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low E nergy COnsumption


Energy Efficiency in the

Future Internet : Current
Status and Trends
Franco Davoli
National Inter-University Consortium for Telecommunications
and DIST-University of Genoa
Via Opera Pia 13
16145 Genova

Auckland, New Zealand,

Nov. 3, 2010 ATNAC 2010
• Reasons for going green
• Carbon footprint
• Does the fixed network matter (in terms of
consumption and OPEX)?
• Energy consumption breakdown
• Taxonomy of Green Networking Approaches
• Control actuation: ACPI
• Potential savings (or, is there room for network
energy optimization?)
• Projects
• Research challenges

ATNAC 2010 2
Why Going Green?
 ICT has been historically and fairly considered as a
key objective to reduce and monitor “third-party”
energy wastes and achieve higher levels of
– Classical example: Video-Conferencing Services
– New example: Smart Electrical Grid
 However, until recently, ICT has not applied the same
efficiency concepts to itself, not even in fast
growing sectors like telecommunications and the
 There are two main motivations that drive the quest for
“green” ICT:
– the environmental one, which is related to the reduction
of wastes, in order to impact on CO2 emission;
– the economic one, which stems from the reduction of
operating costs (OPEX) of ICT services.
ATNAC 2010 3

The Carbon FootPrint &
Energy Consumption
• Today, more than 95%
of energy is
produced by “brown”
• The renewable energy
sources account only
for 4%...
• On the average, the
production of 1 kWh
is supposed to cause
about 0.5 kg of CO2 -
International Energy Source: “Renewables, Global Status Report
Agency (IEA). 2006,” Renewable Energy Policy Network for
the 21st Century, 2006.

ATNAC 2010 4
How much does energy cost
 In the U.S.A.:
– A kWh is about $0.10 (US national average
billing rate)
– 1 TWh is about $100 million
 In Italy:
– A kWh is about €0.085 (rate based on a
typical residential consumption of 2700
kWh for 1 year, under 3 kW)
– So, a TWh is €85 million (= ~$125 million)

ATNAC 2010 5
The Embodied Carbon
 Beyond the carbon footprint from direct
usage, we have also to take into account
the greenhouse gas emissions, needed to
produce devices (embodied carbon).
 For example, in a PC:
– Carbon from usage (energy consumption):
4200 kWh = 2.1 tons of CO2 (5 years of
– Embodied carbon: 2000 kWh = 1 ton of CO2

 Source: E. Williams, “Revisiting Energy Used to Manufacture a

Desktop Computer: Hybrid Analysis Combining Process and
Economic Input-Output Methods,” Proc. IEEE Internat. Symp.
on Electronics and the Environment, pp. 80-85, 2004.

ATNAC 2010 6
Some Data from Telecoms
 In th e la st fe w ye a rs, a la rg e se t o f te lco s, IS Ps a n d
p u b lic o rg a n iza tio n s a ro u n d th e w o rld re p o rte d
sta tistics o f n e tw o rk e n e rg y re q u ire m e n ts a n d th e
re la te d ca rb o n fo o tp rin t, sh o w in g a n a la rm in g a n d
g ro w in g tre n d :
– Telecom Italia in 2006 has reached more than 2 TWh
(about 1% of the total Italian energy demand),
increasing by 7.95% with respect to 2005, and by
12.08% to 2004.
• This energy consumption especially rose from
network infrastructures, which contributed 70%
of the total energy requirements. Data-centres
weighed for 10%, while the remaining 20% is
due to other spurious sources (e.g., offices,
shops, etc.).
– In 2008, British Telecom reported an overall power
consumption equal to 2.6
ATNAC 2010 TWh (0.7% of the UK’s 7
energy consumption, the biggest single power
Some Data from Telecoms
– Deutsche Telekom reported a power
consumption of about 3 TWh in 2007, which
increased of about 2% with respect to 2006
data. Deutsche Telekom justified this energy
consumption increase as the result of:
• technology developments (DSL),
• increasing transmission volumes,
• network expansion;
• though the figure also includes a small
amount of spurious data, they outlined
that almost 20% of such energy waste is
due to cooling systems.
– The power consumption of Verizon during 2006
was 8.9 TWh (about 0.26% of USA energy
– The requirements of Telecom France were about
2 TWh. ATNAC 2010 8
… and the Future?

