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Applied Anatomy of EAR

External Ear
What type of cartilage Pinna is made up of ?

 Elastic
 Hyalline
What is the length of Ext Auditary Meatus
[How deep is the TM]?
 1 inch
 1.5 inches
 2 inches
Tympanic Membrane
The size of TM is

 1x0.5 cm
 1x1cm
 1x0.8 cm
How far is TM from external opening of the ear

 1 inch
 1.5 inches
 2 inches
How thick is TM ?
 Approx 1 mm
 Approx 0.5 mm
TM lies at
 At Right angle to the External Auditary
 Obliquely
 Bulk of Ear is embedded in Temporal
 Ear consists of 3-parts: Ext Ear, Middle Ear
and Internal Ear
 External ear consists of PINNA and EAM
 EAM is 1-inch long and S-shaped and is
closed by TM at the other end
 Middle Ear lies next to TM
 Middle contains Ossicles [Malleus,Incus and stapes]
which transmit sound to Internal ear
 In addition to Ossicles , FACIAL NERVE passes through it
 Middle Ear is filled with AIR ;Eustacean tube maintains
the Air pressure connecting it to Ext Atomosphere
 Internal ear lies protected in petrous part of Temporal
 It consists of COCHLEA [ for hearing] and LABARYNTH
for Balance; Vestibulo-cochlear nerve transmits sound
and balance information to Brain Stem
 MASTOID is the bony prominence just behind Ext Ear.

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