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Clinical Manifestation

Clinical symptoms of Tonsillitis are:
1) Difficult to swallow. In research
on the pharyngitis epidemiology aspect of 63 sufferers of Tonsillitis
Chronic, as many as 41.3% of them complained about swallowing as a complaint
main (Timbo, 1998).
2) Bad breath (halitosis) caused by pus on the kripta
tonsils. In a 2007 study in Sao Paulo Brazil, the main complaint
Halitosis or bad breath in people with Chronic Tonsillitis is found to be present in 27%
sufferer (Dalrio, 2007).
3) Difficult to swallow and nasal at night (when tonsils
enlarged and obstructed the airway) (Dhingra, 2008; Shnayder, 2008).
4) Enlarged lymph nodes in the neck.
5) White grains on tonsils (Brodsky, 2006).
Signs and Symptoms of pharyngitis
The signs and symptoms of pharyngitis depend on the infecting microorganisms. Broadly speaking pharyngitis
shows common signs and symptoms such as weakness, anorexia, fever, hoarseness, stiffness and neck muscle
Typical symptoms by type, namely:
a. Viral faringitis (usually by rhinovirus): begins with symptoms of rhinitis and a few days later, pharyngitis
develops. Another symptom of fever is accompanied by rhinorrhea and nausea.
b. Bacterial pharyngitis: severe headache, vomiting, sometimes with a high temperature fever, rarely with
c. Fungalitis fungal: especially sore throat and swallowing pain.
d. Chronic hyperplastic pharyngitis: first dry throat, itching and finally coughing up phlegm.
e. Pharyngitis atrophy: generally dry and thick throat and mouth smelling.
f. Pharyngitis tuberculosis: severe pain in the pharynx and does not respond to non-specific bacterial
g. If suspected pharyngitis gonorrhea or pharyngitis luetika, asked history of sexual relations (Ministry of Health
of the Republic of Indonesia, 2014).
Clinical manifestations of community pneumonia are divided into two, namely symptoms
and signs caused by typical community pneumonia, and by atypical pneumonia. Here are
the characteristics of symptoms and clinical signs in typical pneumonia.23,25
• Acute Onset
• High Temperature, shivering
• Productive cough
• Frequent chest pain
• Purulent Sputum
• Pulmonary physical examination There is a sign of pulmonary consolidation (wet
rhizomes, bronchial breath sounds, pneumococcal percussion)
• Other Symptoms Rarely
• More extrapulmonary symptoms
• Liver function impairment Rarely
Clinical symptoms of diphtheria disease are:
1. Heat of more than 38 ° C
2. There can be psedomembrane in pharynx, larynx or tonsils
3. Sick of swallowing time
4. Neck swell like a cow's neck (bullneck), caused because
swollen neck gland
Not all of these clinical symptoms are obvious, so every child is hot
sick swallow time should be checked pharynx and tonsils are there
psedomembrane. If the tonsils appear white membrane to gray
surrounding it, although not typical apparently, should be taken stock (specimen)
in the form of a throat swab for laboratory examination.
Symptoms begin with mild sore throat and swallowing pain. In children no
rarely followed by fever, nausea, vomiting, chills and headaches. Swollen lymph nodes in the neck often occur.

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