2020 0.35 1.08 1.43

2.7%of to

2007 0.18 0.64 0.83

2%of total footprint

Embodied carbon
2002 0.11 0.43 0.53 Footprint from use
1.25%of total footprint

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4

Estimated CO2 Emissions [Gtons per year]

Estimate of the global carbon footprint of ICTs

(including PCs, telcos’ networks and devices,
printers and datacenters).

Source: Smart 2020 report by Global e-Sustainability

Initiative (GeSI)
ATNAC 2010 9
… and the Future?
Energy savings


] m

2005 2010 2015 2020
Energy consumption estimation Year
for the European telcos’
network infrastructures in the “Business-As-Usual” (BAU) and
in the Eco sustainable (ECO) scenarios, and cumulative
energy savings between the two scenarios.

Source: European Commission DG INFSO report

ATNAC 2010 10
… and the Future?
OPEX savings

$ b

2005 2010 2015 2020
OPEX estimation related to energyYear
costs for the European
telcos’ network infrastructures in the “Business-As-Usual”
(BAU) and in the Eco sustainable (ECO) scenarios, and
cumulative savings between the two scenarios.

Source: R. Bolla, R. Bruschi, F. Davoli, F. Cucchietti, “Energy

Efficiency in the Future Internet: A Survey of Existing Approaches
and Trends in Energy-Aware Fixed Network Infrastructures,” IEEE
Communications Surveys & Tutorials, in press.
ATNAC 2010 11
Which are the
m o b ile f ix ed narro wb and telc o d ev ic es f ix ed b ro ad b and

18.12 4.53

2002 64.93 63.42

2020 177.99 52.35 69.80 48.86

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350

Source: Smart 2020 report by Global e-Sustainability Initiative (GeSI
E stim ated CO
2 em issio n s [M to n s p er year]

ATNAC 2010 12
And the Reasons?

To su p p o rt n e w
Router capacity TrafficLoad
 x 2.5/18m x2/18m

g e n e ra tio n n e tw o rk

in fra stru ctu re s a n d

re la te d se rvice s fo r a 100

ra p id ly g ro w in g CMOSenergyefficiency

cu sto m e r p o p u la tio n , 10 x 1.65/18m


te lco s a n d IS Ps n e e d :

c P

– an ever larger number Year

of devices,
– devices with
sophisticated Evolution from 1993 to 2010 of high-end IP
architectures able routers’ capacity (per rack) vs. traffic
to perform volumes (Moore’s law) and energy efficiency
increasingly in silicon technologies.
complex operations
in a scalable way. Source: R. Bolla, R. Bruschi, F. Davoli, F.
 T h e so le in tro d u ctio n o f Cucchietti, “Energy Efficiency in the
n o ve llo w co n su m p tio n Future Internet: A Survey of Existing
Approaches and Trends in Energy-Aware Fixed
silico n te ch n o lo g ie s Network Infrastructures,” IEEE
ca n n o t cle a rly co p e
w ith su ch tre n d s, a nATNAC
d Communications Surveys & Tutorials, in
b e e n o u g h fo r d ra w in g press 13
Decomposing the Energy

Typical access, metro and core device density and energy requirements in
today’s typical networks deployed by telcos, and ensuing overall energy
requirements of access and metro/core networks.

Source: R. Bolla, R. Bruschi, F. Davoli, F. Cucchietti, “Energy Efficiency in the

Future Internet: A Survey of Existing Approaches and Trends in Energy-Aware Fixed
Network Infrastructures,” IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, in press

ATNAC 2010 14
Decomposing the Energy

Estimate of power consumption sources in a generic platform of high-end

IP router.

