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Q1. A family is having several children. Each boy in this has as many sisters as
brothers but each girl has twice as many brothers as sisters. How many
brothers and sisters are in family?
Q2. 12 members were present at a board meeting. Each member shook hands with
all of the other members before & after the meeting. How many handshakes
were there?
Q3. In a family, the members are Tushar, Alka, Bawa, Radha, Japesh
1. Tushar is Alka’s son,
2. Alka and Bawa are sisters,
3. Radha is Bawa’s mother.
4. Japesh is the son of Radha.
What is the relationship between Radha and Tushar?
Q4. Six students Richa , Manpreet , Sona , Pankaj , Anamika , Ankita are sitting in a
examination hall . Richa is between Manpreet and Sona . Manpreet is sitting
next to Pankaj . Pankaj is sitting next to Anamika . Anamika is sitting extreme
left to and Ankita is sitting next to Sona . Then who is adjacent to Manpreet?
Q5. Richa and Meera were walking on the road of a park. Richa said, “I weigh 47
Kgs. How much do you weigh?” Meera replied that she wouldn’t reveal her
weight directly as she is overweight. But she said, “I weigh 26 Kgs plus half of
my weight.” How much does Meera
Q1. A family is having several children.
Each boy in this has as many sisters as
brothers but each girl has twice as
many brothers as sisters. How many
brothers and sisters are in family?
Q2. 12 members were present at a board
meeting. Each member shook hands
with all of the other members before &
after the meeting. How many
handshakes were there?
Q3. In a family, the members are Tushar,
Alka, Bawa, Radha, Japesh
1. Tushar is Alka’s son,
2. Alka and Bawa are sisters,
3. Radha is Bawa’s mother.
4. Japesh is the son of Radha.
What is the relationship between
Radha and Tushar?
Q4. Six students Richa , Manpreet , Sona ,
Pankaj , Anamika , Ankita are sitting
in a examination hall . Richa is
between Manpreet and Sona .
Manpreet is sitting next to Pankaj .
Pankaj is sitting next to Anamika .
Anamika is sitting extreme left to and
Ankita is sitting next to Sona . Then who
is adjacent to Manpreet?
Q5. Richa and Meera were walking on the
road of a park. Richa said, “I weigh 47
Kgs. How much do you weigh?” Meera
replied that she wouldn’t reveal her
weight directly as she is overweight.
But she said, “I weigh 26 Kgs plus half
of my weight.” How much does Meera
1. A family is having several children. Each boy in this has
as many sisters as brothers but each girl has twice as
many brothers as sisters. How many brothers and
sisters are in family?
A: 4 boys and 3 girls
2. 12 members were present at a board meeting. Each
member shook hands with all of the other members
before & after the meeting. How many handshakes were
A: Think of it this way: the first person shakes hands with 11
people, the second person also shakes hands with 11
people, but you only count 10, because the hand shake with
the first person was already counted. Then add 9 for the
third person, 8 for the fourth, & so on. 66 handshakes took
place before & 66 after the meeting, for a total of 132.
3. In a family, the members are Tushar, Alka, Bawa, Radha,
1. Tushar is Alka’s son,
2. Alka and Bawa are sisters,
3. Radha is Bawa’s mother.
4. Japesh is the son of Radha.
What is the relationship between Radha and Tushar?
A: From 2 and 3 we can say that Radha is the mother of Bawa
and Alka. Since from 4 we can say that Japesh is brother of
Bawa and Alka. Tushar is Alka’s son so the relation in
between Tushar and Radha is that Radha is the
grandmother of Tushar from the mother’s side .
4. Six students Richa , Manpreet , Sona , Pankaj , Anamika ,
Ankita are sitting in a examination hall . Richa is
between Manpreet and Sona . Manpreet is sitting next to
Pankaj . Pankaj is sitting next to Anamika . Anamika is
sitting extreme left to and Ankita is sitting next to Sona .
Then who is adjacent to Manpreet?
A: The sitting arrangement is Anamika , Pankaj , Manpreet ,
Richa, Sona , Ankita .So Richa and Pankaj sit adjacent to
5. Richa and Meera were walking on the road of a park.
Richa said, “I weigh 47 Kgs. How much do you weigh?”
Meera replied that she wouldn’t reveal her weight
directly as she is overweight. But she said, “I weigh 26
Kgs plus half of my weight.” How much does Meera
A: It is given that Meera weighs 26 Kgs plus half of her own
weight. It means that 26 Kgs is the other half. So she
weighs 52 Kgs. Solving mathematically, let’s assume that
her weight is W Kgs. W = 26 + W/2 2xW = 52 + W W = 52
• Q6. The present age of Gurbir Singh is 3 years more than
three times the age of his son. Three years hence,
Gurbir’s age will be 10 years more than twice the age of
the son. Find the present age of Gurbir Singh.
• Q7. Five newly extracted diamonds were weighed by a
diamond mine worker. In his report card he pointed out
that diamond A is lighter than diamond B. Diamond C is
lighter than diamond D. Diamond B is lighter than
diamond D but heavier than diamond E. Which diamond
is the heaviest among all of them at the time of
• Q8. Which number in the series does not fit in the
given series: 1 4 3 16 6 36 7 64 9 100
6. The present age of Gurbir Singh is 3 years more than
three times the age of his son. Three years hence,
Gurbir’s age will be 10 years more than twice the age of
the son. Find the present age of Gurbir Singh.
A: Let the son’s present age be x years. Then, father’s present
age = (3x + 3) years. Therefore (3x + 3 + 3) = 2 (x + 3) + 10
3x + 6 = 2x + 16 ‹=› x = 10 Hence, father’s present age = (3x
+ 3) = (3 x 10 + 3) years = 33 years.
7. Five newly extracted diamonds were weighed by a
diamond mine worker. In his report card he pointed out
that diamond A is lighter than diamond B. Diamond C is
lighter than diamond D. Diamond B is lighter than
diamond D but heavier than diamond E. Which diamond is
the heaviest among all of them at the time of extraction?
A: Given information can be summarised as follows A < B C < D
E < B < D From these, D is heavier than B, C and thus heavier
than A and E also. Thus diamond D is the heaviest among all
of them at the time of extraction.
8. Which number in the series does not fit in the given
series: 1 4 3 16 6 36 7 64 9 100
A: 6

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