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• Shielded metal arc welding menggunakan panas dari busur listrik dengan
pelindung elektroda logam.
• Perlindungan terjadi dari dekomposisi (proses perubahan menjadi bentuk yang
lebih sederhana) pada lapisan flux elektroda
• Logam pengisi atau Filler metal dibuat untuk perlindungan inti kawat elektroda.
• Proses pengelasan dilakukan secara manual. Perlengkapan yang diperlukan
pada umumnya yaitu sumber tenaga, kabel elektroda, work cable, pemegang
elektroda, work clamp, dan elektroda.
• Pengoperasian SMAW bisa dengan AC (alternating current), DCEP (reverse
polarity), atau DCEN (straight polarity).
1. AC yaitu arus bolak-balik (Pembahasan di slide selanjutnya)
2. (DCEP) Direct-current electrode positive yaitu elektroda berarus positif dan
tempat kerja berarus negatif (Pembahasan di slide selanjutnya)
3. (DCEN) Direct-current electrode negative yaitu elektroda berarus negatif dan
tempat kerja berarus positif (Pembahasan di slide selanjutnya)
• SMAW merupakan jenis pengelasan yang sering digunakan karena murah,
fleksibel, portabilitas, dan dapat digunakan dalam banyak aplikasi.
• Proses SMAW sangat fleksibel dalam hal ketebalan logam yang dilas
dengan beragam posisi.
• Logam dengan ketebalan 2 mm hingga lebih dapat dilas dengan mesin
yang sama dan pengaturan (setting) yang berbeda.
• Proses yang fleksibel membuat logam pada ketebalan tertentu dapat dilas
di posisi manapun.
• SMAW merupakan proses yang bersifat portabel yang artinya dapat
dibawa kemana-mana dan mudah untuk dipindah ke tempat lain. Hal ini
sangat mempermudah welder dalam pengerjaan las.
• Dapat digunakan dalam banyak aplikasi karena SMAW berguna untuk
menyambungkan logam atau paduan secara umum termasuk besi cor,
aluminium, baja tahan karat, nikel, dan lain-lain.
• A shielded metal arc weld is strengthened by adding alloying elements to
the electrode covering.
• Jenis elektroda di tutup dengan menambahkan elemen paduan ke
• Unfortunately, some ingredients and the binder in the covering can attract
and hold moisture (a source of hydrogen), which can cause cracking in
certain metals.
• Beberapa bahan dan pengikat pada pelindung elektroda bersifat menarik
dan menahan kelembaban, yang menyebabkan keretakan pada beberapa
• Dari permasalahan diatas, kebanyakan elektroda diformulasikan spesifik
untuk menghasilkan las deposit yang memiliki tingkat hidrogen rendah
• Electrodes that are classified as low hydrogen have identification numbers
ending with 5, 6, or 8.
The electrode identification for SMAW electrodes is shown below:

Electrode Holding Oven Issue

125C - 150C 4 Hours  4 Hours


Baking Oven
C. Steel Low Alloy
260C - 430C 370C - 430C
2 Hours 1 Hours

Elektroda stick hidrogen rendah harus kering agar berfungsi dengan benar. Pelapis elektroda stick
hidrogen rendah yang telah menyerap uap air sehingga menyebabkan retak.


4 Humidity (%)
Fungsi lapisan elektroda sebagai berikut:

1. Stabilisasi busur (yang menentukan kegunaan elektroda pada AC, DCEP,

atau DCEN).
2. Pelindung gas untuk genangan las ketika beberapa lapisan rusak.
3. Slagging terkandung dalam lapisan yang menghilangkan kotoran dari
permukaan pekerjaan dan mengelas genangan air.
4. Deoxidizers, terkandung dalam lapisan yang mengurangi kecenderungan
porositas dalam lasan.
5. Selimut isolasi yang dibentuk oleh terak yang melindungi logam las
pendingin dari atmosfer.
6. Elemen paduan terkandung dalam lapisan yang memperkuat logam las.
7. Deposisi logam las meningkat, ketika serbuk besi dimasukkan ke dalam

1. Low initial investment cost

2. Simple and operationally reliable
3. Low cost filler materials
4. Wide range of filler materials
5. Same equipment for all materials
6. Spans a large thickness range
7. All welding positions

1. Slow (changing electrodes)

2. A layer of solidified slag must be removed
3. Low-hydrogen electrodes require special storage
4. Low deposition efficiency
As a Rule of Thumb for SMAW

electrode diameter

The welding current is an

electric current.
An electric current is the flow
of electrons.
Electrons flow through a
conductor from negative (-) to
positive (+).