Source: R. Tucker, “Will optical replace electronic packet switching?”, SPIE

Newsroom, 2007 ATNAC 2010 15
The concept of Green
 T h e e n e rg y e fficie n cy co n ce p t is fa r fro m b e in g n e w in
g e n e ra l-p u rp o se silico n fo r co m p u tin g syste m s.
– The first support of power management was introduced
with the Intel 486-DX processor, and the first official
version of the Advanced Configuration & Power
Interface (ACPI) standard was published in 1996.
– With time, however, more energy-saving mechanisms
were introduced and HW enhancements were made,
so that general purpose CPUs could consume less
power and be more efficient.
 C o n ce rn in g n e tw o rk sp e cific so lu tio n s, a la rg e p a rt o f
m o d e rn ( p a cke t) n e tw o rk d e vice s is d e rive d fro m
co m p u te r te ch n o lo g ie s;
– here, the evolution has proceeded by including each
time new ad-hoc HW engines and customized silicon
elements for offloading the most complex and time-
critical traffic processing operations.
 T h e in tro d u ctio n o f n e tw o rk -sp e cific e n e rg y - sa vin g
te ch n o lo g ie s a n d crite ria re q u ire s to p a ve n e w p a th s
in re se a rch a n d in d ATNAC
u stria ld e ve lo p m e n t in o rd e r to 16
o ve rco m e th e lim ita tio n s d u e to th e fa ct th a t
A Taxonomy of
Undertaken Approaches

ATNAC 2010 17
Re - engineering

 R e -e n g in e e rin g a p p ro a ch e s a im a t:
– introducing and designing more
energy-efficient elements for
network device architectures
– suitably dimensioning and optimizing
the internal organization of devices
– reducing their intrinsic complexity

ATNAC 2010 18
Re - engineering

Energy -
Efficient Silicon
 Adoption of pure optical switching
– They can potentially provide terabits of
bandwidth at much lower power dissipation
than current network devices.
– But their widespread adoption is still hindered
by technological challenges: problems mainly
regard the limited number of ports and the
feasibility of suitable buffering schemes.
 Decreasing feature sizes in semiconductor
technology have contributed to performance
– allowing higher clock frequencies
– designing improvements such as increased
– the same technology trends have also allowed
for a decrease in voltage
ATNAC 2010 that has reduced the19
power per byte transmitted by half every two
Re - engineering

 Roberts proposed a radical new concept for
traffic lookup, which allows next-generation
routers forwarding traffic at the flow
– This approach certainly leads to a more scalable
and simple network device architecture with
respect to the current ones, which forward
traffic at the packet level.
 Source: L. G. Roberts, “A Radical New Router”, IEEE
Spectrum, vol. 46, no. 7, pp. 34-39, July 2009.
 Baldi and Ofek suggest a synchronous time-
based IP switching approach, which allows
synchronizing the operation of routers and
scheduling traffic in advance.
Source: M. Baldi, Y. Ofek, “Time for a “Greener” Internet,” Proc.

Green Communications Workshop in conjunction with IEEE ICC'09
(GreenComm09), Dresden, Germany, June 2009.
ATNAC 2010 20
Dynamic Adaptation
 The dynamic adaptation of network/device
resources is designed to modulate
capacities of packet processing engines
and of network interfaces, to meet actual
traffic loads and requirements.
 This can be performed by using two power-
aware capabilities, namely, dynamic
voltage scaling and idle logic, which both
allow the dynamic trade-off between
packet service performance and power

ATNAC 2010 21
Dynamic Adaptation

Standard operations

Wakeup and sleeping times

Idle logic

Power Increased service times


Idle + power Wakeup and sleeping + increased service times


ATNAC 2010 22
Dynamic Adaptation
IEEE 802 . 3 az
 Green Ethernet (IEEE 802.3 az):
– First version: Adaptive Link Rate proposed
by Christensen and Nordman
 Background:

