.33 1 3
12 0.60 3 5
13 0.33 3 3 9 6
8 7


Before/After Training


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