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The Gaseous State of Matter

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Describe the kinetic-molecular theory and explain how it accounts for observed gas behavior Explain gas pressure and how it is measured Explain gas law Discuss the significance of the ideal gas equation

Solids(tightly-bound molecules)

At low temperatures the nuclei of the atoms of a solid vibrate about an equilibrium position but are trapped in their lattice positions, unable to flow or diffuse.

The intermolecular forces are stronger than the average thermal energy of the system. Long range radial and angularorder(structure) are usually present in single crystal solids. Even amorphous solids have relatively good spatial ordering, especially over


As the binding energy to the lattice site is overcome by thermal energy, the molecules in the solid may slip past each other but maintain close contact. The overall substance is fluid, but not very compressible.


Some long range radial ordering persists, but usually only over the size of a few molecular diameters

Gases(free motion)

Gas molecules have negligible size, have no appeciable intermolecular forces, and are in continous, random motion.

Gases(free motion)

Gases have mean free paths that are larger than molecular diameters, i.e. they are usually isolated but occasionally have collisions

Gases(free motion)

The state of a gas is universally, if approximately, described by the Ideal Gas Equation of State.

General Properties

The least dense and most mobile state of matter Molecules move style very high Click to edit Master subtitle at velocities; thus have high kinetic energy. Mixtures are uniformly distributed within the container they are confined

Behavior of Gases

Any form of matter exists under suitable conditions of temperature, pressure Master subtitle style and volume. Click to edit The effect of these three factors is quite obvious in gases.

Behavior of Gases

Under the same sets of conditions, behavior of gases can be explained by Click to edit Master subtitle style the Kinetic Molecular Theory (KMT).


Gases have mass It is easy to compress gases Gases fill their containers completely Different gases can move through each other quite rapidly Gases exert pressure The pressure of a gas depends on its temperature

Kinetic Molecular Theory

Studies begun in the 17th century by Robert Boyle

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Kinetic Molecular Theory

1. Gases consist of large numbers of molecules (or atoms, in the case of the noble to edit Master subtitle style gases) that are Click incontinuous,randommotion. NOTE: These collisions randomize the motion of the molecules.

Kinetic Molecular Theory

2. Thevolumeof themoleculesof the gas isnegligiblecompared to the total volume style which the gas is in Click to edit Master subtitle contained

Kinetic Molecular Theory

3. Attractive forcesbetween molecules arenegligible.
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The average kinetic energy of the molecules does not change with time. edit Master subtitle style Click to

2. The average kinetic energy of the molecules is proportional to absolute temperature Click to edit Master subtitle style

Kinetic Molecular Theory

All gases are made up of submicroscopic (tiny), particles calledto molecules. Click edit Master subtitle style These molecules are very small in relation to the distances between them.

Kinetic Molecular Theory

Gas molecules have no attraction for one another. These edit Master subtitle style are in constant Click to molecules random motion causing them to collide with one another and the walls of the container.

Kinetic Molecular Theory

The collisions of molecules are perfectly elastic. No energy is lost by the collisionsubtitle style of gas molecules with Click to edit Master another or with the walls of the container. The average KE of molecules varies directly with the Kelvin temperature.

Kinetic Molecular Theory

The type of gas behaving according to the kinetic molecular theory (KMT) is called an ideal or perfect gas. Click to edit Master subtitle style

Kinetic Molecular Theory

No ideal gases exist, but under certain conditions of P and T, real gasestoapproach ideal behavior, or at Click edit Master subtitle style least show only small deviations from it.

Kinetic Molecular Theory

Under extreme conditions, such as very high P and low T, real gases deviate greatly from ideal behavior. Click to edit Master subtitle style


All gases have the same KE at the same temperature, thus; lighter molecules have greater velocities Click to edit Master subtitle style than the heavier ones.


The ability of two or more gases to mix spontaneously until they form a uniform mixture.style Click to edit Master subtitle Because of the molecular motion of gases.



The process by which gas molecules pass through a very small orifice from a edit Master subtitle style higher pressure container at Click to to one at lower pressure.


Measuring Gases
Amount of Gas (n) n = mass = m (g) molar mass M ( g/mol)

Grahams Law of Effusion

Thomas Graham was able to observed the rate of effusion was dependent on the density of a gas. Click to edit Master subtitle style

Rate1 - is the rate of effusion of the first gas (volume or number of moles per unit time). Rate2is the rate of effusion for the second gas. M1is themolar massof gas 1 M2is the molar mass of gas 2.

Let gas 1 be H2and gas 2 be O2.

Therefore, hydrogen molecules effuse four times faster than those of oxygen.


Pressure is defined as a force that is exerted per unit of area. This is edit Master subtitle style dividing the force Click to obtained by by the area on which the force acts.