Typical Power Consumption of Ethernet interfaces at different link speeds


Power (W)


 5

10 100 1000 10000
 Link speed (Mb/sec)
ATNAC 2010 23

Dynamic Adaptation
IEEE 802 . 3 az
 Idea: switch the Ethernet link speed according to
incoming traffic volumes.
 Effect: perform a link re-negotiation at each link
speed switch:
 - proposal of a new mechanims for link speed
 - need of interfacing Ethernet PHY chips with
frame Tx queues

Source: C. Gunaratne, K.
Christensen, S. Suen, B.
Nordman, “Reducing the
Energy Consumption of
ATNAC 2010Ethernet with an Adaptive24
Dynamic Adaptation
IEEE 802 . 3 az
 Fin a lV e rsio n : b a se d o n th e “ lo w p o w e r id le ” co n ce p t,
p ro p o se d b y In te l.
– Idea: transmit data at the maximum speed, and put the
link to sleep when it is idle.

– Effect: LPI has two transitions for each packet (or block
of packets) : Link wake-up and sleep
• LPI can possibly be asynchronous (one direction
awake, the other asleep)
• Retraining ATNAC
can be2010
done via periodic on intervals 25
(if no packets are being sent)
Dynamic Adaptation
IEEE 802 . 3 az

ATNAC 2010 26
Dynamic Adaptation
SW Routers & ACPI
 In PC-based devices, the Advanced Configuration
and Power Interface (ACPI) provides a
standardized interface between the hardware
and the software layers.
 ACPI introduces two power saving mechanisms,
which can be individually employed and tuned
for each core:
– Power States (C-states)
• C0 is the active power state
• C1 through Cn are processor sleeping or
idle states (where the processor
consumes less power and dissipates less
– Performance States (P-states)
 while in the C0 state, ACPI allows the
performance of the core to be tuned through P-
state transitions.
P-states allow to modify the operating energy 27
point of a processor /core
ATNAC by altering the
Dynamic Adaptation
SW Routers & ACPI
 The multi-core/cpu SW router architecture:


Slow speed

Tx Board
TxRings interfaces

High speed

Un - bound CPUs / Cores

for application
Source: R. Bolla, R. Bruschi,
“PC-based Software Routers:
At least High Performance and
one Rx Application Service
ring and

Rx Board
Support,” Proc. of ACM
multiple RxRings SIGCOMM PRESTO 2008
Tx rings Rx Filtering Rx Filtering
Workshop, Seattle, WA, USA,
for each pp. 27-32.
g core ATNAC 2010 28
Dynamic Adaptation
SW Routers & ACPI


Source: R. Bolla, R. Bruschi, A. Ranieri, “Green Support for PC-based Software Router:
Performance Evaluation and Modeling”, Proc. IEEE ICC 2009, Dresden, Germany, June 2009.
Best Paper Award.
ATNAC 2010 29
Sleeping / standby
 Sleeping/standby approaches are used to
smartly and selectively drive unused
network/device portions to low standby
modes, and to wake them up only if
 However,
– since today’s networks and related services
and applications are designed to be
continuously and always available,
– standby modes have to be explicitly
supported with special techniques able to
maintain the “network presence” of
sleeping nodes/components.
ATNAC 2010 30
Sleeping / standby
Proxying the Network
 Scenario: networked hosts (PCs, consumer
electronics, etc.);
 Problem: when an end-host enters standby mode,
it freezes all network services, and it is
not able to maintain its network presence;
 Idea: introduce a Network Connection Proxy
(NCP), which is devoted to maintain the
network presence of sleeping hosts.
Source: M. Allman, K. Christensen, B. Nordman, V. Paxson,
“Enabling an Energy-Efficient Future Internet Through
I want to sleep Zzzzz… Selectively Connected End Systems,” Proc. ACM SIGCOMM
HotNets, Atlanta , GA, Nov. 2007.

