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Does telemedicine provide benefits for emergency medical services?

A review of evidence for hypoglycaemic conditions in diabetes mellitus

Roxana Flavia Ilies, Andreea Catana
Department of Medical Genetics, Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj Napoca


Common Preventable
Hypothesis: can we use current technology to aid in
Hypoglycaemia in
hypoglycaemic crises?
Diabetic pts ?Decrease admission in emergency departments
?Prevent severe episodes
?Improve patient quality of life

What we did:
PubMed PMC search “telemedicine” AND “emergency” AND “hypoglycemia”
133 articles, 12 of which met inclusion criteria
Included any article(review or original research) which reported on emergency outcomes of
telemedicine use
Exclusion criteria : articles dealing with gestational diabetes or long term follow-up, articles in
languages other than English and broken links.

In lieu of conclusion
Missing links in bringing
telemedicine to patients
Aids in • Connection from site of
and emergency services:
responding emergency to MD
to • Pilot studies, no data on
emergencies feasibility •Optimisation and extensive
testing of existing systems and
•Technical demands(in today’s
Two types of situation, they are mostly met,
intervention as smartphone-type devices
are sufficient for this purpose)
Lessening • Alert and detection systems •Acknowledgement from
notifying patient of
occurrence imminent hypoglycaemia institutions, support and
emergency • Proven to lessen severe inclusion in protocols
events and promote patient
situations wellbeing

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