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Atelier de sensibilisation lexcellence responsable.

Inspiring. Driving change.

21/04/2012 www.wholebeauty.ch 1

Inspiring. Driving change.

21/04/2012 www.wholebeauty.ch 2

Contexte gnral Situation dans lindustrie horlogre et bijouterie Comment les marques sy prennent ? Prsentation du RJC Pistes de rflexion
Inspiring. Driving change.
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Inspiring. Driving change.

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Inspiring. Driving change.

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The Rapaport Fair Trade Conference, in Basel Etc.

Inspiring. Driving change.
21/04/2012 www.wholebeauty.ch 6

Initiatives et NGO

Inspiring. Driving change.

21/04/2012 www.wholebeauty.ch 7

Dfis dans lindustrie

Inspiring. Driving change.

21/04/2012 www.wholebeauty.ch 10

Pays avec des enfants travaillants dans les mines

Inspiring. Driving change.

Dfis pour lindustrie

- La provenance des diamants (zone de conflits RDC-Kivu, Sierra Leone) - Les conditions de travail dans les mines (travail des enfants et forc) - Condition de travail dans les manufactures (chane de production) - Traitement de certains matriaux (diamants, pierres) - Corruption, blanchiment dargent - Contrefaon

Environnement et faune

- Disparition des ressources naturelles rares (diamants, or, ) - Protection des espces animalires. - Contamination des eaux (mercure) et la biodiversit. (mines) - Les processus chimiques de traitement des matires premires. (galvanisation) - Packaging, displays, documentation === > dchets - Transport - Magasins : ameublement / clairage / etc

Inspiring. Driving change.

12 www.wholebeauty.ch


Quels sont les opportunits ?

Cration de valeur conomie dchelle et optimisation Gestion du risque et mitigation Amlioration des relations avec les parties prenantes. Meilleure rputation et image de marque Avantage comptitif Plus grande productivit et efficience Nouvelles opportunits daffaires Wholebeauty 2009 Source : tude Innovation Inspiring. Driving change.
21/04/2012 www.wholebeauty.ch 14

Quels sont les freins ?

Pas de compatibilit avec les valeurs du luxe? Un cot, pas un investissement Profitabilit ? Peur du greenwashing et manque de crdibilit Faible pression du march (consommateurs, rgulateurs) Manque de connaissance, expertise, outils, indicateurs. Complexit de la chaine Source : tude Wholebeauty 2009 dapprovisionnement Conservatisme, maximisation du profit change. Inspiring. Driving Taille et structure des entreprises
21/04/2012 www.wholebeauty.ch 15

Dfis des marques

Comprendre les enjeux. Convaincre le top management. Scurisation des ressources : budget, quipe. Commencer : O? Comment? Avec qui? Implmentation & gestion du changement Vivre le dveloppement durable. Mesurer & faire du reporting Communication Inspiring. Driving change.
Source : tude Wholebeauty 2009
21/04/2012 www.wholebeauty.ch 16

Quel est le vrai dfi ?

Christopher H. Cordey WholeBeauty @ Sustainable Luxury 2.0 September 28, 2010
Inspiring. Driving change.

Quel est le vrai dfi ?

Tirer parti de laugmentation de la population et de la consommation et travailler de manire collective pour trouver et implmenter des solutions pour grer les consquences ngatives associes cette croissance



Inspiring. Driving change.


9 milliards de personnes nourrir en 2050. Des 3 milliards de personnes en plus




La migration de masse redistribue la population mondiale




Urbanisation: dici 2015 tout devient plus grand




Une population vieillissante, mais en meilleure sant




Raret des ressources




Lmancipation la femme




et Technologies




Mega trends
1. Lexplosion de la dmographie mondiale et les modifications de dmographies socitales 2. Les changements climatiques et environnementaux 3. La crise nergtique venir 4. La globalisation croissante 5. Lacclration du dveloppement exponentiel de la technologie 6. Le modle Prvention des maladies - Extension de la longvit en mdecine
Inspiring. Driving change.
21/04/2012 www.wholebeauty.ch 28

Lexcellence responsable
Planification, organisation, gestion une compagnie de luxe rentable dans le respect de lenvironnement et la communaut, et ainsi contribuer la rduction des missions de CO2 et au bien-tre de la population.