Wakeup/sleep Continuous
messages and full

Sleeping host specific NCP Internet
ATNAC 2010 31
Sleeping / standby
Proxying the Network
 Scenario: Core Networks
 Idea: put links, interfaces and part of nodes
(e.g., line-cards) to sleep
 Problem: Network stability, convergence times
at multiple levels (e.g., MPLS traffic
engineering + IP routing)

Source: R. Bolla, R. Bruschi, A. Cianfrani, M. Listanti, “Introducing Standby

Capabilities into Next-generation Network Devices,” Proc. ACM SIGCOMM PRESTO
Workshop, Philadelphia , PA, USA, Nov. 2010.
ATNAC 2010 32
Sleeping / standby
Proxying the Network
 Solution: they exploited two features
already present in today’s networks and
– network resource virtualization
– modular architecture of network nodes.
 This approach allows to:
– Put physical resources to sleep (e.g., links,
linecards, etc.);
– Move the logical entities working on
physical elements going to sleep, to other
physical elements on the device.
 If suitable L2 protocols are used, the
complexity of standby management can be
hidden from the IP layer, and totally
managed inside ATNAC
2010engineering 33
The Potential Impact
 The previously mentioned green technologies
allow designing new-generaration network
devices, characterized by “energy
Full Load Idle

Energy Consumption

Decreasing Device Workload

Source: R. Bolla, R. Bruschi, K. Christensen, F. Cucchietti,

F. Davoli, and S. Singh, “The Potential Impact of Green
Technologies in Next-Generation Wireline Networks – Is
There Room for Energy Saving Optimization?,“ IEEE
Communication Magazine (COMMAG), Special Topic in “Green
Communications,“ Nov. 2010, in press.

ATNAC 2010 34
The Potential Impact
2015 - 2020 network forecast : device density and energy requirements
(example based on Italian network)
power consumption number of devices overall consumption
Home 10
(Wh) 17,500,000 1,533
Access 1,280 27,344 307
Metro/transport 6,000 1,750 92
Core 10,000 175 15

Sources : 1) BroadBand Code of Conduct V.3 (EC-JRC) and “inertial” technology improvements to 2015-2020 (home and
access cons.)
2) Telecom Italia
Network loaddevices
statistics measurements
and topology and evaluations
data (power consumption of metro/core network and number of
Home / Access target
customers per DSLAM 640 standby efficiency 85%
average usage of a network access 30% performance scaling efficiency 50%
average traffic when a user is connected 10% network-wide control efficiency 20%
air cooling/power supply efficiency 15%
Metro / Transport / Core
Sources : BroadBand Code of Conduct V.3 (EC-JRC) and
redundancy degree for metro/transport devices 13% technology improvements to 2015-2020.
redundancy degree for core devices 100%
redundancy degree of metro/transport device 100%
links degree of core device links 50% Device internal sources of energy
average traffic load in metro networks 40%
average traffic load in core networks 40% consumption
Data Plane Control Plane Cooling/Power Supply
Home 79% 3% 18%
Access 84% 3% 13%
Source : forecast based on: carrier grade topologies;
traffic analysis and indicators (ETSI TR 102530, Metro/transport 73% 13% 14%
ODYSSEE) and projected traffic load. Core 54% 11% 35%
Sources : Information from vendors.
ATNAC 2010 35
The Potential Impact
5 - 2020 network forecast : device density and energy requirements
power number of overall consumption
Home 10
consumption 17,500,000
devices 1,533
Access 1,280
(Wh) 27,344 307
Metro/transport 6,000 1,750 92
Core 10,000 175 15

Power Consumption [Wh]

Network load statistics and topology data
average usage of a network access 30.00% X
average traffic when a user is connected 10.00%

