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The Revised SBM

Assessment Process
Ma. Lourdes J. Patag
Purpose of the Assessment

 Conducted by the school to determine

the depth of its SBM Practice alongside
the principle of ACCESs,

 To determine the profile of the school, to

which needs assistance and which needs
recognition for best practices and for
benchmarking by other schools.
Basic Step in the Assessment
 Step 1: Organize a team of at least ten members composed of
faculty members, students and other external stakeholders. One
shall be elected as team leader, and the other as team secretary
and the rest shall obtain and validate the evidence.

 Step 2: Let team members select area (principle) they want to

assess. There should be at least 2 in each team.

 Step 3: In the pre assessment decide whether to use the WHOLE or

PART method.

 Step 4: In assessment proper ( if visit is done by the external

team) Proper courtesies must be accorded to the school head in
planning the assessment process.
 Step 5: Conduct process validation, the purpose is to
gather process evidence to validate documented
evidences using observation of classes and activities.
Follow D-O-D process ( Document analysis, Observation,
and Discussion).

 Step 6: Discussion of Documents and process evidence.

Summarize data for each Principle/Indicator. Clarify
issues, problems, opportunities, etc. Team scores the

 Step 7. Closure and exit conference / meeting.

 Step 8. Report writing by team.

The Validation Procedure (DOD)

The SBM Assessment Tool USES evidences to

determine a School’s level of practice. DOD is a
means of evaluating the validity or truthfulness of
the evidences.
3 essential steps in evaluating the validity of the
evidence of an SBM practice.

1. Conduct Document analysis - obtain and assemble existing artifacts

related to the indicator being assessed following RACS criteria.
 RELEVANCE – The evidence must be appropriate to the indicator
being assessed. It is appropriate if the artifact or document is a
tool or a product of a practice expressed in the indicator.
 ACCURACY – The evidence must be correct. It it is a lesson plan,
then both content and procedure must be correct.
 CURRENCY – The evidence must be present, existing or actual.
 CONSISTENCY – The evidence must be verifiable and generates
the same results from most of the sources.
 SUFFICIENCY - The evidence must be adequate or enough. If a
learning portfolio is presented as evidence of self-directed
learning, its presence in only two or three classes is not an
adequate evidence of school-wide implementation.
2. Conduct observation to obtain process evidence

• Documentary evidence may show the school’s focus on

learner-centered learning like cooperative, interactive,
problem solving and decision making. There is a need to
obtain process evidence to know if these are being
• Process evidence is obtain by scrutinizing instructional
leadership, and management styles, methods,
techniques, approaches and activities used by the
community to achieve the SBM goal. Evidence is
scrutinizes for validity using RACS criteria
• Determining the number of observations, interviews, and
documents to be scrutinized is a sampling problem in
conducting DOD. The technique is descrived in the
attachment of the SBM Assessment Tool.
• Use the process evidence to cross-validate documentary
evidence, synthesize the process evidence fro group
3 Discuss the synthesized documentary and
process evidence.

• Conduct the discussion as a friendly non-confrontational

conversation to explain, verify, clarify, and augment the
• As the team arrives at a consensus on the level of practice of
the indicator being assessed, indicate in the scale with a check
mark (/) in the appropriate box. Continue to process until all
four dimensions are assessed.
• Practices vary in establishing the level of practice of an
indicator. The most common is the integrative approach in which
the entire body of evidences for all indicators of a standard is
assembled first, scrutinized for internal consistency, and finally
used as guide in making a consensual decision to which level of
practice an indicator belong.
• A School assessment Committee conducts the DOD if
assessment is school initiated.
What operational principles guide the
DOD process

• Collaboration – The assessor work as a team. Leadership is

shared. Decisions are made by consensus and every member is
accountable for the performance of the team.
• Transparency – The validation of evidence is open to
stakeholders’ view and review.
• Confidentiality – information obtained from DOD process that
may prejudice individuals, groups or the school is handled
• Validity – Documentary analyses and observations are rigorous
in procedure and demanding in quality of result
• Reform-oriented - DOD comes up with informed
recommendations and action programs that continuously move
the school to higher level of practice
• Principle oriented – DOD is guided by the A
(Version 1. as of August 5, 2012
Leadership and Governance

