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What Is Intelligence?
• American Heritage Dictionary
– Capacity to acquire and apply knowledge.
– The faculty of thought and reason.
– Superior powers of the mind.
• Robert Sternberg (Beyond IQ, 1985)
– Intelligence is what we measure with tests.
• Howard Gardner
(Multiple Intelligences, 1993)
– Intelligence is the ability to solve problems
– or fashion products of consequence.
• You will know the definition of EI and why it matters
• We will be presenting two models of EI
• What’s the research on the relationship between EI and
job performance
• How you can use emotions to achieve your objective
• define emotional intelligence
• be aware of the different models of emotional
• describe the relationship between EI and job
• use emotions to achieve your objectives
Simple Definition
Ability to manage emotions in one’s self and in
others in order to reach desired outcomes.
The simplest definition is the ability to
understand emotions as they happen, and the
using that emotion effectively.
What is Emotional Intelligence?
• Emotional intelligence is a person’s ability to
understand their own emotions, the emotions of
others, and to act appropriately using these
• Emotional intelligence never stops growing.
Because we are always evolving as people, EQ is
something that must be nurtured.
How IQ Differs
• IQ
– Measure of an individual’s personal information
– Memory, vocabulary and visual motor skills
– IQ is set and peaks at age 17
– Remains constant through adulthood
IQ contributes only about 20% to
success in life
Why do people with high
IQs not always succeed?

Emotional Cognitive
Experiential Academic
EI Competencies
• Interpersonal Communication Under Stress
– Assertion Personal Leadership
– Comfort ● Empathy ● Decision Making ● Leadership
• Self Management in Life and Career
– Drive Strength ● Time Management ● Commitment
Ethic ● Positive Personal Change
• Intrapersonal Development
– Self-Esteem ● Stress Management ● Anxiety
Management ● Anger Management
Illustrative Example of EQ and IQ

Suppose you are brilliant in a particular

domain of study.
Or suppose you happen to have a great
idea for a project (or both).
What kinds of emotional and cognitive
intelligence are needed to see the
project through to completion?
Best and Worst
• 5 words to describe your best boss or coworker
• 5 words to describe your worst boss or coworker

• Ask for a volunteer and record on response list for each

high and low

• Give out Signs of High and Low

• Conclude by matching some words on flip chart to

Emotional Intelligence
• Seen as the fundamental key to success and
leadership - and it can be learned!
• Working with people
– Not just about being nice
– Managing one’s own emotions
– Ability to handle encounters
– Teamwork
– Leadership
job success, not survival
• Today's great growth and prosperity is
running parallel to some of the highest
rates of job turnovers.
• Just because you work hard does not
mean you will rise to the top or that
the job is secure.
The more complex the
job, the more EQ (EI)
EI Model
Intrapersonal Interpersonal
Knowing and managing People skills – the ability
yourself to interact and get along
with others
Stress Management Adaptability
Ability to tolerate stress Ability to be flexible and
and control impulses realistic, to solve a
range of problems as
they arise
• Self-Awareness – the ability to recognize how you’re
feeling and why you’re feeling that way and the impact
your behavior has on others

• Assertiveness – the ability to clearly express your

thoughts and feelings, stand your ground and defend a

• Independence – the ability to be self-directed and self-

controlled, to stand on your own two feet
Intrapersonal, cont.
• Self-Regard – the ability to recognize your strengths
and weaknesses and to feel good about yourself
despite your weaknesses

• Self-Actualization – the ability to realize your

potential and feel comfortable with what you
achieve at work and in your personal life
• Empathy – the ability to understand what others might be feeling
or thinking, viewing the world through another person’s eyes

• Social Responsibility – the ability to be a cooperative and

contributing of your social group

• Interpersonal Relationships – the ability to forge and maintain

relationships that are mutually beneficial and marked by give and
take and a sense of emotional closeness
• Reality Testing – the ability to see things as they actually are,
rather than the way you wish or fear they might be

• Flexibility – the ability to adjust your feelings, thoughts, and

actions to changing conditions

• Problem Solving – the ability to define problems, then move to

generate and implement effective, appropriate solutions
Competencies Model
Mayer & Salovey’s Ability Model
Identify emotions
• Identify how you feel
• Identify how others feel
• Sense emotions in music
• Sense emotions in art
• Detect real vs fake emotions - accuracy
Basic emotions with very clear
facial signals

• Anger
• Sadness
• Fear
• Surprise
• Disgust
• Happiness
Understand Emotions
• Recognizes what events are likely to trigger different
• Knows that emotions can combine to form complex
blends of feelings
• Realizes that emotions can progress over time and
transition from one to another
• Provides a rich emotional vocabulary for greater
precision in describing feelings and blends of feelings
What Does “Use Emotion” Entail?
• The capacity to generate and feel an
emotion in order to focus attention,
reason, and communicate.
• The capacity to use emotion to
influence cognitive processes such as
decision making, deductive reasoning,
creativity, and problem solving.
• Generate new ideas
• Think in new ways
• Be creative
• Enhance “big-picture” thinking
• Enhance decision-making abilities
• More problem-solving errors
Manage Emotions

