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 Body’s response to anything that makes us

feel threatened or pressure.
 Caused by any kind of demand, to which we
must adapt, adjust, or respond.
 Body’s automatic way of reacting to changes,
challenges, and demands placed on us.
 Anxiety
 Pressure
 Misery
 Strain
 Desperation
 Tension
 Anger
 Panic
 Dejection
1. Everyday frustrations cause stress build-up
- A series of stressful and frustrating
experiences throughout the day can cause
you to lie awake at night in an emotional
turmoil-unable to get needed rest.
- Stress build-up if not resolved continues
day after day.
2. Problems in our personal life
- More serious stressful circumstances may
include separation from loved ones, personal
illness, or illness of a loved one, death of
someone you care about, or conflict with a
spouse or close friend.
- Managing your personal finances can be
another stressful experience.
3. Dealing with life’s transitions
- Common cause of stress
- The move, a new career, and a change in
family relationships may cause excessive
Determine what causes you to “lose your
cool” by doing this activity. Write the factors
that causes you stress. Choose from the
stressors below:
___being late
___too much homework
___speaking in public
___going to the dentist
___arguments with friends
___parents fighting
___getting detention
___your job
___taking tests
___video games
___using a computer
___restrictions at home
___lack of sleep
___Physical education class
___math class
___english class
___science class
___rude people
___no money
___no transportation
___playing on a sports team
___not being included in a sports team
___losing valuables
___closed-in spaces
___interruptions while busy
___getting an injection
___arguments with parents
___fight with boyfriend/girlfriend
___loud people
___baby crying
___a friend betray you
____others ____________
 Your stress response is the collection of
physiological changes that occur when you
face a perceived threat – when you face
situations where you feel the demands
outweigh your resources to successfully cope.
These situations are known as stressors.
1. Having memory problems
2. Being unable to concentrate
3. Having poor judgment
4. Seeing only the negative
5. Being anxious
6. Worrying constantly
1. Moodiness
2. Irritability or short temper
3. Agitation or restlessness
4. Feeling of being overwhelmed
5. Sense of loneliness and isolation
6. Depression or unhappiness
1. Body aches and pains
2. Diarrhea or constipation
3. Nausea and dizziness
4. Chest pain
5. Rapid heartbeat
6. Frequent colds
1. Eating more or less
2. Sleeping too much or too little
3. Isolating yourself from others
4. Procrastinating
5. Neglecting responsibilities
6. Doing different vices
7. Having nervous habits such as nail biting
and pacing restlessly
 ATTITUDE – plays a key role in coping
successfully with stress
 According to Santrock (2012), coping involves
managing difficult situations and exerting
efforts to solve your problems.
1. Understand the causes of your stress.
2. Analyze your stress factors and write them
3. Deal with the stressors.
4. Learn to work under pressure or unusual
 Stop for a moment and take a few deep
 Do a relaxing exercise. Swing your hands at
your sides and stretch
 Take a “power nap”.
 Find time to do the things you enjoy.
 Leave your study area for a while to take a
brisk walk.
 Find a quiet place to read a magazine or
novel during break or at lunch.
 If possible, look at some peaceful images
such as forests, beaches, etc.
 Keep something humorous on hand, such as
book of jokes
 Look up.
1. Emotional stability
2. Being tactful
3. Doing well in school
4. Learning to say “no”

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