 A network of leadership and governance guides

the education system to achieve its shared
vision, mission and goals making responsive
and relevant to the context of diverse
A. Indicator
1. In place is a I MOVs
Development Plan
(e.g. SIP) developed The development plan * Approved/Accepted
collaboratively by the guided by the SIP/Development plan
stakeholders of the schools’s vision, with the following
school and community. mission and goal(VMG) documents: Letter of
is developed through Invitation of the
Notes: All suggested the leadership of the school to some
MOVs or artifacts school and the community
herein indicated can participation of some stakeholders re:
encompass other invited community formulation of
components and stakeholder. SIP/Dev’t Plan,
thereby considered as * Activity Completion
proof of performance Report (ACR) with
achievement for pictorials Or Any
schools. other documents
proving that SIP was
developed through the
leadership of the
school and such was

The development Approved/Accepted

plan is evolved SIP/Dev’t Plan with
through the shared the following
leadership of the documents:
school and the • MOA/MOU by the
community school and
stakeholders. community
stakeholders (as
parties) re:
formulation of
SIP/Dev’t Plan,
• Program of
activities and
minutes of workshop
or ACR (with
Or Any other
documents proving
that SIP/Dev’t Plan
was developed

The development Approved /Accepted

plan is enhanced SIP & Enhanced
with the community Dev’t Plan with the
Performing the following documents:
leadership roles, and • Invitation of the
the school providing stakeholders to other
technical support stakeholders and the
school for the
enhancement of the
SIP/Dev’t Plan,
• Program of
activities, minutes of
workshop & ACR
(with pictorials)
Any other document
proving that there
was enhancement of
SIP/Dev’t Plan &
such activity was led
by the community &
technical assistance
was provided by the
2. The I MOVs
plan (e.g. SIP) is The school leads Improved /Adjusted
regularly the regular review SIP/Dev’t Plan with
reviewed by the and improvement the following
school of the documents:
community to development plan • Letter of invitation
keep it up of the school to the
responsive and stakeholders re:
relevant to Review &
emerging needs, Improvement of the
challenges and Dev’t Plan with ACR
opportunities. (with pictorials) or Any
other documents
proving that the Dev’t
Plan was reviewed and
improved through the
leadership of the

The school and Improved /Adjusted

community SIP/Dev’t Plan with the
stakeholders working following:
as full partners, lead • MOA/MOU by the
the continual review school & the community
and improvement of stakeholders (as parties)
the development plan. re: Partnering for
continual review &
improvement of the Dev’t
• ACR (with pictorials)
Any other documents
proving that the school
and the community
stakeholders worked as
full partners which led to
the continual review &
improvement of the Dev’t

The community Improved /Adjusted

stakeholder lead the SIP/Dev’t Plan with
regular review and the following:
improvement • Invitation of
process; the school community
stakeholder facilitate stakeholders re:
the process. regular review &
improvement of the
Dev’t Plan
• ACR (with
Any other document
proving that the
stakeholders led to
the regular review &
process & the school
facilitated the
3. The school is I MOVs * Orientation
organized by a clear on roles &
structure and work The school defines *School developed responsibilitie
arrangement that the organizational Organizational Structures s of
promote shared structure, and the with TORs/ identified roles stakeholders
leadership and roles and and responsibilities of *Attendance
governance and responsibilities of school stakeholders, *Records of
define the roles and stakeholder School Memo, letter of Simple mgmt..
responsibilities of invitation, Designation tasks
the stakeholders. letter, Appointment signed delegated
by the School Head, screenshots
Minutes of Meetings, ACR, of
Resolutions/MOAs/MOUs, communicatio
Programs/Matrices/Pictori ns (e.g.
als. *Organized alumni, etc.)
stakeholders, Gen.
Homeroom PTA, Alumni,
SGC, SPG, SBM Working
Committee, DRMM, MOOE
TWG, Faculty Club
* School Organizational
structure chart with TORs
& identified roles,
of personnel

The school *Organizational

community structures w/
collaboratively TORs/identified roles
define the structure and responsibilities
and the roles and bearing names of
responsibilities of community and
stakeholder school stakeholders
as part of the
definition and
formulation of the

Guided by an agreed Any of the ff:

organizational *Minutes of Meetings
structural structure, *Resolutions/MOAs/
the community MOUs
stakeholders lead in *Programs/Matrices/
defining the Pictorials (Reflecting
organizational names of community
structure and the and school
roles and stakeholders
responsibilities; and leading/initiating the
provides technical formation of
and administrative organizational
support structure with
defined roles and
4. A leadership network I MOVs
communication between A network has been Any of the ff:
and among schools and collaboratively *Principals Report on
community leaders for established and its the Progress of SIP/AIP
informed decision- continuously Implementation.
making and solving of improved by the *Transparency board
school-community wide- school community *suggestion box
learning problems *log sheets/log books
*or any information
network (MIS/SIS/s,
etc.) established
functionally in school