The atmosphere exerts pressure on the earth known as atmospheric pressure.Master subtitle style Click to edit The atmospheric pressure is approximately 1 atmosphere, but varies with elevation or altitude.

Conversion of Pressure
1 atm = 760 mm Hg 1 Torr = 1 mm Hg Click to edit Master subtitle style = 76 cm Hg 1 Pa = 1 N/m = 14.7 lbs/in2 = 760 Torr = 101,325 Pa = 101.325 KPa


Temperature is a measure of the degree of hotness or coldness of a body. to edit Master subtitle style Click To measure temperature, thermometers are used. Three temperature scales are currently in use.


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Molecules of matter when heated move faster but when cooled, the particles Master subtitle style move slower and slower Click to edit until, theoretically all motion stops. The lowest possible hypothetical T at which V is zero or is -273.15C (all molecules will stop moving.)

Equations for Conversion

100 C C= F - 32 180 F


5C C = F - 32 9F

180 F F= C + 32 100 C

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( )

9F F = C + 32 5C

( )

K = C + 273.15


Volume maybe described as the space that a specific substance occupies. Click to edit Master subtitle style Several units of volume maybe used such as liter (L), milliliters (mL), cubic centimeter (cm), cubic meter (m), etc.

Properties of Gases

Gases assume the volume and shape of their containers. Gases have low densities. Click to edit Master subtitle style Gases are able to exert pressure. Gases diffuse rapidly. Gases expand when heated. Gases are the most compressible of the states of matter.

Boyles Law

The volume of a fixed amount of gas is inversely proportional to its pressure Master subtitle style when its temperature is Click to edit kept constant. The Pressure of the gas Varies Inversely with Volume at Constant Temperature. Robert Boyle

In Equation

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1 V P

Boyles Law

The heart of Boyles Law is the experimental fact that the product of pressure and volume is constant.
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This can be expressed in the following form, which is easier to use in calculations.

P1V1 = P2V2

The volume of the sample of gas is 200.0 L at 740 mm Hg. What is the volume at 760 mm Hg? Assume that the temperature remains constant. V1 = 200.0 L P1 = 740 mm Hg =0.974 atm P2 = 760 mm Hg = 1 atm V2 = unknown P1V1 = P2V2 V2 = P1V1 V2 = (0.974 atm)(200 L) P2 1 atm
V2 = 195 L

If the volume of the gas changes from 50 L at a pressure of 720 mm Hg to a volume of 48 L, what will the new pressure be? V1 = 50.0 L P1 = 720 mm Hg =0.947 atm P2 = unknown V2 = 48 L P1V1 = P2V2 P2 = P1V1 P2 = (0.947 atm)(50 L) V2 48 L
P2 = 0.986 atm




A sample of gas occupied 2.50 L at 1.15 atm pressure. What is its volume at standard atmospheric pressure? A sample of occupies 125 mL at standard pressure. What is its pressure when its volume is compressed to 75.0 mL?

Charles Law

The volume of a given amount of gas held at constant pressure is directly proportional to the absolute (Kelvin) Click to edit Master subtitle style temperature. The Absolute Temperature (Kelvin) of the gas varies proportionally with volume at constant pressure. Jacques Charles

In Equation

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V1 V2 = T1 T2

1. The volume of the sample of gas is 250 L at 200C. What is its volume when cooled to 0oC at constant pressure? V1 = 250 L T1 = 200C = 293 K V2 = unknown T2 = 0oC = 273 K V1 = V2 V2 = (250 L)(273 K) T1 T2 293 K
V2 = 233 L V2 = V1 T2


2. Calculate the final volume when a 750-mL sample of gas is heated from 50C to 60 0C at a constant pressure. V1 = 250 mL = 0.250 L T1 = 50C = 278 K V2 = unknown T2 = 60oC = 333 K V1 = V2 V2 = (0.250 L)(333 K) T1 T2 278 K
V2 = 0.299 L V2 = V1 T2


Solve the following:



What will be the new volume of a 1.75 L sample of gas cooled from 250C to 00C at a constant pressure? A 5.00 L sample of a gas at 20 0C is to be heated at a constant pressure until it reaches a volume of 8.00 L. To what Kelvin temperature must this sample be heated?

Solve the following:

3. A 10.00 L sample of a gas at 3000C is to be cooled at a constant pressure until it reaches half its original volume. At what Celsius temperature will this sample reach its original volume?

Gay Lussacs Law

The pressure of a fixed amount of gas is directly relationship proportional subtitle style absolute to the Click to edit Master temperature (Kelvin) only when its volume is held constant. French scientists Jacques Charles and Joseph Gay Lussac,

In Equation

Click to edit Master subtitle style 1

P T1

P2 = T2

Sample Problem

Hydrogen gas is confined in a constant volume chamber. The gas pressure is approximately 1.35 atm. When the Click to edit Master subtitle style chamber is immersed in a bath of melting ice. (a) What is the temperature, in C, when the pressure manometer indicates a reading of 0.55 atm? (b) What pressure will the pressure manometer indicate after bringing the chamber to 100 C?

