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Kami Guru-Guru

Kami guru guru, selalu ceria

Karena tugasnya sangatlah mulia
Mengajar, menyemangati
Membimbing, memotivasi
Demi Masa depan
Anak didik kita

Tiada menyerah untuk mengabdi

Mau Melayani bukan dilayani

Kami selalu berjuang demi pendidikan

Generasi berprestasi dan berakhlak mulia
Creating Productive
Learning Environments
Presented by:
1. Agusman Halawa
2. Meyuyanasari
Productive Learning Environments

 Classrooms that are orderly and focused on learning. Students feel

emotionally & physically safe, and the daily routines, learning
activities, and standards for appropriate behavior are all designed
to promote learning
 In productive classrooms, students are well behaved, but the
emotional climate is relaxed and inviting
 In a productive learning environment, students understand that
learning is the highest priority, and they are respectful of others
and accept responsibility for their actions
 Teachers rarely raise their voices, and the focus is on helping
everyone learn.
Creating Productive
Learning Environments
I. Classroom Management
What is Classroom management?

Classroom Management is comprehensive actions

teachers take to create an environment that
supports and facilitates both academic and
social-emotional learning
 Classroom management can be explained as the
actions and directions that teachers use to create
a successful learning environment; indeed, having
a positive impact on students achieving given
learning requirements and goals
The Importance of Classroom Management
 For teachers, effective classroom management
creates an environment in which they can teach
and students can learn
 For the public, effective classroom management
is a clear, visible sign that schools and teachers
are in charge and know what they're doing
Influence on Student Learning and Motivation
 Learning is the central purpose of schooling, and the primary
reason classroom management is so important is that students
learn more and are more motivated to learn in well-managed
 Students learn more when the environment is comfortable and
inviting, so effective teachers strive to create an emotionally safe
environment in which students can live and learn
 We emphasize respect and personal responsibility because they
promote personal, social, and moral development in our students.
 We avoid criticizing students because criticism detracts from
 We create systems of procedures and rules because students learn
more in environments that are safe and predictable.
Effective managers have four primary goals:

1. Creating a positive classroom climate.

Students learn more and are happier when the
classrooms we create are safe and supportive.
2. Creating a community of learners.
A classroom environment in which the teacher
and the students work together to help everyone
Learning communities
Respect for others
4. Developing learner responsibility
 Students understand that order is important for learning, and they
follow rules because they're designed to protect their rights as well
as the rights of others
Learners are more likely to obey rules when the rules make sense
and when they recognize what rules exist to protect their rights and
the rights of others
This responsibility also contributes to ethical thinking and character
By promoting student responsibility and understanding, teachers
actually make their own jobs easier.
5. Maximizing opportunities for learning
Academic learning depends on two factors:
 Time available for learning
 The effectiveness of the teacher's instruction
Classroom time exists at four levels:
Allocated time
Instructional time
Engaged time
Academic learning time:
What does it like?

 Innefective learning environment

 Productive Learning Environment

Creating Productive
Learning Environments
II. Teacher’s Role
The Teacher's Role
 Teachers are essential for creating productive learning
environments; they set the emotional tone for the classroom
and create an atmosphere that can be inviting, neutral, or
even threatening.
 Teachers also create productive learning environments
through the learning activities they design, which engage,
ignore, or even distance students
Caring: An Essential Element in Teaching
A supportive classroom environment, where each student is
valued regardless of academic ability or performance, is
essential for both learning and motivation
Communicating Caring
 Ways teachers communicate that they care about students
 Learning students' names quickly and calling on students by their
first name.
 Greeting students every day and getting to know them
Using effective nonverbal communication such as eye contact
and smiling.
 Using "we" and "our" in reference to class activities
Spending time with students.
 Holding students to high standards.
Effective Teaching
Effective teaching: instruction that maximizes learning by
actively involving students in meaningful learning activities
It's virtually impossible for teachers to maintain orderly
classrooms if instruction is boring or doesn't make sense to
Effective teachers create procedures for activities
such as the following.
Entering and leaving the classroom
Handing in and returning papers
Accessing materials such as scissors and paper
Sharpening pencils
Making trips to the bathroom
Making up work after an absence
Guidelines for implementing rules:
 State rules positively - communicates desirable
expectations for students
 Emphasize rationales for rules - once students
understand the reasons for rules they will take
responsibility for their own behavior
 Minimize the number of rules - helps prevent
students from breaking rules simply because they
 Monitor rules throughout the school year
Creating Productive Learning
III. Involving Parents
 Learning is a cooperative venture
Benefits of Parental Involvement
 More positive attitudes and behaviors
 Higher long-term achievement
 Greater willingness to do homework
 Better attendance and graduation rates
 Greater enrollment in post-secondary education
 These outcomes result parents' increased participation
in and understanding of school activities, higher
expectations for their children's achievement, and
teachers' increased understanding of learners' home
 Parent-teacher collaboration can also have long-term
benefits for teachers. Teachers who encourage
parental involvement report more positive feelings
about teaching and their school. They also have
higher expectations for parents and rate them as
being more helpful.
Strategies for Involving Parents