The network actively *SIP/AIP

provides Implementation Plan
stakeholders and progress on SIP
information for implementation,
making decisions and reported to the Brgy.
solving learning and Officials or Municipal
administrative Executives reflecting
problems. easy disclosure of
information about
decisions to learning
and administrative

The network allows Any of the ff:

easy exchange and *Year End School
access to information Accomplishment
sources beyond the Report Cards widely
school community. disseminated to
*School Paper
showing Year End
SARCs widely
disseminated to
*On line accounts or
l school
program showing
regular and easy
access to school
5. A long term program I MOVs
is in operation that
addresses the training Developing structures Any of the ff:
and development needs are in place and *NCBTS-NCBSSH TDNA
of school and analysis of the Result
community leaders. competency needs of *IPPD/SPPD
leaders is conducted; *Professional
results is used to Development Profile of
develop a long-term teachers/ non teaching
training and personnel
development program. *Any document which
would prove that there
is likewise a program
for community

Leaders undertake *Training Design &

training modes that ACR/on-going
are convenient to them Professional Training
(on-line,off-line and Development
modular,group, or Program with self
home-based) and assessment and
which do not disrupt upgrading scheme and
their regular functions. shared by teachers and
Leaders monitor and community leaders
evaluate their own
learning progress.

Leaders assume Any of the ff:

responsibility for their * ACR on Training and
own training and Development Activities
development. School * Implementation Plans
community leaders * Barangay/Municipal
working individually or Resolutions
in groups, coach and (Reflecting school T&D
mentor one onother to initiated/led by the
achieve their VMG. school community
leaders with Job
Embedded Learning
Suggested MOVs:
-TNA, Training and development road map for at least three years,
Development plan for training,
Project Proposal, objective/s, Resources (human, financial, etc), training
matrix, School Memorandum, Implementation, List of participants,
Attendance Sheets, Photos, etc., Monitoring and Evaluation, Results of
M & E, Narrative Report, Next Step Plan, Feedback.

The curriculum learning systems anchored on

the community and learners’ contexts and
aspirations are collaboratively developed and
continuously improved.
1. The curriculum I MOVs
provides for the
development needs of All types of * Established Assessment
all types of learners in learners of the System with results (Phil-
the school community school community IRI, numeracy test, Multiple
are identified, their Intelligences Assessment
Notes: All suggested learning curves Result, Academic
MOVs or artifacts assessed; Performance Chart, etc.)
herein indicated can appropriate * Learners’ profile ( student
encompass other programs with its tracking system)
components and support materials * Support Materials (IM’s,
thereby considered as for each type of Competency Based Budget
proof of performance learner is of Lessons, Lesson
achievement for developed Exemplars)
schools. *Any Program/Project to
address learning deficits/
performance discrepancies
e.g. RRE/ Reading Program
Intervention Materials and
ADM Modules
*Research Proposal

Programs are fully * School Supervisory

implemented and Plan (monthly)
closely monitored to * Monthly Supervisory
address performance Report
discrepancies, • Any Program/Project
benchmark best to address
practices, coach low performance
performers, mentor discrepancies/
potential leaders, deficits/gaps
reward high • , School Remedial
achievement, and Program
maintain environment * Reading Program/
that makes learning ADMs Implementation
meaningfull and Report
enjoyable. * ACR/Narrative Report
of INSETs conducted
* ACR and copy of
program for periodic
recognition (e.g.
quarterly convocation/
year- end recognition

The educational * Improved learning

needs of all types of outcomes (Achievement
learners are being Rate, Promotion Rate,
met as shown by Failure Rate)
continuous * Log Book/Record Sheet/
improvement on showing names of visitors
learning outcomes benchmarked school’s
and products of initiated programs/projects
learning. Teachers’ * School’s Best Practices
as well as students’ Accomplishment Report
performance is * Research Outcomes
motivated by
intrinsic rather than
extrinsic rewards.
The schools
program is
benchmarked by
other schools.
2. The I MOVs
curriculum is Local belief, * Compilation of local * Copies of
localized to norms, values, literature, sample contextualized
make it more traditions, Lessons showing its LPs/logs showing
meaningful to folklores, utilization the use of
the learners current events, * Lesson Plans showing community as a
and applicable and existing the integration of local learning laboratory
to life in the technologies literature * Records of
community are * ACR on the crafting schools that
documented of localized curriculum benchmarked the
and used to guidelines duly signed best practices,
develop lasting by school community * Copies of
curriculum. * Copies of contextualized CGs
Localization localized/contextualize per Las
guidelines are d IMs/LMs * List of trainings
agreed to by * Copies of conducted on
the school contextualized/localize localization/contex
community and d IMs/supplementary tualization of
teachers are LMs materials
properly * Supervisory report on *Numbers of
oriented. contextualized IMs contextualized
* List of contextualized materials