X Pstandby
ECONET target
standby efficiency 0.85 1 -
performance scaling efficiency 0.50 1 - Full Load Idle Standby
network-wide control efficiency 0.20 This value of standby power consumption refers to the case where
air cooling/power supply efficiency 0.15 1 - all cable-connected users are not active.
In the reality the ECONET technologies will enable access devices’
ports to selectively enter standby modes.
Device internal sources of energy
Data Control Cooling & Power
home Plane
95% Plane
3% Supply
access 80.0% 3% 17%
metro/transport 73% 13% 14%
core 54% 11% 35%
Working at 100%

P= ϕ ϕ
ac tive activ e +
P standbyPstandby

Full load power Number of devices Overall full consumption Gains Energy gains with ECONET
Access 1consumption
,280 (W) 27 ,344
( relative ) 307
( GWh / year ) 70 % 213
technologies ( GWh / year )
The Potential Impact
Energy effic . target

ndent energy consumption of devices

Full Idl Standby Full Idl Standby Full Idl Standby Full Idl Standby
Load e Load e Load e Load e

load statistics and topology data

Home / access Network load statistics and topolo
Overall Energy Gains Metro / transport / core

full load power number of Overall full consumption ( GWh / year

Gains) Energy gains with ECONET technologies
consumption ( Wh ) devices ( GWh / year )
Home 10 17,500,000 1533 70% 1060
Access 1,280 27,344 307 70% 213
Metro/transport 6,000 1,750 92 54% 49
Core 10,000 175 15 58% 9
Overall gain 68 %
Total BAU [GWh / year] 1947 Total ECONET gains [ GWh / year ] 1331

Direct Indirect Tota

Customers ’ 1060 Per-customer At today’s energy Home
(12 € ) 2( Telco
€ ) l €
savings ’ 270 GWh / year money savings
GWh / year cost2020 energy
At 30€ 6€ 36€
savings * cost
Based * 5-year trends in energy costs
on past after inflation
The Potential Impact
 The figures resulting from our calculations on this
basis outline that GNTs can allow
– saving about 68% of energy requirements of the overall
network, and
– an OPEX reduction for the single reference Telco of
about 33 M$/year, due to a gain of 271 GWh/year in
the energy consumption of wireline infrastructures.
 These figures are the upper bounds of what could be
attained, whereas the actual savings will depend on
the extent of the adoption of the new methodologies.
 The technology to achieve these savings is there.
 At this point, the only question that remains open is
whether these numbers will be impressive enough to
convince research and industrial communities to set
forth the actual development of a greener Internet.
 Whereas telcos should be encouraged by the potential
OPEX reduction, customers and Regulators would also
support the process, once provided with a simple and
clear explanation of their own cost savings,
especially if guaranteed by certification
authorities (e.g., Energy Star).
ATNAC 2010 38
Ongoing Projects

 ECONET (low Energy COnsumption

NETworks) – EU FP7 Integrated
Project (IP)
 TREND (Towards Real Energy-
efficient Network Design) – EU
FP7 Network of Excellence (NoE)
 EFFICIENT (Energy eFFIcient
teChnologIEs for the Networks of
Tomorrow) – Italian National
Project (PRIN 2008)

ATNAC 2010 39
Ongoing Projects

 Goals: re-thinking and re-designing

network equipment towards more energy-
sustainable and eco-friendly
technologies and perspectives.
Ø The overall idea is to introduce novel green
network-specific paradigms and concepts
enabling the reduction of energy
requirements of wired network equipment
by 50% in the short/mid-term (and by 80%
in the long run) with respect to the
business-as-usual scenario.
Ø To this end, the main challenge is to design,
develop and test novel technologies,
integrated control criteria and
mechanisms for network equipment
allowing energy saving by dynamically
adapting theATNAC
2010capacities and 40
Ongoing Projects