 All schools have formal communication channels, such as open

houses; interim progress reports; parent-teacher conferences; and
report cards.
 Send a letter home to parents within the first week of school that
expresses positive expectations for students and solicits parents'
 Maintain communication by frequently sending home packets
of student work
Emphasize students' accomplishments through e-mails,
newsletters or individual notes One of the most effective ways to
involve parents is to call them
 Talking to a parent allows you to be specific in describing student's
needs When talking to parents, make an effort to establish a positive,
cooperative tone that lays the foundation for joint efforts
Economic, Cultural, and Language Barriers to Communicating with Parents
 Low-SES parents frequently lack resources, such as childcare,
transportation, internet access, and even telephones, that allow
them to engage in school
 Multiple jobs often prevent parents from volunteering at school and
even helping their children with homework
 Cultural differences
Things to do:
 Involving Minority Parents Teachers can offer specific strategies for
working with their children
 By encouraging parents to attend the school's open house, it
increases the likelihood that they would do so.
Intervening When Misbehavior Occurs
Intervening Effectively

 Intervention: a teacher action designed to increase

desired behaviors or eliminate students’ misbehavior and
 When intervening in the case of misbehavior, you have
three goals:
 Stop the misbehavior quickly and simply
 Maintain the flow of the lesson
 Help students learn from the intervention
The following guidelines can help reach these goals:
 Demonstrate withitness and overlapping
 Withitness: a teacher's awareness of what's going on in all parts
of the classroom at all times and communicating this awareness
to students
- "Having eyes in the back of your head“
- Teachers who are with-it also watch for initial signs of attention
or confusion; they approach, or call on, inattentive students to
bring them back into lessons; and they respond to signs of
confusion with questions
- They are sensitive to students and make adjustments to ensure
students are involved and successful
 Overlapping: a teacher's ability to attend to
two issues simultaneously - - Overlapping allows
to maintain the flow of the lesson while stopping
the misbehavior, two major goals of

The lack of withitness and overlapping is often a

problem for beginning teachers. Well-established
routines and carefully planned instruction simplifies
the amount teachers have to think about
 Preserve students’ dignity
 A positive classroom climate is an essential component of a productive
learning environment, and the tone of your interactions with students
influences both the likelihood of their compliance and the emotional
climate in your classroom.
 Loud public reprimands, criticism, and sarcasm reduce students' sense of
safety, create resentment, and detract from a positive classroom
 When students break rules, simply reminding them of the rule and why it's
important and requiring compliance are as far as a minor incident should
 Maintain consistency
 The need for consistency is essential for an effective classroom
management system
 Achieving complete consistency in the real world is virtually impossible;
interventions need to be adapted to the student and the context
 Keep communication congruent
 If teachers' communications are going to make sense
to students, their verbal and nonverbal behaviors
need to be congruent
 When verbal and nonverbal behaviors are
inconsistent, people attribute more credibility to tone
of voice and body language than to spoken word
 The more eye contact teachers make with their
students the more likely the students are to believe
that they're with-it and are in charge of their classes
Handling Serious Management Problems:
Violence and Aggression
 Most schools have created prevention programs, taken security measures, and
established detailed procedures to protect students and teachers from violent
 When students are verbally aggressive, your goal is to keep the problem from
 In the case involving fighting, follow these three steps:
 Stop the incident (if possible)
 Protect the victim
 Get help
 A loud noise, such as shouting, clapping, or slamming a chair against the floor
will often surprise the students enough so they'll stop. You can then begin to talk
to them, check to see if anyone is hurt, and then take the students to the main
office, where help is available If this does not help, you should immediately rush
an uninvolved student to the office for help.
Effective Classroom Management in Urban

 Students in urban environments come from very diverse

backgrounds. As a result of this diversity, their prior knowledge and
experiences vary, and what they view as acceptable patterns of
behavior also varies.
 The defensive approach results in lowered expectations and
decreased student motivation
 Students who aren't motivated to learn are more likely to be
disruptive because they don't see the point in what they're being
asked to do
 Classroom management is an urban environment doesn't have to be over
restrictive or punitive. Four important factors:
1. Caring and supportive teachers:
 When students perceive their teachers as uncaring, disengagement from
school life occurs, and students are much more likely to display disruptive
behaviors than their more involved peers
2. Clear standards for acceptable behavior
 Urban students' views of acceptable behaviors often vary
 Being clear about what behaviors are and are not acceptable is essential in
urban classrooms
3. High Structure
 A predictable environment leads to an atmosphere of order and
safety, which is crucial for developing the sense of attachment to
school essential for learning and motivation
4. Effective instruction
 Classroom management and instruction are interdependent, and,
unfortunately, students in urban classrooms are often involved in low-
level activities such as listening to lectures and doing seat work that is
not challenging
 This type of instruction contributes to low motivation and
disengagement, which further increase the likelihood of
management problems

1. Productive learning environments are so

important because they allow students
to learn and teachers to teach
2. To create productive learning
environments, we should remember
these: Classroom Management,
Teacher’s roles, parents’ involvement
and Interverning misbehaviour.

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