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Throat & Heart

Bradford S. Weeks, M.D. www.weeksmd.com md@weeksmd.com

The Purview of the Dentist

If it werent for we dentists,
you medical doctors would have nothing to do Hal Huggins, DDS -personal correspondence, 1988

I treat contraction
problems of the head and neck.
Dr. Farrand Robson

Changing Responsibilities

Changing professional landscape Confusion about responsibilities Dentist can make a sleep apnea appliance but just cant diagnose the disease Benign snoring TMJ Headache What else?.

Opportunity out of chaos. Diagnostic criteria Name calling No need for dentists to be co-opted into the medical model.
Use YOUR paradigm!

Live in hypothesis and balance the system of oral function.

I am only surprised every day.

Hypothesis: If the system is wise, well-designed and self-correcting, then all (pathological) muscle contraction is done to maintain the throat.

Compensatory Conditions Consequent to Choking!

Posture breakdown
Forward Head Posture Fibromyalgia Chronic Fatigue Myriad Pains

neck, shoulder, hip, back

How do you know if you are a pioneer? A shifter of paradigms?

The pioneer is the one with the arrows in his back.

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

How do you know if you are a pioneer? A shifter of paradigms?

The pioneer is the one with the arrows in his back.

What do dentists treat?

Do you treat.

teeth or people?

Do you treat.

pain or suffering?

Do you care?
Compassion derives from the words meaning to suffer with

Why are we caregivers?

I believe we are on earth to learn how to love each other.

Love is only love if given freely.

Freedom requires no compulsion

Dis-ease or imbalance is quite.


We care in order to help people

be free

in order to love.

Get out of your own way.

LA bumpersticker

Try to relax

The Default Human Emotional State

feelings of warmth feelings of lightness (love)

How to care for people

(including patients).

Primum non Nocere

First, do no harm.

When in doubt, ask the patient.

Be before you do.

Non-verbal messages are more powerful than verbal messages.

Eye contact?

Tone of voice.. monotone? Defensive (arms crossed)? Use of personal space?

Space between the notes. Pauses hmmm

OK to reflect and search.

Lessons from Tibet: Priest before doctor Reward for the top Noviciate

Lesson: Stand for something. Bring something to the party. Have a hypothesis to test.

Test this hypothesis:

touch back teeth lightly together and pull chin to chest.

Hows breathing compared to: let relaxed mouth fall open thrust jaw forward

Re-ligare (ligand)
to bind together that which once was united and became separated.

Looking over Gods shoulders

How things work vs. how to work things.

Listen to patient
(not their myths) vs.

Watching the patient

(coaching them to pay attention to physiology)

Co-discovery with patient vs. discussion of beliefs. (Scientific vs. belief-based process)

Teach the patient how to observe and consider their health experiences.

Leading the witness. Challenging their paradigm.

This is Empowerment Service & Love

and. the benefits are mutual!

- no burnout (exhaustion yes but not dis-spirited!)

Return to Ortho (a correct relationship) vs. Suppressive Therapy

What is Orthomolecular?

Imagine sitting on a park bench and getting a splinter. Up come two doctors, one with pain medications and one with tweezers.

The doc offering to remove the splinter and dressing the wound (perhaps with raw honey) is the orthomolecular doctor.
using the correct molecules in the correct dosage Linus Pauling, Ph.D.

Who and what are we treating?

working with vs. on people talking with vs. to people making love with vs. to someone

Treat people as you want

them to become and you help them to attain that state. Goethe

Human beings
vs. human becomings.

Change, growth and reattainment of health only happens in the moment when people are connected to the present. Lead people down the path of perception before conception.

according to the plan

Spirit - Soul - Etheric - Physical

Structure Molecular (Drs. Hoffer, Pauling et al)

Inventory Control
Soul Life
- decision - values - constant
- feelings passion - changeable

force - etheric - chi -biorhythms Physical Body - matter substance - biochem

There is no matter without spirit and there is no spirit without matter.
Dr. Rudolf Steiner

A Violin Recital needs:

A violin - the instrument (physical body) Someone to tune the violin (etheric body) Someone who enjoys playing music (the soul) Someone who once created a sonata or who can improvise extemporaneously (the spirit)

A Successful Sailing Voyage Requires:

A Boat (the physical body) Calk for the wood and patches for the sail (the etheric or regenerative body) Wind which is changeable (the soul) A Rudder to stay the course despite changes in wind and weather (the spirit)


Not necessarily what church one attends. Who do you see in the mirror? What do you stand for? What are you committed to? What would you fight for? What do you want on your tombstone?