• Stay open to feelings

• Blend emotions with thinking
• Reflectively monitor emotions
Manage Emotions
Research findings:
• Significant relationship between
managing emotions ability and burnout
and mental health
• Teams with higher scores for managing
emotions received higher performance
EQ Value
• Creativity
• Stress Management
• Decision Making
• Relationship Building
• Can be enhanced
• What else is important to you?
Emotional Intelligence Profile

TAMUK First-Year Student Profile

Emotional Intelligence Profile

Academic At-Risk Profile

Emotional Intelligence Profile
A Profile of Emotional Skills
Develop Strengthen Enhance

21 24 27
Interpersonal Skills: Assertion 9 12 15 18 30 33 36

15 17 19
Leadership Skills: Comfort 5 7 9 11 13 21 23 24

16 18 20
Leadership Skills: Empathy 6 8 10 12 14 22 24

Leadership Skills: Decision Making 5 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24

Leadership Skills: Leadership 4 6 9 11 13 15 17 39 44 49

30 34 38
Self Management: Drive Strength 10 14 18 22 26 42 44 46 50

Self Management: Time Management 5 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24

Self Management: Commitment Ethic 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24

32 35 39
Intrapersonal: Self Esteem 9 18 23 26 29 42 45 48 50

Intrapersonal: Stress Management 4 9 14 19 24 29 34 39 44 49

Low Normal High

Potential Problem Area: Aggression 2 4 6 8 11 15 19 24 28 35

Potential Problem Area: Deference 2 4 6 10 14 18 22 26 30 32 36

Potential Problem Area: Change Orientation 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 16 18 21 24

High Achieving Profile

You are in a meeting when a colleague takes credit for
the work you have done. What do you do?
A. Immediately confront the colleague saying that you did
the research?
B. After the meeting, take the colleague aside & tell
him/her that in the future you would appreciate credit
for the work you did.
C. Nothing. It’s best not to embarrass colleagues in public.
D. After the colleague speaks, publicly thank him/her for
referencing your work & provide additional details about
the work.
Situation: Your boss has assigned you your
first big project, and the success or failure
of the project could make or break your
Your Response:
A. You push it aside, you'll get to it later.
B. You spend the next week planning the project out in careful detail
before telling anybody.
C. You take a few minutes to relax, give yourself time to think, bounce
ideas off a colleague, and decide to pursue the idea that makes you
feel most confident.
D. You get nervous and pace. Nervous energy helps fuel the process.
Situation: You find out that the promotion you
were hoping for was given to someone else.

Your Response:
A. You forget about it. You didn't want the job that
much anyway.
B. You lock yourself in your office and cry.
C. You obsess over what the other person had that
you didn't and compare yourself to him or her
D. You continue to do your best; you know the next
promotion is yours.
A. Continue to read your book or magazine, or
watch the movie, trying to pay little attention to
the turbulence.
B. Become vigilant for an emergency, carefully
monitoring the stewardesses and reading the
emergency instructions card.
C. A little of both a and b.
D. Not sure - never noticed.
You are in a meeting when a colleague takes credit for
work that you have done. What do you do?
A. Immediately and publicly confront the colleague over
the ownership of your work.
B. After the meeting, take the colleague aside and tell
her that you would appreciate in the future that she
credits you when speaking about your work.
C. Nothing, it's not a good idea to embarrass colleagues
in public.
D. After the colleague speaks, publicly thank her for
referencing your work and give the group more
specific detail about what you were trying to
You are a customer service representative and have just
gotten an extremely angry client on the phone. What
do you do?
A. Hang-up. It doesn't pay to take abuse from anyone.
B. Listen to the client and rephrase what you gather he is
C. Explain to the client that he is being unfair, that you are
only trying to do your job, and you would appreciate it if
he wouldn't get in the way of this.
D. Tell the client you understand how frustrating this must
be for him, and offer a specific thing you can do to help
him get his problem resolved.
You are a college student who had hoped to get an A in a
course that was important for your future career
aspirations. You have just found out you got a C- on the
midterm. What do you do?
A. Sketch out a specific plan for ways to improve your grade
and resolve to follow through.
B. Decide you do not have what it takes to make it in that
C. Tell yourself it really doesn't matter how much you do in the
course, concentrate instead on other classes where your
grades are higher.
D. Go see the professor and try to talk her into giving you a
better grade.
You are a manager in an organization that is trying to encourage respect
for racial and ethnic diversity. You overhear someone telling a racist
joke. What do you do?