STP Condition

Under STP,

pressure is fixed at 1 atm temperaturesubtitle style or 273.15 K Click to edit Master at 0 0C volume of 1 mole of a gas is constant at 22.4 L called the standard molar volume.

Combined Gas Law

The volume of a fixed amount of a gas is directly proportional to the ratio ofedit Master subtitle style temperature and its absolute Click to its pressure.

In Equation
T V Click to edit Master subtitle style P

P1V1 P2 V2 = T1 T2

Sample Problem
1. A sample of gas oocupies 9.25 L STP. What will its volume become at 735 mm edit Master subtitle style Hg and 20 0C? Click to
V1 = 9.25 L P1 = 1.50 atm T1 = 273 K P2 = 735 mm Hg = 0.967 atm T2 = 20oC = 293 K V2 = unknown P1 V1 = P2V2 V2 = (1 atm)(9.25 L)(293 K) T1 T2 (0.967)(273 K)

V2 = 10.3 L V2 = P1 V1 T2 P2 T1

Sample Problem
2. A sample of gas ocupies 0.575 L at 1.50 atm and 125oC. At what pressure will its volumesubtitle at 0.300 L at 20 oC? be style Click to edit Master
V1 = 0.575 L P1 = 1.50 atm T1 = 125 oC = 398 K P2 = unkown T2 = 20oC = 293 K V2 = 0.300 L P1 V1 = P2V2 P2 = (1.50 atm)(0.575 L)(293 K) T1 T2 (0.300 K)( 398K)

P2 = 2.12 atm P2 = P1 V1 T2 V2 T1

Solve the Following:

1. A sample of gas occupies 3.75 L at 1.1 atm and 25 oC. At what Celsius temperature will it occupy 4.00 L at Click to edit Master subtitle style 1.00 atm? 2. A balloon is filled with a gas to a volume of 400.0 mL at a pressure of 1.0 atm and temperature of 25.0 oC. The temperature is increased to 50.5 oC and pressure to 780.0 torr. What will be the volume of the balloon?

Avogadros Principle

The volume of a gas is directly proportional to the number of moles of thetogas present at constant Click edit Master subtitle style pressure and temperature

Summary of Gas Laws

Boyle's Law: V 1/P (constant n & T) Charles' Law:subtitle style T (constant n & P) V Click to edit Master Avogadro's Law: V n (constant P & T)

nT P

Ideal Gas Equation

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nT V = R P

PV = nRT

Universal Gas Constant, R

atm - L R = 0.08205 mol - K mmHg - L = Click to edit Master subtitle style 62.36 mol - K torr - mL = 62,358.97 mol - K atm - mL 82.05 mol - K

Sample Problem

What volume would 6.0 moles of sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) gas occupy if the to edit Master subtitle style and the pressure temperature Click of the gas are 130 C and 9.5 atm respectively? (Sulfur hexafluoride is a colorless, odorless, very unreactive gas)

Sample Problem

Carbon dioxide gas, CO2, is the gas produced during the process of respiration. subtitle style Click to edit Master Calculate the volume, in liters (L), occupied by 1.50 moles of CO2 at STP.

Sample Problem

The label on a cylinder of an inert gas became illegible, so a student of Lab allowed subtitle style of the gas to flow some Click to edit Master into a 300 mL gas bulb until the pressure was 690 mm Hg. The sample upon weighing now becomes 0.933 g. What is the molecular mass of the gas? Name the inert gas. (T = 25C)

Sample Problem

Calculate the approximate density of methane, CH4, in grams per liter (g/L), to edit25 0C and at 5 atm. at Master subtitle style Click

Gas Stoichiometry

Stoichometry problems involving moles and masses were discussed in the previous subtitle style chapter. Click to edit Master There is also a relationship between volumes and amounts of reactants and products in a balanced chemical equation. The flow chart suggests the basic tools for solving problems involving gases.

Mass-Volume Relationship

The balanced equation for the metabolic breakdown of glucose (C6H12O6) is similar as that for the Click to edit Master subtitle style combustion of glucose in air. This equation maybe written as: C6H12O6 (s) + 6O2(g) 6CO2 (g) + 6H2O(l)

Calculate the volume of CO2 produced at 40C and 760 torr when 6.50 g of glucose is used up in the

Volume-Volume Relationship

Ammonia gas, NH3, may be prepared by the Haber Process. In this process for the synthesis of ammonia,
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N2(g) + 3H2(g) 2NH3(g) how many liters of N2 are needed to react completely with 50.0 L of H2, if the volumes of both gases are measured at STP?

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