What virtually all cancer survivors, particularly the ones that had been undergoing conventional therapies, have in common is that they had a purpose to their lives with goals they absolutely needed to achieve, .no matter what.
A.H. Sartori, M.D. personal correspondence 2-04

Soul Body

Soul Food Inconstant Depleting Catabolic Burning the candle (at both ends!) Dominant when awake

We term sleep a death;

and yet it is waking that kills us, and destroys those spirits that are the house of life.
Thomas Browne, 1643

Etheric Body

Chi Rhythm Restorative Regenerative Anabolic Waxing the candle Dominant during sleep

That we are not much

sicker and much madder than we are is due exclusively to that most blessed and blessing of all natural graces, sleep.
Aldous Huxley

Physical Body

Structure Posture

and and

Molecule Function




Substance Inventory Control

Toxins / Stressors




Electromagnetic Heavy metals (Hg, Pb, As etc.) Pesticides (xenoestrogens) Air Water

Open Airway Exercise for cleansing your weight in ounces AWAY from food Organic Food Supplements Enzymes Digestive Aids


Hypoglycemia (popping the clutch) Sleep disturbances Addictive agents Pharmaceuticals (if inappropriate) The Daily News


Orthomolecular Medicine and Psychiatry

Which is is?
-Trickle up (the part conditions the whole ie. the molecules effect mood) or - Trickle down (the whole determines the part ie. the mood effects the molecules) Answer: both

What is a diagnosis?

To name something gives comfort.

At least now I know what is wrong

All I knew was that I felt pain in my joints but now I know whats wrong. I have Arthritis.

(arthro = joint it is = pain)

(Through the act of naming, we have dominion over things. (Adam in Eden) Order out of chaos
* does not always apply with parenting

Diagnoses Ameliorated


Autism, Arthritis, Anxiety, ADHD, Apnea Bruxism, Bipolar disorder Cancer, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Depression, Diabetes Eczema, Fibromyalgia, Fatigue GERD (GE reflux) Headache, Insomnia,

Diagnoses Ameliorated
Multiple Sclerosis Neuropathies Arthritis Parkinsons Panic Attacks Schizophrenia Snoring Tourettes Syndrome


They are all just labels which were compensatory efforts consequent to autonomic dysregulation;
Once the ANS is balanced, the compensatory efforts (labels or diagnoses) are no longer required to maintain oral functions (open throat)



National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute NHLBI NHLBI Division of Heart and Vascular Diseases DHVD NHLBI National Center on Sleep Disorders Research NCSDR
December 3-4, 2001 Bethesda, Maryland FINAL REPORT


The equilibrium maintained by complex biological mechanisms via the autonomic nervous system to offset disrupting changes.

Oral Systemic Balance

The equilibrium between the mouth and the rest of the body via the autonomic nervous system needed to offset disruptive changes.



Holds The Tongue Maintain The Throat Supports The Ease of Oral Functions
Breathing Swallowing


Are An Integral Part Of Homeostasis As They Contribute To The Oral Systemic Balance.

Doctor as Good Samaritan

At the side of the road (and while taking a history in the office),

remember your Airway,

A, B, Cs !


True Diagnosis: Airway Obstruction Choking Etiology:

Corrective Dental Surgery (cleft palate) shrunk the mouth leaving A 10 gallon tongue in a 5 gallon mouth

LESSON: Choking causes autonomic dysregulation which manifests as medical and psychiatric illnesses - check the airwayA,B,Cs!

New Diagnosis:

Autonomic dysregulation spectrum syndrome.

Words are very precious.

Prayer vs. curse.

Sticks and stones

The curse of the diagnostic label.

The Word

Spirit and breather

this is same word in the bible

Psyche derives from the Greek word for breath

Stayin Alive..

Head Posture


Fast cars, motorcycles, sky diving, stimulant drugs,

nicotine, caffeine


Muscle Activity

Bruxism, TMJ, Tongue out

Its not polite to stick your tongue out!

