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Sri Wahyuni 115 016 078

Tresya 115 016 079

Tri Monika 115 016 080

Definition of water
Water is one of the most important needs for survival life of humans and other living things,
without water there will be no life in this earth. While, what is meant by clean water is water used for
daily needs and will become drinking water after cooking first. According to WHO calculations, in
developed countries each person needs water between 60-120 liters of a day. While in developing
countries including Indonesia, each person needs 30-60 liters of water per day. Among the most
important uses of water is the need to drink so, for drinking water needs must have special
requirements so that the water does not cause disease for humans. As a limitation, clean water is
water that meets the requirements for drinking water supply system. The requirements referred to are
requirements in terms of quality physical, chemical, biological, and radiological so that if not consumed
cause side effects
Clean water source :
1. Springs
2. shallow wells
3. deep wells
4. River
5. Lake and reservoir
6. Rainfall
7. surface water
8. Ground water
conditions for clean water supply ,include :
1.Biological requirements
Biological requirements mean that clean water does not contain
microorganisms which instead infiltrate the human body. These
microorganisms can be divided into four groups, namely parasites, bacteria,
viruses, and germs. Of the four types of microorganisms that generally become
water quality parameters are bacteria such as Escherichia coli.

2.Physical requirements
Physical requirements for clean water consist of physical conditions of
water in general, namely the degree of acidity, temperature, clarity, color,
smell. This physical aspect is in addition important for direct health aspects
related to physical quality such as temperature and acidity but it is also
important to be an indirect indicator of biological and chemical requirements,
such as water and odor colors
According to Soemirat (2002), specifically, the effect of water on health can be
direct or indirect.
1. Indirect influence is the effect that arises as a result of the utilization of
water which can increase or decrease the welfare of the community. For
example, water that is used for electricity generation, for industry, for
irrigation, fisheries, agriculture, and recreation can improve people's
welfare. Conversely water contamination can reduce people's welfare.
2. Drinking water or consumption water can cause diseases such as: Water in
the human body, ranging from 50-70% of all body weight. Water is found
throughout the body, in the bones there is as much as 22% of bone weight,
in the blood and kidneys by 83%. Losing water for 15% of body weight can
result in death. Therefore adults need to drink a minimum of 1.5 to 2 liters
of water a day. This water shortage causes the number of kidney stones
and bladder diseases in the tropics such as Indonesia, due to crystallization
of elements - elements in body fluids. (Soemirat, 2002)
3.Chemical requirements
Chemical requirements are important because there are so many
chemical substances in water that give health effects because they are not in
accordance with the body's biochemical processes. Chemicals such as
nitrates, arsenic, and various heavy metals, especially mercury, lead, and
cadmium can be disruptive to body turned into poison.

4. Radioactive requirements
Radioactive requirements are often also included as part of physical
requirements, but are often separated because the type of inspection is very
different, and in certain areas it becomes very serious as around a nuclear

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