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Data Types
Built-in Data Types

Java primitives (whole numbers)


Java primitives (real numbers)

Built-in Data Types

Java primitives (text)

char (character, use single quotes: ‘b’)
String *

Java primitives (True/False)


* String is not a primitive

Variable Declarations

Simple form
<datatype> <identifier>;
int total;
Optional initialization at declaration
<data type> <identifier> = <init value>;
int total = 0;

int counter;
int numStudents = 583;
float gpa;
double batAvg = .406;
char gender;
char gender = ‘f’;
boolean isSafe;
boolean isEmpty = true;
String personName;
String streetName = “North Avenue”;
Primitive Type Facts
Type Size Min Max Default
boolean 1bit false* true* false
char 2 '\u0000' (null)
byte 1 -128 127 (byte) 0
short 2 -32,768 32,767 (short) 0
int 4 -2,147,483,648 2,147,483,647 0
long 8 -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 0L
float 4 Approx ±3.4E+38 with 7 significant digits 0.0F
double 8 Approx ±1.7E+308 with 15 significant digits 0.0D
* Not truly min and max. Note: Size is in Bytes
Conditionals & Iteration
Decision Statements

if statement – omitting else branch:

if (condition)

if statement – omitting else branch:

if (condition) {
} // if
Decision Statements

if statement - single statement bodies:

if (condition)

if statement - multiple statement blocks:

if (condition) {
else {
} // if
Multiple Selections via switch

1. Use if construct for single selection.

2. Use if/else construct for double selection.

3. Use switch construct for multiple selection.

Notes about switch:

• Useful when making a selection among

multiple values of the same variable.

• Not useful when selecting among values

of different variables.
Switch syntax
switch (<variable>)
case <value>:
// whatever code you want
break; // usually need this
case <value>:
// whatever code you want
break; // usually need this
// whatever code you want
break; // optional
Multiple Selections via switch
Note the "optional" default case at the end of the switch statement.
It is technically optional only in terms of syntax.
This might
switch (number) { work without
case 1:
the default
System.out.println ("One");
break; case, but
case 2: would be
System.out.println ("Two"); poor
break; technique
case 3:
System.out.println ("Three");
System.out.println("Not 1, 2, or 3");
break; // Needed???
} // switch

For safety and good programming practice, always include a 'default' case.
How many days?

if (month == 4 || month == 6 ||
month == 9 || month == 11)
numdays = 30;
else if (month = 2)
numdays = 28;
if (leap)
numdays = 29;
numdays = 31;
switch (month)
case 4:
case 6:
case 9:
case 11:
numdays = 30;
case 2:
numdays = 28;
numdays = 29;
default: /* Good idea? */
numdays = 31;
Java Iteration Constructs: "While Loops"

Java example:

<get first value>

while (condition)
<process value>
<get next value>

Note: Check is made before entering loop thus it is possible that loop may not
Java Iteration Constructs: "Do While Loops"

Java example:

statement 1;
statement N;
} while (condition);

Test Last Loop: Body of loop is guaranteed to be executed at least once.

Useful when termination condition is developed inside loop.
Java Iteration Constructs: “For Loop”

Java syntax:
for (<initialization>; <continue if>;<increment>)

Java example:

int count;
for (count = 1; count <= 50; count ++) {
A for Loop can always be converted to a while loop

i = 0; for(i = 0; i < 10; i++)

while (i < 10) {
{ System.out.println(i);
System.out.println(i); }

This will help you understand the sequence of operations

of a for loop
Operators based on the number of

 Unary Operators

 Binary Operators

 Ternary Operators
Arithmetic Operators

 Sign Unary Operators

 +
 -
 Increment and Decrement Operators
 ++
 --
 Basic Arithmetic Operators
 +
 -
 *
 /
 %
Relational Operators

 Greater than (>)

 Less than (<)

 Greater than or equal to (>=)

 Less than or equal to (<=)

 Equal to (==)

 Not equal to (!=)

Logical Operators

Bitwise Operators

Short-circuit operators
Bitwise Logical Operators

AND (&)

OR (|)

XOR (^)

Bitwise Inversion (~)`

Short-Circuit Logical Operators

Short-circuit Logical AND (&&)

Short-circuit Logical OR OR (||)

Boolean Inversion-NOT (!)