But it does get results

Michael Jordan Pete Sampras Andre Watts Brad Weeks Dogs

Path to Knowledge



Magic of childhood Initial orientation Data gathering Creative

growing up Education Data systemization Organization

The Balancing Act


believe it when I see it..


see it when I believe it

What is this dog doing?

What is this dog doing?

Parental Challenges

Tongue thrust -> buck teeth - push tongue back in mouth with spoon - suck on hard candy atop the hard palate - braces - retainers - crowns (and later dentures!)

Remember: the tongue forms the teeth and 48% of the sensory cortex cant be all wrong


Elimination of dairy, wheat, corn, yeast, soy, citrus, egg, chocolate, peanuts, artificial colors, and preservatives) after just

two weeks, of children responded favorably as measured by the Conner Parent Rating Scale. The Annals of Allergy, Vol. 72, May 1994


MOA for Food Allergies


Edema? Immune Up-regulation Increased heart rate ? (pulse test)

MOA Food Allergies


Vascular tongue bathed in an

allergen becomes edematous and swells. Nowhere to go but back and down into the throat against the trachea obstructing airway --> Agitation!

Systemic Edema associated with

Headaches PMS

States of Agitation
Schizophrenia Mania Panic Attacks ADHD Depression

for some reason my patients who are viciously choking feel and appear anxious.
If you found a drowning lady in the lake would it surprise you if she were thinking a lot about death and dying.
Dr. Farrand Robson

Unhappy Tongue and Airway

Can Disrupt and Impair the Nervous System Coordination:

Sensory Systems Autonomic Function

Motor Output
Sleep Architecture

Oral Systemic Balance

The equilibrium maintained by complex

biological mechanisms via the autonomic nervous system to offset disrupting changes.

Oral Systemic Balance

The equilibrium between the mouth and the

rest of the body via the autonomic nervous system to offset disruptive changes.

Orthomolecular Benefits of Opening the Airway

Increased oxygenation of blood

- less hospitable for cancer - restoration of optimal blood pH

Optimization of enzymatic activity - less need for supplements Access to stage 3, 4 restorative and regenerative SLEEP

Hoffers Oxidative Theory of Psychosis

Adrenalin Adrenochrome Dihydroxyindole (OK) or Adrenolutin (sick)

Four ways of treating schizophrenic patients through reduction of endogenous hallucinogens:

adrenochrome and adrenolutin.

1) reduce adrenolutin (Rx ceruloplasmin)

2) convert adrenochrome into dihydroyxindole (Rx penicillamine) 3) decrease production of adrenochrome (Rx antioxidants: vitamin C and glutathione and chelating the copper ions with penicillamine)
4) reduce the formation of adrenalin (Rx There are no effective ways of doing this).

Orthomolecular Benefits of Opening the Airway (2)

Less stress -> less adrenalin -> less

adrenochrome-> less adrenolutin Why not reduce stress by removing the cork in the throat via dental appliance or sticking your tongue out!

Primacy of Survival Mechanisms

Hierarchy of function Hyoid bone center of the universe

Tongue coming up in mouth Impact of tongue on palate

Cranial symptoms with how one changes pressure When we isolate orally the things that produce muscle contraction

"If aliens don't exist and if the government has no knowledge of aliens, then why does Title 14, Section 1211 of the Code of Federal Regulations, implemented on July 16, 1969, make it illegal for U.S. citizens to have any contact with extra-terrestrials or their vehicles?"
Alien Abduction Patient

It is far easier to take measurements than it is to know what it is we are measuring.

Paracelsus Oath: This is my Vow: To perfect my medical art and never to swerve from it so long as God grants me my office, and to oppose all false medicines and teachings. Then to love the sick, each and all of them, more than if my own body were at stake. Not to judge superficially, but by symptoms, nor to administer any medicine without understanding, nor to collect any money without earning it. Not to trust any apothecary, nor to do any violence to any child. Not to guess, but to know. Paracelsus 1493 - 1541

Upon this gifted age, in its dark hour, Rains from the sky a meteoric shower of facts . . . they lie unquestioned, uncombined. Wisdom enough to leech us of our ill is daily spun, but there exists no loom to weave it into fabric
- Edna St. Vincent Millay

REMEMBER your A, B, Cs

Airway, Breathing &


I control my patients by giving them the control.

Stress problem caused by relaxing that goes away under stress

Separate Observations from Conclusions

The only thing the patient can Stress is an opinion about the origin of the adrenalin feeling Relaxation

A life in reaction to pain vs. A life of freedom To love).