The localization * M & E/Supervisory

curriculum is Report on localized
implemented and curriculum
monitored closely to * Adjusted localized
ensure that it makes curriculum
learning more * Sample
meaningful and performance outputs
pleasurable, that could be utilized
produces desired to improve
learning outcomes, community life (e.g.
and directly solid waste
improves community management, tree
life. Ineffective planting/ linis bayan
approaches are activity, etc.)
replaced and Initiated by school
innovative ones are

Best Practices in * Log Book/Record

localizing the Sheet showing names
curriculum are of visitors who
mainstreamed and benchmarked good or
benchmarked by other best practices of
schools. school’s localized
There is marked curriculum
increase in number of * Accomplishment
projects that uses the Report on the School’s
community as learning Best Practices in
laboratory, and the Localizing the
school as an agent of Curriculum
change for * Any document/s of
improvement of the school’s initiated
community. project that uses the
community as a
learning laboratory
(e.g. school-
community livelihood
* Evidences of
3. A representative I MOVs
group of school and
community A representative Minutes of meeting
stakeholders develop team of school and or any document as
the methods and community MOV that the content
materials for stakeholder assess and method used in
developing creative content and methods teaching were
thinking & problem used in teaching assessed by any of
solving creative, thinking the ff. team:
and problem solving. • PTA
Assessment results • School Governing
are used as guide to Council (SGC)
develop materials. • School Planning
Team (SPT)
• School M & E
Team (SMET)

Learning materials Developed/reproduce

and approaches to d/ procured learning
reinforce strengths materials that could
and address be used to reinforce
deficiencies are strengths and
developed and address weaknesses
tested for applicable in the
applicability on school, home and
school, family and community (e.g.
community. individualized
learning modules for
students, home
study manuals for
parents and
community learning
Materials and Any of the following:
approaches are being *Activity Completion
used in school, in the Report or any report
family and in re: school initiated
community to develop activity participated
critical thinking and in by the community
problem solving utilizing the school’s
community of learners learning resources
and are producing (human & materials)
desired result. with positive impact
to the community
*Write-up or any
document of an
l community-based
learning action cell

4. The learning A School-based * Procedure on the conduct of

systems are monitoring and Monitoring Evaluation & Adjustment
regularly and learning system (SMEA)
collaboratively is conducted * Terms of Reference (TORs) of
monitored by regularly and school’s M & E team (SMET)
the community cooperatively; * SIP/AIP-based Monitoring &
using and feedback is Evaluation instrument /tool
appropriate shared with * Schedule on the conduct of SMEA
tools to ensure stakeholders. * School Monitoring & Evaluation
the holistic Adjustment (SMEA) System
growth and The system uses * Feedback mechanism such as
development of a tool that suggestion box, text brigade, forums,
the learners and monitors the assembly meeting
the community holistic * Improved M&E tool such as survey &
development of analysis, SMEA result duly spproved
learners. by SH
* Monitoring schedule and meetings
of Stakeholders
* Activity Completion Report
(ACR)/Accomplishment Report with
proper documentations of M&E

The school-based * Feedback

monitoring and mechanism for a
learning systems well-informed
generate feedbacks decision making (e.g.
that is used for suggestion box, text
making decisions brigade, forums
that enhance the /assembly)
total development of * Minutes of meeting
learners. of the M & E team
before the conduct
A committee take of School Monitoring,
care of the Evaluation &
continuous Adjustment (SMEA)
improvement of the * Record of M & E
tool. related activities

