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 Definition:
 Any treatment of the environment air within a building is
  is any process that reduces air temperature.
 3   @ @  is produced by a mechanical
refrigeration cycle.
 J amples:
   : fan that circulates air, filtering air,
heating, cooling, humidifying, dehumidifying
 : fan blowing, coolers, swamp coolers, open
 3   @ @ : vapor compression, absorption cycles
asic Refrigeration Cycle




 Dry Bulb Temperature
 measure of the rate of movement of air molecules
 measures the sensible heat of air
 conventional thermometer is used
 as air molecules move faster
 more energy
 more sensible heat
 no common comfortable dry-bulb temperature 65-72 degrees F?
 ºet Bulb Temperature
 measure of the total content of the air (sensible plus latent heat).
 measured with a conventional mercury-in-glass thermometer is
covered with a piece of cloth that is saturated with water and the
thermometer is e posed to air.
ÿow ÿot or Cold?
 Factor Ôemperature
 Warm Cold
 Age Older Cooler
 Se Female Male
 Activity Sitting Working
 Clothing Light ÿeavy
 Diet Low Calorie ÿigh Calorie
ÿeat Load Factors

 introducing new heat sources to the

building without making appropriate
reductions in the buildings heat load will
strain the capacity of the system.
 reducing the heat load reduces energy
operating costs and equipment operating
time, which reduces system maintenance
and repair and increases equipment life.
Transmission and Residual ÿeat
 Depends on
 interior and e terior temperatures
 heat transmission coefficient
 surface areas e posed to the different temperatures
 ÿeat transmission coefficient
 based on the insulation of the walls and roof (U-value)
 Insulation thickness
 If cooling season is longer than the heating season, and
 summer temperature differences are greater than or equal to
winter heating temperature differences,
 optimal is based on summer conditions.
 If an air-cooling system is constantly on, the residual
load has little effect on the cooling requirements.
-olar ÿeat Load

 produced by direct and indirect solar

heating of the building
 desirable during the heating season
 undesirable during the cooling season
 glass surfaces provide instantaneous heat
 non-glass surfaces can either reflect or
absorb solar energy (J-value)
ccupant ÿeat Load

 Managers must take into consideration:

Number of customers
Number of employees
Activity level
·nfiltration ÿeat Load

 movement of air
through window and door frames
from the outside to the inside of the building
 through open doors and windows
|ppliance ÿeat Load

 heat generated by operating appliances

 can be reduced by:
limiting appliance operating hours
smarter appliance choices
using more efficient lighting systems
reducing light intensity
½entilation ÿeat Load

 ÿeat removed from air as it is cooled

 Ventilation air can be:
fresh air
re-circulated air
or a mi ture of the two
 Cool air is allowed to circulate throughout
the building by a ventilation system
|ir cooling systems
 evaporative cooler
very common system used in hospitality operations
very economical
 requires only two energy sources:
‡ electricity to operate a fan
‡ water
total cooling energy required generally much less
also filters air
only work in dry climates
be careful of harmful humidity
works in kitchens
Refrigerated-|ir Cooling -ystems
 Jnsures:
 Dehumidified air will be available throughout the cooling season
 Air moisture:
 condenses from air when it strikes a cold surface
 releases its latent heat of evaporation.
 Moist air has a high dew point.
 Ôhe cold condensing surface (evaporator) must be below the dew-point
 dehumidifies the air
 Depending on:
 Jnergy and initial cost preferences
 the manager generally has two choices:
‡ ½apor compression
‡ |bsorption cooling
Ôypes and Ôerms

 Direct expansion
cools ventilation air directly at the evaporator
can be used for most cooling requirements
 Chilled water
common for medium or larger sized buildings
uses basic water vapor system
used to produce chilled water.
|bsorption Cooling -ystems

‡ ÿistorically
‡ Used lithium bromide absorption refrigeration
‡ primarily used in large buildings
‡ now being used in smaller buildings i.e. hotels
with less than 100 guestrooms.

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