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Presentation On

Training Needs Analysis

Group Members Name
2 Rashmi Majwelkar
2 Priyanka Tiwari
2 Priya Shanbang
2 Ankita Satam
Ohy to Conduct a Training Needs Analysis

2 |  needs analysis is a series of

activities conducted to identify problems or
other issues in the workplace, and to
determine training need analysis is to
determine whether there is a gap between
what is required for effective performance and
present level of performance.
2 Vhelps us to identify the areas in an
organization where training is the must
Advantages & Disadvantages of
Training Needs Analysis

a Resources are targeted at identified priorities.
a Increase organisational ability to plan & adapt changes at workplace.
a Enhancing levels of job satisfaction, morale and motivation.
a It is a natural function of an appraisal system, where discussions take place on what
skills need to be improved, and how.
a It provides a constructive base for improving performance.

There are no disadvantages to the process, but it does require:
a time and energy to plan the analysis systematically, and to analyze the results.
a coordination of the results between different managers, to ensure that an organisational
plan reflects the priorities across the whole company, allowing for economies of scale
and avoiding duplication in different departments
a the full involvement of, and discussion with, potential trainees, rather than the
subjective evaluation of their managers.

The new role of the trainer calls for new skills which include:




Facilitating small group interaction

Awareness of different learning styles.

Measuring and evaluating

Strategic planning

Problem solving

Facilitating organizational change and

Communication Skills
Identification of Training Needs
|raining need identification is a tool utilized to identify what educational courses or
activities should be provided to employees to improve their work productivity.
Here the focus should be placed on needs as opposed to desires of the employees
for a constructive outcome. Identification of Training needs are done on three
2    training and development needs are those relating to the
competence of individuals in their jobs, what those individuals do in their jobs,
and what they should do to ensure that the organization is able to meet its
objectives. An example of this could be the ability to care for customers.
2    training needs are those which relate to skills, knowledge and
attitudes an individual must have to carry out a job irrespective of who he or she
is. An example could be a typist requiring word-processing skills, or a operator in
a call centre knowing how to use the software and the knowledge of relevant
products or services.
2 x   0personal)  needs relate to the needs of the individual jobholders. For
example, a manager may wish to learn keyboard skills in order to be more
effective in his or her job, even if this is not a prerequisite for the job. This will
also include interpersonal skills development.
Steps in Conducting a need
ë Determine and define the 

 of the Assessment. 0Ohat do
you want to know?)
ë Identify the | 

. 0From whom are going to collect
information and data?)
ë Establish a  

. 0How are you going to select
a group of individuals that will represent your target population?)
ë O 

 . 0How do you plan to collect data?)
ë x 

. 0Ohat instruments and techniques
will you use to collect data.)
ë O V. 0How will you analyze the data?)
. 0Ohat and how will decisions be made?)

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