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A ³Career Anchor´ is a combination of perceived
areas of competence, motives, and values relating to
professional work choices.
They help you to define exactly what 'turns you on'
about work and so make it easier for you to decide
what you want, or don't want, from your job or
O ^hen you consider all kinds of people, it is very
clear that not everyone has the same ambitions or
motivations in work.
O Some people are very content to have a quiet,
uneventful job, while others thrive on constant
change and excitement.
O In short, we are all different, and our motivators are
an ³internal barometer´ of who we are and what we
Edgar Schein at MIT has identified eight themes and
has shown that people will have prioritized
preferences for these.
Edgar Schein¶s (1975) model of career anchors
evolved out of a longitudinal study of about 44 Sloan
Graduates covered over a period of over one decade.
People tend to stay anchored in one area and their
career will echo this in many ways.

O Competence in some technical or functional areas
O Seeks chance to apply specialist expertise
O Happy when permitted or challenged in these areas
O Continue developing those skills
O Not interested in general management jobs as they
will have to leave their areas



O Manage cross functions at a high level

O Seek prestige, power, high remuneration
O ^ant to be responsible and accountable for total
O Technical/functional ± necessary learning experience
O Ambition ± generalist jobs
O No interested in a high managerial level in a function

O Define work in his/her own way

O ^ants freedom to define work
O Jobs that allow flexibility
O Cannot tolerate rules, restrictions
O Turn down opportunity for promotions or
advancement to retain autonomy


Most important ± employment security/ tenure of job

Financial security (pension and retirement plans)

Sometimes willing to trade personal loyalty

not concerned with content of work
Build entire self image around management of security
and stability

Dreams of running and owning business

Organization/ enterprise built on their own abilities
^illing to take risks / overcome obstacles
Prove to the world
May work for others initially
^ant their enterprise to be financially successful
All successful businessmen who started out on their









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