Assignment Operators

 =
 +=
 -=
 *=
 /=
 %=
 &=
 |=
 ^=
Advanced Operators

 Shortcut if-else statement (?:)

 Dot operator (.)

 Cast operator (<type>)

 new

 instanceof

Equality of primitives (==)

Equality of references (==)

Equality of object (equals)

A problem with simple variables
One variable holds one value
The value may change over time, but at any given time, a
variable holds a single value

If you want to keep track of many values, you need many


All of these variables need to have names

What if you need to keep track of hundreds or thousands of

Multiple values

An array lets you associate one name with a fixed (but possibly
large) number of values

All values must have the same type

The values are distinguished by a numerical index between 0 and

array size minus 1

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
myArray 12 43 6 83 14 -57 109 12 0 6
Indexing into arrays
To reference a single array element, use
array-name [ index ]
Indexed elements can be used just like simple variables
You can access their values
You can modify their values
An array index is sometimes called a subscript
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
myArray 12 43 6 83 14 -57 109 12 0 6

myArray[0] myArray[5] myArray[9]

Using array elements

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
myArray 12 43 6 83 14 -57 109 12 0 6

x = myArray[1]; // sets x to 43
myArray[4] = 99; // replaces 14 with 99
m = 5;
y = myArray[m]; // sets y to -57
z = myArray[myArray[9]];// sets z to 109
Array values
An array may hold any type of value

All values in an array must be the same type

For example, you can have:
An array of integers
An array of Strings
An array of Person
An array of arrays of Strings
An array of Object
Two ways to declare arrays
You can declare more than one variable in the same declaration:
int a[ ], b, c[ ], d; // notice position of brackets
a and c are int arrays
b and d are just ints

Another syntax:
int [ ] a, b, c, d; // notice position of brackets
a, b, c and d are int arrays
When the brackets come before the first variable, they apply to all
variables in the list
Different ways of Creating the array
int myarray [ ]= {1,2,3}; Only Values

int myarray [ ]= new int[3]; Only size of array


int myarray [ ]= new int[] {1,2,3}; No size, only values

How to retrieve the values
To retrieve the values from an array

for (int i=0; i < myarray.length; i++)

System.out.println(“Value is:” + myarray[i]);

Here length
indicates the size of an array
Arrays of objects

Suppose you declare and define an array of

Person[ ] people = new Person[20];
There is nothing wrong with this array, but
it has 20 references to Persons in it
all of these references are initially null
you have not yet defined 20 Persons
For example, people[12].name will give you a
Arrays of arrays
The elements of an array can be arrays
Once again, there is a special syntax
Declaration: int[ ][ ] table; (or int table[ ][ ];)
Definition: table = new int[10][15];
Combined: int[ ][ ] table = new int[10][15];
The first index (10) is usually called the row index; the second index
(15) is the column index
An array like this is called a two-dimensional array
Different ways of creating array of arrays

int[ ][ ] table = { {1, 2}, {3, 6}, {7, 8} };

int[ ][ ] table = new int[3][2];
Int[ ][ ] table = new int[ ][ ] { {1, 2}, {3, 6}, {7, 8} };

For example, table[1][1] contains 6

0 1 table[2][1] contains 8, and
0 1 2 table[1][2] is “array out of bounds”

1 3 6 To retrieve the values:

2 7 8 for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
System.out.println ( table[i][j] );
Size of these arrays
int[ ][ ] table = new int[3][2];
0 1 The length of this array is the number of rows:
table.length is 3
0 1 2 Each row contains an array
1 3 6 To get the number of columns, pick a row and ask for its
2 7 8 length:
table[0].length is 2
But remember, rows may not all be the same length

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