Prestige. People. Planet. Profit. Inspiring. Driving change.

21/04/2012 www.wholebeauty.ch 29

Notre vision
Un monde ou chaque acheteur dun produit ou un service de luxe vivra une exprience dachat la fois extraordinaire et responsable.
Photo : AIM Leader

Inspiring. Driving change.

21/04/2012 www.wholebeauty.ch 30

Quelle est la situation dans lindustrie du luxe ?

Inspiring. Driving change.
21/04/2012 www.wholebeauty.ch 31

Comment rpondent les marques de luxe/horlogerie ? 5 tapes

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Dfensif Its not our job to fix that Conformit We will do as much as we have to Managriale Its the business ! Stratgique It gives us a competitive edge Civil We have to make sure everybody does it !

Inspiring. Driving change.

21/04/2012 www.wholebeauty.ch 32

Vers lExcellence Responsable

Inspiring. Driving change.

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Inspiring. Driving change.

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Inspiring. Driving change.

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Audemars Piguet
Quen est-il ?
- Campagne Dirty Gold ? - Conflict free diamonds ? - Principes dapprovisionnement des pierres prcieuses ? - Dialogue avec les parties prenantes ? - Audit de la chaine dapprovisionnement ? - CITES (bracelets ) ? - Responsible Jewelry Council ? - Formation interne ? - Communication ?

Inspiring. Driving change.

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Etape 2

Inspiring. Driving change.

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Etape 2 : Fred Meyer

Inspiring. Driving change.

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Etape 2 : Gay Freres SAS

Inspiring. Driving change.

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Etape 3

Inspiring. Driving change.

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Etape 3

Inspiring. Driving change.

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Etape 3 - 4

(*) Source : web

Source : Etude Wholebeauty 2009

Inspiring. Driving change.

21/04/2012 www.wholebeauty.ch 42

Etape 3 - 4

(*) Source : web

Source : Etude Wholebeauty 2009

Inspiring. Driving change.

21/04/2012 www.wholebeauty.ch 43

Comment comparer?
Critres Cartier

tre un pionnier Comme Richemont


Style durable Oui Kimberley + Laurelton Diamonds Specific sourcing policy. Pas dor sal. Position sur les pierres prcieuses birmanes Membre fondateur de RJC, Oxfam, Earthworks, ARM, IRMA Seaweb (marine protection). CITES. Inspiring. Driving change. CDP 44
Source : Etude Wholebeauty 2009

Stratgie CSR
Objectifs Code de Conduite

Diamants Kimberley + additional

system of guarantee

Mtaux prcieux


Efforts collaboratifs

Membre fondateur de RJC



Comment les comparer?

Criteria Programme spcial quipe CSR Communicatio n GRI reporting Emphasis (environment) Emphasis (social)
CSR manager Site internet / Rapport Oui Produits toxiques, conomie deau, distribution and nergie


Multidimensionnel Social Comptabilit programme Inconnu Site internet / Rapport Non Energie, emballage, biodiversit, eau, dchets

Droits de lhomme, Formation continue, travail des enfants, droits de lhomme, sant et scurit, chane philantropie, achats Source : Etude Wholebeauty 2009 dapprovisionnement, corruption et blanchiment dargent Inspiring. Driving change.
www.wholebeauty.ch 45


Etape 3 - 4
Les motivations daprs Rosy Blue

Gestion des risques

Lgal Oprationnel Rputationel Protection de la marque


Cration de produits durables

Rduction du cot du matriel entrant, nergie, transport Increase labor productivity

Respecter lvolution des exigences des clients et des partenaires Innover pour changer le march Intgrit du produit
Source : Rosy Blue

Gouvernance, Gestion, Transparence

Inspiring. Driving change.
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Etape 5

Inspiring. Driving change.