A. Ignore it - the best way to deal with these things is not

to react.
B. Call the person into your office and explain that their
behavior is inappropriate and is grounds for disciplinary
action if repeated.
C. Speak up on the spot, saying that such jokes are
inappropriate and will not be tolerated in your
D. Suggest to the person telling the joke he go through a
diversity training program.
You are an insurance salesman calling on prospective
clients. You have left the last 15 clients empty-
handed. What do you do?
A. Call it a day and go home early to miss rush-hour
B. Try something new in the next call, and keep
plugging away
C. .List your strengths and weaknesses to identify
what may be undermining your ability to sell.
D. Sharpen up your resume.
You are trying to calm down a colleague who has worked herself
into a fury because the driver of another car has cut
dangerously close in front of her. What do you do?

A. Tell her to forget about it-she's OK now and it is no

big deal.
B. Put on one of her favorite tapes and try to distract
C. Join her in criticizing the other driver.
D. Tell her about a time something like this happened to
you, and how angry you felt, until you saw the other
driver was on the way to the hospital.
A discussion between you and your partner has escalated into a
shouting match. You are both upset and in the heat of the
argument, start making personal attacks which neither of
you really mean. What is the best thing to do?
A. Agree to take a 20-minute break before continuing
the discussion.
B. Go silent, regardless of what your partner says.
C. Say you are sorry, and ask your partner to apologize
D. Stop for a moment, collect your thoughts, then
restate your side of the case as precisely as
You have been given the task of managing a team that has been unable
to come up with a creative solution to a work problem. What is the
first thing that you do?
A. Draw up an agenda, call a meeting and allot a
specific period of time to discuss each item.
B. Organize an off-site meeting aimed specifically at
encouraging the team to get to know each other
C. Begin by asking each person individually for ideas
about how to solve the problem.
D. Start out with a brainstorming session, encouraging
each person to say whatever comes to mind, no
matter how wild.
10. You have recently been assigned a young manager in your team, and
have noticed that he appears to be unable to make the simplest of
decisions without seeking advice from you. What do you do?
A. Accept that he "does not have what it take to
succeed around here" and find others in your team to
take on his tasks.
B. Get an HR manager to talk to him about where he
sees his future in the organization.
C. Purposely give him lots of complex decisions to make
so that he will become more confident in the role.
D. Engineer an ongoing series of challenging but
manageable experiences for him, and make yourself
available to act as his mentor.
Answers to Quiz
1. Not D, 10 pts. for ABC
2. B – 5 pts. D – 10 pts.
3. B – 5 pts. D – 10 pts.
4. A – 10 pts. C – 5 pts.
5. B – 5 pts. C – 10 pts. D – 5 pts.
6. B – 10 pts. C – 5 pts.
7. C – 5 pts. D – 10 pts.
8. A – 10 pts.
9. B – 10 pts. D 5 pts.
10. B – 5 pts. D – 10 pts.
Cognitive Emotional
Mind Mind

intelligence is
the ability to
think Appropriate
and act wisely! Behavior
What is
Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence is a confluence of developed
skills and abilities that facilitate (a) the accurate
knowledge and value of self, as well as responsible
actions based on personal worth and dignity; (b) a
variety of strong, healthy relationships; (c) the
ability to work well with others; and (d)
productive reactions to the demands and
pressures of every day life and work.
Nelson & Low, 2003
EQ & Internal Dialogue
Beliefs Emotional or
Thoughts Behavioral
Values Response

Cognitive Structures
The tools that each of us develop in order to modify our patterns of response.
The Emotional Learning System (ELS) provides a model for changing our
thoughts in order to learning to think more constructively and act more wisely.
Apply Explore
5 1

Emotional Learning
Learn System
4 Identify

The Emotional Intelligence
Assessment Process (ESAP)
• Four competence areas
– Interpersonal Communication 
– Personal Leadership 
– Self-Management
– Intrapersonal Skills
• Three potential problem areas
– Aggression 
– Deference 
– Change Orientation 
The danger of the nice personality

• Have you ever met a nice

person, but the “bells
have gone off?”
• Charisma draws in but
not always to desired
ends, e.g., Hitler, Jim
• Empathy can be faked; so
can other emotions.

