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Human Growth

Humans just like any other mammals give birth to live young. Two humans a
male and a female of the right age with developed reproductive parts.
Male Reproductive System

The male reproductive system

serves two function.
To produce the sex cell or
To delivered the sperms to
the female reproductive
Female Reproductive System

The female reproductive system

has two function
To produce ova or egg cells.
To provide a place where a
fertilized egg can develop.
The external genitalia of females is collectively called as
vulva. The vulva has the following parts:
1. Mons pubis- the rounded mass of fatty tissue
lying over the joints of the pubic bones, in a
women typically more prominent and also called
the Mons Vineries.
2. Labia major a- the larger outer folds of the vulva.
3. Clitoris- is the pleasure center of the vulva…the
head, or glands, of the clitoris may vary in any
size, but only the tip of the clitoris can be seen
at the top of the vulva under the clitoral hood.
4. Vestibule- or the opening into the vagina.
Mammary Glands and Papilla

Mammary Glands- the milk producing

of women or other female mammals.

Mammary Papilla- the small projection

near the center of the mammary gland
containing the outlets of the milk ducts
through which young mammals obtain
milk from the adult female; a teat.
The Menstrual Cycle

Is the monthly series of changes a

woman’s body goes through in
preparation for the possibility of
pregnancy. Each month, one of the
ovaries releases an egg--- a process
called ovulation. At the same time,
hormonal changes prepare the uterus
for pregnancy.
Flow Phase ( Day 1-5 )

Menstrual phase begins on the first day of menstruation and last till the 5th day
of the menstrual cycle. The uterus sheds its inner lining of soft tissue and blood
vessels which exits the body from the vagina in the form of menstrual fluid.
blood vessels loss of 10 ml to 80 ml is considered normal.
Follicular Phase ( Day 6-13 )

The follicular phase is the stage of your menstrual cycle when your body is
preparing to release an egg. Once the egg is released, the follicular phase is
considered over. For many woman, this generally happens halfway between the
first day of one menstrual period the first day of the next menstrual period.
Lacteal Phase ( Day 15-28 )

This phase begin on 15th day and last till the end of the cycle. The following
events occur during this phase: the egg cell released during the ovulation phase
stays in the fallopian tube for 24 hours.
Fertilization Development and Birth

Is the fusion of haploid gametes, egg, and sperm, to form the diploid zygote.
Note though there can be subtle difference in the fertilization process which
occurs naturally within the body or through reproductive technologies outside
the body, the overall product in both cases is a diploid zygote.

The fertilized egg (zygote) divides repeatedly as it moves down the fallopian tube
to the uterus. First, the zygote becomes a solid ball of cells inside the uterus, the
blast cyst implants in the wall of the uterus, where it develops into an embryo
attached to a placenta and surrounded by fluid-filled membranes.

A fertilized egg, or zygote, takes about five days to reach the uterus from the
uterine tube. it moves, the zygote divides and develops into a blast cyst, with an
inner mass of cells and a protective outer ring. The blast cyst attaches to the wall
of the uterus and gradually implants itself into the uterine lining.
Infant and Childhood

Children grow and develop at a rapid pace during the first few years of life. The
development of both gross and fine motor skills helps a child go from a
completely dependent newborn to an independently functioning toddler in
about 3-year span.
Stages of Growth
Puberty and Adolescences

Adolescences is the period of life between the start of puberty and the beginning
of adulthood. Adolescences includes the physical changes of puberty, it also
includes many other changes, including significant mental, emotional, and social
changes. During adolescences: teenagers develop new thinking abilities.
Adulthood and Aging

Adulthood, the period in the human lifespan in which full physical and
intellectual maturity have been attained. Adulthood is commonly thought as a
beginning at the age 20 or 21 years. Middle ages, commencing at about 40 years,
is followed by old age at about 60 years.

Aims to prevent pregnancy. A woman can get pregnant if a man’s sperm reaches
one of her eggs (ova). Contraception tries to stop this happening by: keeping the
egg and sperm apart, stopping egg production.
Natural Family Planning Method

Aims to prevent pregnancy. A woman can get pregnant if a man’s sperm reaches
one of her eggs (ova). Contraception tries to stop this happening by: keeping the
egg and sperm apart, stopping egg production.
Calendar Rhythm Method

The rhythm method, also called the calendar method or the calendar rhythm
method, is a form of natural family planning. To use the rhythm method, you
track your menstrual history to predict when you’ll ovulate. This helps you
determine when most likely to conceive.
Temperature Rhythm Method

He basal body temperature monitoring method works by enabling woman to

determine the fertile and infertile periods of their menstrual cycle and avoid sex
during the fertile stages. A woman’s body temperature rises slightly after
ovulation at about halfway through her menstrual cycle.
Cervical Mucus Method

Also called the billings ovulation method, is a type of natural family planning also
known as fertility awareness-based methods. The cervical mucus method is
based on careful observation of mucus patterns during the course of your
menstrual cycle.
Coitus Interrupts ( Withdrawal Method )

The withdrawal method of contraception, also known as coitus interrupts, is the

practice of withdrawing the penis form the vagina and away form a woman’s
external genitals before ejaculation to prevent pregnancy. The goal of the
withdrawal method is to prevent sperm from entering the vagina.

The fact or practice of restraining oneself from indulging in something typically


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