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RJC Process

Inspiring. Driving change.

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RJC Code of practices

Inspiring. Driving change.

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RJC Principles

Inspiring. Driving change.

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RJC Scope

Inspiring. Driving change.

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Inspiring. Driving change.

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Inspiring. Driving change.

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Dcider et mobiliser
Oui ou Non (Si Non, quels sont les risques ?) Si, Oui alors
Quelle stratgie ? (C ou S) Quelles ressources ?
Champion interne project manager Budget

Mobiliser (int/ext) pourquoi ? comment ?

Analyser, sinformer et comprendre

Situation interne (procdures, diamants, or, lois) + pays concerns Carte des parties-prenantes. Veille concurrentielle, lgale, etc Les diffrentes initiatives, dont RJC

Sengager pratiquement
Inspiring. Driving change.
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Parties prenantes
Banks Insurers
Parent Co Shareholders Employees Communities Investors & Risk Assessors NGOs Thought leaders Rule-Marker & Watchdogs Corporate campaigner Politicians & Regulator Media

Clients & Community Business Partners & Competitors

Industry Assoc.
Suppliers Competitor Distributors

The Future Kids


Retailers CEO Peers

Inspiring. Driving change.

21/04/2012 www.wholebeauty.ch 57


- Adhrer au RJC - Self-assessment - Certification RJC + autres lois, rgles, etc
We will do as much as we have to

Managriale/Strat. (leadership
Approche stratgique - Vision 2022 - Mission/Obj/Strat gies - Soutenir une initiative (ethical gold Its the business sourcing)
Competitive edge

Inspiring. Driving change.

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Inspiring. Driving change.

21/04/2012 www.wholebeauty.ch 59

How can we escort you to leverage the benefits of sustainability in your organisation ?
Christopher H. Cordey
Strategic Catalyst Officer
WholeBeauty SA
Ch. de Terre Bonne 1 1262 Eysins / Switzerland

contact@wholebeauty.ch Fix : + 41 22 550 29 62 Mobile : + 41 79 457 37 61

Inspiring. Driving change.

21/04/2012 www.wholebeauty.ch 60

Christopher H. Cordey
Agent du changement

Inspiring. Driving change.

21/04/2012 www.wholebeauty.ch 61

http://www.cbsnews.com/video/w atch/?id=5825986n&tag=related; photovideo

Inspiring. Driving change.

21/04/2012 www.wholebeauty.ch 62

Situation dans le luxe

Pour chaque secteur dactivit, dites si vous lassociez avec une implication dans le dveloppement durable?

Source IFOP 2008

Inspiring. Driving change.

66 www.wholebeauty.ch


HEC Lausanne
Situation actuelle: Communication de la marque

72% des europens sont favorables au marketing de lux sur Internet (Comit Colert 2009) Analyse personnelle des 75 membres des sites internet du Comit Colbert Design et communications excellents La durabilit est un lment central 50 ne mentionnent pas le dveloppement durable 10 y font rfrence implicitement 15 y font rfrence explicitement

Inspiring. Driving change.

21/04/2012 www.wholebeauty.ch 67

La ralit actuelle ?
Ethics and Sustainability in Business - Prof. Christopher H. Cordey 68

Inspiring. Driving change.

Ethics and Sustainability in Business - Prof. Christopher H. Cordey 69

Quest ce que l

Excellence Responsable ?
Inspiring. Driving change.
21/04/2012 www.wholebeauty.ch 70

Responsable ?




Inspiring. Driving change.

71 www.wholebeauty.ch






Inspiring. Driving change.