The art of social relationships--managing

emotions in others
Interpersonal Communication Under Stress

• Assertion (skill)
• Aggression (potential problem)
• Deference (potential problem)

Communication Continuum
Deference Assertion Aggression
Dysfunction at Work
• Is the person in the wrong job?
• Does the job require the person to be
• What is remarkable about the group
dynamics of the organization?
• What about individuals, personal and
Some Gender Differences
• More willing to
compromise social • Greater need for
connectedness for connectedness
independence • Have a wider range of
• Not as good as women at emotions
this • Better at reading
• Less adept than women emotions
overall • Better at developing
• More physiologically social strategies overall
overwhelmed by marital • Perhaps more engaged
conflict in marital conflict
Emotion related dysfunction
• all or nothing thinking
• Impacts on physical health
• overgeneralization
– cardiovascular disease
• excessive worrying
– progression of diabetes
• worrying as magical thinking
– progression of cancer
• disqualifying the position
– onset of hypertension
• jumping to negative
conclusions • Impacts on relationships
• “should” statements • Impacts on mental health
• labeling & mislabeling • personalization
• criticism; contempt
• stonewalling
Is the person in the wrong job?
An introvert, highly intuitive who doesn’t follow
through administratively. Someone who wanted to with
numbers; now is supervising people
Does the job require the person to be difficult?
Are they doing someone else’s dirty work?
What about the group dynamic?
Is someone a prima donna--strong minded, runs
rough shod over everyone else?
Personal & Interpersonal
“loose cannon” needs to be able to control
temper and fear;
be overwhelmed

confident & assertive

diffident --useful tools are 360o ;
videotaping behavior,
executive coach
Some Business Examples
• Airlines are similar in price structure.
The competitive edge = how well
personnel treat passengers
• Others/Yours?
– Implementing credit card use
– Getting contractors paid when the system
won’t work
Importance of EI in Organizations
The higher you go, the more EI matters--
the more SOCIAL COMPETENCE matters
– influence, communication, leadership, change catalyst, conflict
management, building bonds, collaboration and cooperation;
team capabilities

• Army Values
– leadership, duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity,
personal courage
Importance of EI to Organizations, too
• 50% of work satisfaction is determined by
the relationship a worker has with… his/her
• EI is a prerequisite for effective leadership
across borders.
– Requires a high level of self-mastery and people
skills; ability to put yourself into the positions of
If we knew nothing about a store except that
employee attitudes had improved 5%, we
could predict that its revenue would rise
.5% above what it otherwise
would have been.

--Sears executive, Harvard Business Review, January, 1998

Taking the time for mindfulness
Nine Strategies
Recognizing and naming emotions for
Understanding the causes of feelings

Differentiating between emotion and the need to take action

Preventing depression through “learned optimism”

Managing anger through learned behavior or distraction techniques

Listening for the lessons of feelings

Using “gut feelings” in decision making
Developing listening skills
There are instruments to measure EI...
• Take time for mindfulness
• Recognize and name emotions
• ID the causes of feelings
• Differentiate having the
emotion and doing something
about it
• Learn optimism to challenge
• Learn distraction techniques
• Listen to voice of experience
• Develop Listening skills
What is Training in EI Worth?

Increases retention.
Decreases absenteeism.
Increases overall organizational growth.

Could increase production as much as 20%

Current estimates to American Business:

Losing between $5.6 and
$16.8 Billion annually
A one-day won’t do it.

Emotional development

• We develop external
strategies first
• Then we develop The
social strategies more

• Girls do better at strategies

the better
developing strategies

Managing one’s own emotions

Using emotions to maximize intellectual processing and decision making

• As a person matures, emotions begin to

shape and improve thinking by directing
a person’s attention to important
changes, (e.g., a child worries about his homework while
continually watching TV. A teacher becomes concerned about a
lesson that needs to be completed for the next day. The teacher
moves on to complete the task before concern takes over
Mayer and Salovey, 1995

self motivation
Utilizing mild emotional swings to perform
one’s options more effectively

• “Gut feeling” can be used to effectively guide decisions--a

neurological understanding of how unconscious and
conscious gut feelings guide decisions, e.g., when prioritizing,
emotions help move the decisions.

• Harness emotions to promote or hinder

motivation. (Anxiety, hostility, sadness)
• Emotional swings to increase the accuracy
of one’s perspective on future events.

Using emotions to maximize intellectual processing and decision making

Developing empathy
• Empathy is the ability to recognize
another’s emotional state, which is very
similar to what you are experiencing.
• In research on married couples, empathy
appears to include matching the
physiological changes of the other person.

Developing empathy links to
• Greater emotional
• Greater interpersonal
• Better school

Developing empathy
The art of social relationships--managing emotions in others

• To excel at people skills means having

and using the competencies to be an
effective friend, negotiator, and leader.
One should be able to guide an
interaction, inspire others, make others
comfortable in social situations, and
influence and persuade others.

The subtle and complex abilities which underlie people
• Being attuned to others’
• Promoting comfort in
others through the
proper use of display
• Using own emotional
display to establish a
sense of rapport

The art of social relationships--managing

emotions in others
The development of EI
• A genetic contribution • Poor ability to read
is likely others’ emotion may
• They are not destiny lead to the
(timidity) development of poor
• Early expression of social skills.
emotion by parents
helps learning
• Early abuse hinders

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