ATNAC 2010 41
Ongoing Projects

Green Abstraction Layer

ATNAC 2010 42
Ongoing Projects

ECONET Testbed
@ TELIT Test

ATNAC 2010 43
Ongoing Projects

 Goals: integrating the activitiesof major
European players to quantitatively asses the
energy demand of current and future telecom
infrastructures, and to design energy-efficient,
scalable and sustainable future networks,
considering both the backbone, and the wireless
and wired access segments
Ø collecting data to assess the power consumption of
terminals, devices and infrastructures, to quantify
the current energy needs and their expected
evolution and scaling laws
Ø identifying energy-friendly technologies, devices,
protocols and architectures, and evaluating how
they can be introduced in operational networks
Ø defining new energy-aware network design criteria,
balancing the attention to optimal performance
and resource allocation with the minimization of
energy requirements
Ø experimentally proving
2010effectiveness of the 44
proposed approaches
Ongoing Projects


ATNAC 2010 45
A few words about
research challenges …
 Modelling green devices and networks
Ø For two purposes
• Control and optimization (fluid models,
performance bounds, closed-loop
strategies [but which timing?],
parametric optimization)
• Performance analysis (queueing models
with vacations and setup times at the
device level; traffic engineering [at
which layer?] at the network level),
indications on scalability
 Experimental activity on test sites
Ø Real equipment
ATNAC 2010
Ø Network emulation 46
(e.g., router tester)
 R. Bolla, R. Bruschi, F. Davoli, F. Cucchietti, “Energy Efficiency in the Future Internet:
A Survey of Existing Approaches and Trends in Energy-Aware Fixed Network
Infrastructures,“ IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials (IEEE COMST), to appear.
 R. Bolla, R. Bruschi, K. Christensen, F. Cucchietti, F. Davoli, and S. Singh, “The
Potential Impact of Green Technologies in Next-Generation Wireline Networks – Is
There Room for Energy Saving Optimization?,” IEEE Communication Magazine (IEEE
COMMAG), Special Topic in “Green Communications ,” Nov. 2010, in press.
 R. Bolla, R. Bruschi, A. Carrega, F. Davoli, “An Analytical Model for Designing and
Controlling New-Generation Green Devices,” Proc. 3rd IEEE Workshop on Green
Communications (GreenCom), co-located with GLOBECOM 2010, Miami, FL, USA. Winner of
the Best Paper Award.
 R. Bolla, R. Bruschi, A. Cianfrani, M. Listanti, “Introducing Standby Capabilities into
Next-generation Network Devices,” Proc. ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Programmable
Routers for Extensible Services of Tomorrow (ACM SIGCOMM PRESTO), Philadelphia , PA,
USA, Nov. 2010.
 R. Bolla, R. Bruschi, A. Carrega, F. Davoli, "Theoretical and technological limitations
of power scaling in network devices", Proc. Australasian Telecommunication Networks
and Applications Conf. 2010 (ATNAC 2010), Auckland , New Zealand, Nov. 2010.
 R. Bolla, R. Bruschi, A. Ranieri “Green Support for PC-based Software Router: Performance
Evaluation and Modeling,” Proc. 2009 IEEE International Conference on
Communications (IEEE ICC 2009), Dresden, Germany, June 2009. Winner of the Best
Paper Award.

ATNAC 2010 47
 R. Bolla, R. Bruschi and F. Davoli, “Energy-aware Performance
Optimization for Next Generation Green Network Equipment”,
Proc. ACM SIGCOMM 2009 Workshop on Programmable Routers
for Extensible Services of Tomorrow (ACM PRESTO 2009),
Barcelona, Spain, Aug. 2009, pp. 49-54.
 R. Bolla, R. Bruschi, F. Davoli, “Energy-aware Resource
Adaptation for Next Generation Network Equipment,” Proc.
2009 IEEE Global Communications Conference (IEEE GLOBECOM
2009), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, Dec. 2009.
 R. Bolla, R. Bruschi, A. Carrega, F. Davoli, “Green Network
Technologies and the Art of Trading-off,” submitted to IEEE
Infocom 2011.
 R. Bolla, R. Bruschi, A. Cianfrani, M. Listanti, “Backbone
Networks to Sleep,” submitted to IEEE Network Magazine,
Special Issue on “Green Networking”.

ATNAC 2010 48

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