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 Workplace Happiness may be defined as the experience of frequent positive affect, infrequent negative

affect and an overall sense of satisfaction with life as a whole. To win customers’ hearts, an organization
needs engaged employees who actively transmit their enthusiasm to customers. Satisfying customers is
crucial to a business—there is a great deal of evidence for a causal link between happy customers and
higher profits. And satisfying employees is a worthwhile aim in itself for many reasons. It is important to
engage employees by giving them both reasons and ways to please customers; then acknowledge and
reward appropriate behaviour. It is a very simple hypothesis: in order to have happy, satisfied and loyal
customers, organizations should have happy, satisfied and loyal employees. Southwest Airlines’
Chairman Herb Kelleher has said that he puts employees first, “because if you have happy employees,
that will lead to happy customers”. People can make a phenomenal difference if they are tapped into,
leading to a highly-committed workforce.
 There is a difference between success ,purpose and meaning. Success is what happens to you. Purpose is
what happens through you. Meaningfulness is what you give away to others.’’
It is becoming increasingly apparent that knowing and living one’s life purpose is the most crucial step forward in any individual’s path of developm

Purpose can also be much more grounded to daily life, rooted in family ties, beloved hobbies, or social
roles like being a faithful parishioner, devoted pet owner, trusted friend, loving caregiver, or nurturing
parent or grandparent. Everyone has to find his or her own path; what’s wonderful is that the therapeutic
effects are consistent regardless of one’s purpose.
 “The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honourable, to be compassionate, to have
it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.”

Being Unstoppable People living on purpose become unstoppable, particularly

the longer they live true to their purpose and the more they allow their purpose to
shape their life. At the same time, purposeful people aren't positional in their
being unstoppable
Separation of person life and work life values. Personal fulfillment and philanthropy occurs solely
through volunteerism and donations to third parties.

Employees with a greater sense of purpose in the workplace. A need to align personal values with
employers.’ Corporations are more values driven to match workers’ expectations.
 Self-Development
When you identify your interests and passions you will gain the inspiration and motivation to learn new
skills. You will desire to learn and grow into the person you were created to be. This in turn helps you to
meet the goals you set out accomplish. Identifying and pursuing your purpose is a unique self-
development tool all by itself. When you make the decision to follow your purpose you will grow and
develop as the awesome person you are.
 Focus
I am a true believer that focus is EVERYTHING! Being focused helps you to stay on task with following
your passion and living your purposeful life. In staying focused you can know exactly what you desire and
have the ability to go after and achieve it. Your goal setting and planning will be invaluable tools and help
you to focus on creating positive change in yourself and your life.
 Motivation
Motivation is the force that guides our behaviour. Knowing your purpose drives you and inspires you to
create change in your life which will provide the momentum to keep moving forward towards your goals.
Being motivated helps you to constantly monitor your progress against your goals and plans so that you
stay motivated to continue to progress. You will want to feel the success of achieving targets and goals at
each step of your journey.
 Joy
Living a purposeful life brings great joy and increases well-being. Having goals and a reason to get up in
the morning are very powerful tools and will help you feel a sense of satisfaction, encouragement and
success. All of these positive emotions will help you realize that you are the master of your destiny and
that you have the ultimate power to change your life.
 Better Health
As you improve your situation and outlook by taking positive action each day you will begin to notice
that you feel great and that your stress and anxiety levels reduce. By identifying your purpose you will
find that you want to take better care of yourself and your health so that you can continue working
towards your goals and achieving the life you ultimately desire.
It is worth remembering that you may want to plan in regular exercise, breaks, healthy meals and snacks
as well as enough sleep. That way you will ensure that you reap the maximum benefit from your new
purposeful lifestyle.
 Self-Knowledge
Living a life of purpose and passion will enable you to grow as a person. It will open doors to interests and
networks that will stretch you mentally, emotionally and, possibly even, physically. As you follow these
new paths you will discover more about yourself, your interests and needs. You will enjoy the process of
creating goals and reviewing them as you progress to creating the life you truly desire.
There are many benefits to creating and living a purpose driven life. Why not think about what you really
want from life and go for it, so that you can discover them for yourself.
 Identify your goals
 Write your goals down
 Needs Analysis
 List Benefits and obstacles
 List objectives
 Create a plan of action
 Share your goals
 Continuously act on and assess your goals and objectives
 Celebrate
 Periodically Evaluate your goal
Workplace Happiness may be defined as the experience of frequent positive affect, infrequent negative affect and an overall sense of satisfaction wit

 Happiness is a mental or emotional state of well-being defined by positive or pleasant emotions ranging
from contentment to intense joy.

 Philosophers and religious thinker often define happiness in terms of living a good life, or flourishing,
rather than simply as an emotion.

 Various research groups, including positive psychology. Are employing the scientific method to research
questions about what “happiness” is. And how it might be attained.
 Workplace Happiness may be defined as the experience of frequent positive affect, infrequent negative
affect and an overall sense of satisfaction with life as a whole. To win customers’ hearts, an organization
needs engaged employees who actively transmit their enthusiasm to customers. Satisfying customers is
crucial to a business—there is a great deal of evidence for a causal link between happy customers and
higher profits. And satisfying employees is a worthwhile aim in itself for many reasons. It is important to
engage employees by giving them both reasons and ways to please customers; then acknowledge and
reward appropriate behaviour. It is a very simple hypothesis: in order to have happy, satisfied and loyal
customers, organizations should have happy, satisfied and loyal employees. Southwest Airlines’
Chairman Herb Kelleher has said that he puts employees first, “because if you have happy employees,
that will lead to happy customers”. People can make a phenomenal difference if they are tapped into,
leading to a highly-committed workforce.
 H- Healthy mind and Body.
 A-Amicable relationship.
 P- Purposeful life.
 P-Pursuit of excellence.
 I- Inter role harmony.
 N- Needful prosperity.
 E- Effort management.
 S- Stress management.
 S-Strategies.
 Productivity, energy, engagement and morale – fitness improves employee population energy,
attitude, focus, presentism, engagement and productivity.
 Business and job performance – job performance improves by 25% if employees eat healthy and by
15% if they exercise at least 30 minutes 3 times a week.
 Self-confidence – personal fitness leads to improved self-confidence
 Leadership – confident employees are more willing to take on leadership roles.
 Goal achievement and sense of accomplishment – improved productivity, energy, attitude, and self-
confidence results in higher likelihood of goal achievement.
 Team building opportunities and cooperation – the greater number of fit employees in the company
increases the likelihood of team building opportunities in work team projects.
 Fun – employees who participate in wellness activities at work and in the community, like charity races
and competitions, have fun.
 Happiness– healthy employees are happier.
 Community sense – building teams is not limited to the workplace. Community charity runs and softball
leagues bring healthy cooperation and competition to the community.

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