Resistance to the flow of electrons (electricity) produces heat.

The greater the resistance, the greater the heat.
Air has a high resistance to current flow. As the electrons jump the air gap
between the end of the electrode and the work, a great deal of heat is produced.
Electrons flowing across an air gap produce an arc.

Voltage, or volts (V), is the

measurement of electrical
Voltage controls the maximum gap
the electrons can jump to form the

Amperage, or amps (A), is the measurement of the total number of

electrons flowing.
Amperage controls the size of the arc.
Wattage is a measurement of the amount of power in the arc.
The amount of power, watts, being put into a weld per cm controls the width and
depth of the weld bead.
The temperature of a welding arc
exceeds 6000OC.
The exact temperature depends on the
resistance to the current flow. The
resistance is affected by the arc length
and the chemical composition of the
gases formed as the electrode covering
burns and vaporizes.
As the arc lengthens, the resistance
increases, thus causing a rise in the arc

The shorter the arc, the lower the arc temperature produced.
Most shielded metal arc welding electrodes have chemicals added to their
coverings to stabilize the arc. These arc stabilizers reduce the arc resistance,
making it easier to hold an arc. By lowering the resistance, the arc stabilizers also
lower the arc temperature. Other chemicals within the gaseous cloud around the
arc may raise or lower the resistance.
The amount of heat produced is
determined by the size of the
electrode and the amperage
Not all of the heat produced by an
arc reaches the weld. Some of the
heat is radiated away.
Heat also is lost through conduction
in the work.

In total, about 50% of all heat produced by an arc is missing from the weld.
The 50% of the remaining heat the arc produced is not distributed evenly
between both ends of the arc.
This distribution depends on the composition and polarity of the electrode's

When considering heating effects, it is usual to express the amount of heat

energy in joules. In arc welding it is difficult to measure heat input directly in
joules, but we can deduce it from the power input.

Power is the rate at which energy is converted from one form into another.

When dealing with a welding arc, almost all the electrical energy is converted to
heat - only a small proportion is used in the generation of the bright light and
ultra violet radiation given off by the arc.

For example, with an MMA electrode operating at 150 A, 25 V,

power input = 25 V x 150 A = 3750 watts = 3.75 Kw = 3.75 kJ/s

This applies to both D.C and A.C welding.

If the arc was kept stationary this would be the heat input to the weld at one
point, but in practice the welder moves along the joint line. The heat is therefore
distributed, and the input at any given point depends on the travel speed.

Knowing the energy being supplied to the arc and the travel speed, it is possible
to calculate the heat input and to express it as the amount of heat per unit
length of weld run (i.e. in joules/mm).

In general terms:

The three different types of current used for welding:

1. Alternating current (AC)
2. Direct-current electrode negative (DCEN)
Direct-current straight polarity (DCSP)
3. Direct-current electrode positive (DCEP)
Direct-current reverse polarity (DCRP)

Each welding current has a different effect on the weld.

Direct-current electrode negative (DCEN)
Direct-current straight polarity (DCSP)

In direct-current electrode negative, the electrode is negative, and the

work is positive.
DCEN welding current produces a high electrode melting rate.
Direct-current electrode positive (DCEP)
Direct-current reverse polarity (DCRP)

In direct-current electrode positive, the electrode is positive, and the

work is negative.
DCEP current produces the best welding arc characteristics.
Alternating current (AC)

In alternating current, the electrons change direction every 1/120 of a second

so that the electrode and work alternate from anode to cathode.
The rapid reversal of the current flow causes the welding heat to be evenly
distributed on both the work and the electrode; that is, half on the work
and half on the electrode.
The even heating gives the weld bead a balance between penetration and
Constant Current (CC) – a constant current machine varies its output voltage
to maintain a steady current

Constant Voltage (CV) - a constant voltage machine will fluctuate its output
current to maintain a set voltage

Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) will use a constant current source and Gas
Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) and Flux-Cored Arc Welding (FCAW) typically use
constant voltage sources

The nature of the CV machine is required by GMAW and FCAW because the
welder is not able to control the arc length manually.

If a welder attempted to use a CV machine to weld with SMAW the small

fluctuations in the arc distance would cause wide fluctuations in the machine's
output current.