The monitoring * Result on the

system is accepted regular conduct of
and regularly used School Monitoring
for collective Evaluation and
decision making Adjustment (SMEA)
* Updated/improved
The monitoring tool M & E Tool designed
has been improved to by the School M & E
provide both Team duly approved
quantitative and by the School Head/
qualitative data SGC
5. Appropriate I MOVs
assessment tools for
teaching and The assessment tools *Competency based
learning are are reviewed by the Test materials duly
continuously schools and checked/ approved
reviewed and assessment results by the School Head
improved, and are shared with (e.g. Table of
assessment results school’s Specifications,
are contextualized to stakeholders. Periodical Test
the learner and local Questions, Test/ Item
situation and the Analysis per learning
attainment of area, Item Bank,
relevant life skills. other test materials,
* ACR on the conduct
of activity relative to
sharing of
assessment results
with school’s
stakeholders (e.g.
*quarterly issuance
of Pupil/Student
Report Card,

The assessment tools Minutes of meeting

are reviewed by the of the M&E team
school community before the conduct
and results are of School Monitoring,
shared with Evaluation and
community Adjustment (SMEA)
stakeholders. Record of M&E
related activities
-Structure in charge
of the review and
improvement of the
assessment tools
(list and TOR)
-Minutes of

School Assessment * Any document of a

results are used to functional/operationa
develop learning l community based
programs that are initiated programs
suited to community, and/ or projects (e.g.
and customized to Community Learning
each learner’s Centers)
context, results of conceptualized to
which are used for address the learning
collaborative deficits/
decision-making discrepancies of the
learners based from
the school
assessment results.
* Community
6. Learning I MOVs
managers and
facilitators Stakeholders are • List of Children’s
(teachers, aware of Rights and
administrators and child/learner- Responsibilities (in
community centered rights- Filipino or
members) nurture based, and inclusive vernacular)
values and principles of strategically
environments that education placed/posted in a
are protective of all very conspicuous
children and Learning managers place
demonstrate and facilitators • School policies
behaviours conduct activities which spell out the
consistent to the aimed to increase rights of children
organization’s stakeholders • ACR/ Minutes of
Vision, Mission and awareness and Meeting on the
Goals. commitment to conduct of activity
fundamental rights relevant to
to children and the learner-centered,
basic principle of right-based, and
educating them inclusive principles
of education /A
Child &
• Community-

Stakeholders begin * Barangay Dev.

to practice Plan/ Municipal
child/learner- Investment Plan
centered principles showing supports to
of education in the education which are
design of support to anchored on child/
education learner-centered
principles of
Learning managers education
and facilitators apply * Four As (Activity,
the principles in Analysis, Abstraction
designing learning and Application)
materials based lesson plans
using/ integrating

Learning * At least 70% of all

environments, of the 7 domains of
methods and the Child Friendly
resources are School System
community driven, (CFSS) tool are
Inclusive and satisfied.
adherent to child’s * ACCESS compliant
rights and protection school plans ( AIP /
requirements. SIP )
* School and
Learning managers community record of
and facilitators activities showing
observe learners’ concern to children
rights from designing
the curriculum to
structuring the
whole learning
7. Methods and I. MOVs
resources are
learner and Practices tools * Learning Competency Directory (LCD) per
community- and materials for subject posted in the classroom (it is
friendly, enjoyable, developing self- anchored on the budget of lesson per subject
safe, inclusive, directed learners which reflects the competencies covered in
accessible and are highly every grading period, date of delivery, topics
aimed at observable in to be discussed, activities/ exercises to be
developing self- school, but not in used, book title and page number)
directed learners. home or in * Learner’s PORTFOLIO
Learners are community. * RUBRICS developed for the learners
equipped with * Any document of a functional school
essential Learning program to produce learners who are
knowledge, skills, programs are accountable for their learning e.g. modular
and values to designed and instruction, peer tutoring and/or Youth Peer
assume developed to Education
responsibility and produce learners * Gender and Development
accountability for who are * Learners Progress Report & Assessment
their own learning. responsible and * Minutes of FGD on Learning Competencies
accountable for Portfolio/Materials/IMS/Modules/SLK
their learning. * Learning Comnpetency Directory/Budgeted
Lesson per subject per quarter
* Parent-Teacher Conference
* Recognition Program per quarter
* Bulletin Board

Practices, tools and * LCDs are shared

materials for with the parents for
developing self- them to guide the
directed learners are learning activities of
beginning to emerge their children
in the homes and in
the community.

The programs is
implemented and
monitored by
teacher and parents
to ensure that it
produces desired

There is continuous * ACR on community

exchange of based FGD on LCD
information, sharing utilization
of expertise and * Document/record
materials among the of a sustained and/or
schools, home and improved program
community for for a self-directed
development of self learners
directed learners.

The program is
mainstreamed but
continuously improve
to make relevant to
emerging demands.
Thank you

God bless us all

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