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Introduction to the Spring

Vamsi Mohan.V
 Introduction
Spring Framework History
 Started 2002/2003 by Rod Johnson and
Juergen Holler
 Started as a framework developed around
Rod Johnson’s book Expert One-on-One
J2EE Design and Development
 Spring 1.0 Released March 2004
 2004/2005 Spring is emerging as a
leading full-stack Java/J2EE application
Latest Spring releases
 Spring Framework 3.0.5.RELEASE is the current
production release (requires Java 1.5+)
 Can be downloaded from
 Spring Framework 2.5.6.SEC02 is the latest Spring 2.5.x
release (compatible with Java 1.4+)
 Spring Framework 2.0.8 is the latest Spring 2.0.x release
(compatible with Java 1.3+)
Spring Mission Statement
 J2EE should be easier to use
 OO design is more important than any
implementation technology, such as J2EE.
 Testability is essential, and a framework such as
Spring should help make your code easier to
 Spring should not compete with good existing
solutions, but should foster integration.
What is the Spring Framework?
 A lightweight non-intrusive framework which addresses various tiers in a
J2EE application.

 Presentation layer: Integrates with Struts to initialize action classes

 Business layer: Lightweight IoC container with support for AOP-driven
interceptors and transaction.
 Persistence layer – DAO template support for Hibernate, SQLMaps and
 Factory implementation to abstract and integrate various other facets of
enterprise applications like E-mails, JMS, WebServices, etc.

 Helps integrates tiers together using XML configuration instead of hard-

 Substantially reduces code, speeds up development, facilitates easy testing
and improves code quality.
Spring == J2EE Application
 Spring is NOT a J2EE application
 Spring can integrate nicely with J2EE application (or any
Java environment)
 Spring can, in many cases, elegantly replace services
traditionally provided by J2EE application.
Lessons Learned from Struts
 Before Struts, everyone wrote their own front controllers
 After Struts, the custom front controllers could be thrown
 Developers focus on solving business problems
 But with Struts (and most of the other web frameworks) you
still have to write your own business delegates or service
Spring Can Help!
 Spring brings a consistent structure to your entire
 Spring provides a consistent way to glue your whole
application together
 Spring provides elegant integration points with
standard and defacto-standard interfaces: Hibernate,
JDO, TopLink, EJB, RMI, JNDI, JMS, Web Services,
Struts, etc.
Spring is Non-Invasive
What does that mean?
 You are not forced to import or extend any Spring APIs
 An invasive API takes over your code.
 Anti-patterns:
 EJB forces you to use JNDI
 Struts forces you to extend Action
Spring Benefits
 Not a J2EE container. Doesn’t compete with J2EE app
servers. Simply provides alternatives.
 POJO-based, non-invasive framework which allows a la
carte usage of its components.
 Promotes decoupling and reusability
 Reduces coding effort and enforces design discipline by
providing out-of-box implicit pattern implementations
such as singleton, factory, service locator etc.
 Removes common code issues like leaking connections
and more
 Support for declarative transaction management
 Easy integration with third party tools and technologies.
Fundamental Concepts
 Dependency Injection
 Also known as IoC (Inversion of Control)
 Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP)
 Runtime injection-based
 Portable Service Abstractions
 The rest of spring
 ORM, DAO, Web MVC, Web, etc.
 Allows access to these without knowing how they actually work
Spring Architecture Overview
from springframework.org

Note: Spring distribution comes as one big jar file and alternatively as a series of smaller jars broken
out along the above lines (so you can include only what you need)
 A BeanFactory is typically configured in an XML file
with the root element: <beans>

 The XML contains one or more <bean> elements

 id (or name) attribute to identify the bean
 class attribute to specify the fully qualified class
 By default, beans are treated as singletons
 Can also be prototypes

Here is an example The bean’s fully-

The bean’s ID qualified classname

<bean id=“widgetService”
<property name=“poolSize”>
<!—-property value here-->

Maps to a setPoolSize() call

Property Values for BeanFactories
 Strings and Numbers
<property name=“size”><value>42</value></property>

<property name=“name”><value>Jim</value></property>

 Arrays and Collections

<property name=“hobbies”>
<value>Basket Weaving</value>
<value>Break Dancing</value>
Property Values for BeanFactories
 The real magic comes in when you can set a property on a
bean that refers to another bean in the configuration:
<bean name=“widgetService” class=“com.zabada.base.WidgetServiceImpl”>
<property name=“widgetDAO”>
<ref bean=“myWidgetDAO”/>

where myWidgetDAO is another
bean defined in the configuration

 * This is the basic concept of Inversion of Control

Inversion of Control (Dependency Injection)
 Instead of objects invoking other objects, the dependant objects
are added through an external entity/container.
 Also known as the Hollywood principle – “don’t call me I will
call you”
 Dependency injection
 Dependencies are “injected” by container during runtime.
 Beans define their dependencies through constructor
arguments or properties
 Prevents hard-coded object creation and object/service lookup.
 Loose coupling, Easy to maintain and reuse
 Helps write effective unit tests.
Non-IoC/Dependency Injection
Non-IoC Service Object
public class OrderServiceImpl implements
IOrderService {
public Order saveOrder(Order order) throws
// 1. Create a Session/Connection object
// 2. Start a transaction
// 3. Lookup and invoke one of the methods in a
// DAO and pass the Session/Connection object.
// 4. Commit transaction
}catch(Exception e){
// handle e, rollback transaction, //cleanup, //
throw e
//Release resources and handle more exceptions

Code is tightly coupled or interspersed with Factory code!

IoC / Dependency Injection
IoC Service Object
public class OrderSpringService implements
IOrderService {
IOrderDAO orderDAO;
public Order saveOrder(Order order) throws
// perform some business logic…
return orderDAO.saveNewOrder(order);

public void setOrderDAO(IOrderDAO orderDAO) {

this.orderDAO = orderDAO;

 Program to interfaces for your bean dependencies!

Code is loosly coupled

Spring AOP
 Framework that builds on the aopalliance interfaces.
 Aspects are coded with pure Java code. You do not need
to learn pointcut query languages that are available in
other AOP implementations.
 Spring aspects can be configured using its own IoC
 Objects obtained from the IoC container can be transparently
advised based on configuration
 Spring AOP has built in aspects such as providing
transaction management, performance monitoring and
more for your beans
 Spring AOP is not as robust as some other
implementations such as AspectJ.
 However, it does support common aspect uses to solve
common problems in enterprise applications
AOP in Spring
 Provides way to create declarative services and
custom aspects
 Transaction management is the most common aspect
(or concern)
 Spring handles AOP via advisors or interceptors
 Interception point is a joinpoint
 A set of joinpoints are called a pointcut
 pointcuts are key to Spring AOP, they allow intercepts without
explicit knowledge of the OO hierarchy
 Action taken by an interceptor is called advice (the block of
code that runs based on the pointcut definition)
 weaving – can be done at runtime or compile time. Inserts
the advice (crosscutting concerns) into the code (core
AOP advice types
 Around
 Most common and powerful
 Execute code before and after joinpoint
 Before
 Executes before joinpoint, cannot stop execution
 Throws
 Executes code if exception is thrown
 After return
 Executes code after normal joinpoint execution
 Spring – www.springframework.org
 J2EE without EJB – Rod Johnson/ Jurgen Hoeller
 Better, Faster, Lighter Java – Bruce Tate
 Wiring your Web Application with Open Source Java

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