With a CC machine the welder can count on a fixed number of amps reaching
the material to be welded regardless of the arc distance but too much distance
will cause poor welding.
Open circuit voltage is the voltage at the electrode before striking an arc
(with no current being drawn).
This voltage is usually between 50 V and 80 V (manual machine), or 100 V
(automatic or semi-automatic machines).
The higher the open circuit voltage, the easier it is to strike an arc.
The higher voltage also increases the chance of electrical shock.


Operating voltage, or closed circuit voltage, is the voltage at the arc during
This voltage will vary with arc length, type of electrode being used, type of
current, and polarity.
The voltage will be between 17 V and 40 V.
60 0

0 250

25 150

V = 25 V = 35 V = 25

When electrons flow they create lines of magnetic

force that circle around the line of flow (3-10)
Lines of magnetic force are referred to as magnetic
flux lines.

The force that they place on the wire is usually small.

However, when welding with very high amperages, 600 amperes or more, the
force may cause the wire to move.
A flowing current or residual magnetic field in a plate being welded will result in
uneven flux lines.
These uneven flux lines can, in turn, cause an arc to move during a weld.
This movement of the arc is called arc blow.
Arc blow makes the arc drift like a string would drift in wind.
Arc blow is more noticeable in corners, at the ends of plates, and when the work
lead is connected to only one side of a plate.

To control arc blow, the work lead is connected to the end of the weld joint, and
weld should be made in the opposite direction, or two leads must be used, one
on each side of the weld.
The best way to eliminate arc blow is to use alternating current.
AC usually does not allow the flux lines to build.
A welding transformer uses the alternating current (AC) supplied to the welding
shop at high voltage to produce the low voltage welding power.
By using solid state electronic parts the incoming power in a inverter welder is
changed from 60 cycles a second to several thousand cycles a second (ACHF).
This higher frequency allows the use of a transformer that may be as light as 70
pounds and still do the work of a standard transformer weighing 100 pounds.

Additional electronic parts remove the high

frequency for the output welding power.
The use of electronics in the inverter type
welder allows it to produce any desired type of
welding power.
Before the invention of this machine, each type
of welding required a separate machine.
Now a single welding machine can produce the
specific type of current needed.
Generator & Alternator
Generators and alternators both produce welding electricity from a mechanical
power source.
In an alternator, magnetic lines of force rotate inside a coil of wire. An
alternator can produce AC only.
In a generator, a coil of wire rotates inside a magnetic force. A generator can
produce AC or DC.
It is possible for alternators and generators to both use diodes to change the
AC to DC welding.

Alternating welding current can be converted to direct current by using a series

of rectifiers.
A rectifier allows current to flow in one direction only.
Pemilihan Power Source

* Jenis Arus Las

* Rentangan Ampere
* Posisi Pengelasan
* Sumber Tenaga Listrik ( PLN )
Keuntungan Mesin Las DC

* Arus listrik lebih Stabil

* Polarity dapat diubah
* Bisa digunakan amper rendah
* Variasi electrode lebih banyak
Kerugian Mesin Las DC

* Harga dan perawatan mahal

* Arc blow
* Ampere drop bila kabel panjang
Keuntungan Mesin Las AC

* Arus listrik tidak terpengaruh

panjang kabel
* Tidak ada Arc Blow
* Murah
* OCV kecil
Kerugian Mesin Las AC

* Tidak bisa digunakan ampere kecil

* Polarity tidak dapat diubah
* Mengganggu tegangan jaringan
waktu pemakaian

Welding machines produce internal heat at the same time they produce the
welding current.
Except for automatic welding machines, welders are rarely used every minute
for long periods of time.
The welder must take time to change electrodes, change positions, or change
parts. Shielded metal arc welding never continues for long periods of time.

The duty cycle is the percentage of time a welding machine can be used
A 60% duty cycle means that out of every ten minutes, the machine
can be used for six minutes at the maximum rated current.
When providing power at this level, it must be cooled off for four minutes out
of every ten minutes.
The duty cycle increases as the amperage is lowered and decreases for
higher amperages.
Most welding machines weld at a 60% rate or less.
Therefore, most manufacturers list the amperage rating for a 60% duty cycle
on the nameplate that is attached to the machine.
Other duty cycles are given on a graph in the owner's manual.

The following formula is for estimating the duty cycle at other than rated
output and for estimating other than rated output current at a specified duty
 Duty Cycle on Machine

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