Interview Process: Main purpose of the interview is to give them an awareness and a control so thwy can be the authority on how they feel. Posture change and all these on edge adrenalin feelings. My bias is that all these adrenalin feelings are from physical causes and not psychological. Every doc disagrees Some of the interview sounds like I am practicing Find the physical origin of the adrenalin God has us wired to learn how to feel better.

I am sure youve noticed that when you are hurting you are also more on edge. Sure you wont be surprised to find out that what is causing the pain is also causing the adrenalin feelings. You think all the time (adrenalin driven it runs you.) do you like fresh air or do you love it. Relax and feel less on edge. We can adrenalin feeling s tensity (non psychological words) I bet I can cause those adrenalin feelings in you. How would it feel if I suggested giving you sedatives and sleeping pills. (Upset - I thought this place was different.) Wait didnt I tell you I would cause adrenalin feelings. Stories are survival techniques. It is one way for the body to ignore its symptoms. Pushing survival buttons.. So keep things light.

What happens with sedatives? Tongue relaxed and back down throat. Choke! Relax with caffeine = breathing.
Doc says not to have it because it makes you nervous and you relax with it and breathe better and it is OK for premature infants but not for you? Suicidal: When did you give up trying to get well. You are lying vs. you are a liar. Suicidal - self-directed responsible people not victims. Suicidal people are those people who are thinking about doing something about it being responsible vs. being victims.

Survival Conversation:
You are a pretty intense person. You manage things well but how does it feel inside? Ill bet you have two speeds: go go do do OR collapse. Not much in between. Ill bet there are times you go home sit down and try and relax and you have to get up and do things. Race cars, rock climbing: Adrenalin from exogenous source, muscle contraction, nerve function and breathing better.

Sit in corner of public place? Cant sit down Ill fall asleep. If I wanted to kill you, Id lie you on the beach for a month no shopping.
In other words I am right, when you relax you get the adrenalin feeling. You are a controller eh? Doesnt the world around go according to your way. I control myself. What are you trying to control? Ill give you a clue. How does it feel when things are out of control (adrenalin feeling)? Same adrenalin feeling that goes up and down with your pain How do you do when you are under stress great There is a level of activity busy doing its that you thrive on. How is it when I come and stand in front of you and ask stupid feelings not the socks but I distracted them and here comes the adrenalin. It takes a lot of energy to run and manage a body. Distraction is really stealing energy that you need to control your own bodies. I will also sugges that when you do your controlling what you really control is THAT LEVEL OF DISTRACTION so that you can breathe and manage airways. Say the word sedative and your body makes adrenal and you relax with a bit of stress (coffee). Stress problem, well except when you are under stress then you are fine. If this were really psychological, the more we dump on you What kind of stress is this? Treatment: relaxation but you told me that relaxation makes you worse. Stress is an opinion about the origin of an adrenalin feeling. Separate adrenalin feelings from psychological stigmatized words. We are analyzing their feelings - physiology vs psychology. The problem with science is the things we know that are untrue.

Asthma throat closes and I cant breathe. Asthma in throat?? Hyperventilating but you cant get air in. Panic attack when relaxed or distracted. Anxiety feeling inability to breathe tightness in chest.

What is your expereince dont talk about bronchioles give me your experience.


Thightness of chest Sleepy yawny in the day Broad area of tongue about the back of the throat gives heartburn Desaturate with O2 Gag is tongue up and bothering uvula with constriction of 2nd molar.

IBS - TMJ related situation. Anorexia /Bullemia autonomic Crohns disease vs. yeast Stress is the stuff you get when you relax Tight throat clean epiglottal reflex Airway vs pharynx (between uvula and epiglottis) oral pharyneal dysfunction swallow pills one function at a time vs choke on food in restaurant disturbing dreams result from choking, raising adrenalin and Stage 1, 2 thinking dream Stage 3 ,4 more vivid Insomnia: Sighing or gasping for air; JOB 1: take the psychostupidity away from my patients kill psych Dx so they can get well; Bruxism am headache Nausea Car sickness pregnancy

Hierarchy of pressure against the uvula. gaggy nausea sinus congetion geniohyoid reflex opens throat

colds, nasal congestion tongue against soft palate; raspy throat smokers rasp

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