72 www.wholebeauty.ch


Drivers Enjeux Freins Opportunits Dfis

Inspiring. Driving change.
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Obligations societales & morales Rchauffement climatique Cots et profit

Gestion des croyances

Excellenc e Responsa ble

Relation communaut

Actions des concurrents

Pressions des clients


Source : Etude Wholebeauty 2009

Inspiring. Driving change.

75 www.wholebeauty.ch


Enjeux par type de produits

Source : Etude WholeBeauty. 2009

Inspiring. Driving change.

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Inspiring. Driving change.

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Qui sont les parties prenantes dAudemars Piguet ?

Inspiring. Driving change.

21/04/2012 www.wholebeauty.ch 80

En conclusions
La consommation tique est encore une motivation passive dune minorit dacheteurs de luxe; mais grandissante et puissante! Elles ont les moyens ($) de sengager. Elles ne sont pas seules ! Ne jamais sous-estimer le pouvoir des millennials et du web 2.0. Lopportunit existe pour les marques de luxe de profiter de lexcellence durable, mais elles doivent relever le dfi Ici et Maintenant !
21/04/2012 www.wholebeauty.ch

Inspiring. Driving change.


Et maintenant ?
Inspiring. Driving change.
21/04/2012 www.wholebeauty.ch 82

Quel est mon rle et ma mission dans la socit (sens gnral)/sur cette plante ? Que puis-je faire pour contribuer faire de cette plante un monde meilleur, plus inclusif, thique, transparent et respectueux ? Comment vais-je tre un acteur du changement et ainsi influencer les dcisionnaires de mon entreprise ?
Inspiring. Driving change.
21/04/2012 www.wholebeauty.ch 83

Christopher H. Cordey
WholeBeauty SA Ch. de Terre Bonne 1 1262 Eysins / Switzerland

www.wholebeauty.c h
Fix : + 41 22 550 29 62 Mobile : + 41 79 457 37 61 Inspiring. Driving change.
21/04/2012 www.wholebeauty.ch 84

Nos activits
Understand what sustainability is all about Understand the brand & sectors sustainability issues Enlighten the top and mid management Outline the steps toward sustainability

15 steps : Sustainable Development Strategy Goals, Vision, Value statement, mission Benchmarking, budget Stakeholders definition, strategy and engagement Key indicators performance, cost/benefit analysis, Implementation, feedback, optimisation, exit strategy

Training, Education and incentive program Driving Change Workshop Mobilization Workshop

Review and optimize existing sustainability and CSR initiatives Leverage new opportunities Inspire staff and external stakeholders Encourage public commitment

Inspiring. Driving change.

21/04/2012 www.wholebeauty.ch 85

Presentation done by WholeBeauty SA to

MAS-Luxury Management
September 4, 2009

Inspiring. Driving change.

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Sustainability journey

DeBeers, Report to society 2007.

Inspiring. Driving change.

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On starting DeBeers

DeBeers, Report to society 2007.

Inspiring. Driving change.

21/04/2012 www.wholebeauty.ch 88

On reporting - DeBeers

DeBeers, Report to society 2007.

Inspiring. Driving change.

21/04/2012 www.wholebeauty.ch 89

How to proceed ?
(1) Build awareness (4) Engage stakeholders (6) Focus efforts (5) Drive change, incrementally. (2) Win the top management

(3) Vision, Strategy, Budget

(8) Report/ Communicate

Towards Sustainable Excellence

(7) Measure progress

Inspiring. Driving change.

21/04/2012 www.wholebeauty.ch 90

Our solutions
Understand what sustainability is all about Understand the brand & sectors sustainability issues Inspire, convice and get the top management committed Outline the steps toward sustainability

15 Steps : Sustainable Development Strategy
Goals, purpose, value statement, mission Benchmarking, budget Stakeholders definition, strategy and engagement Key indicators performance, cost/benefit analysis, Implementation, feedback, optimisation, exit strategy

Review and optimize existing sustainability and CSR initiatives Leverage new opportunities Drive change Inspire staff and external stakeholders Encourage public commitment

Inspiring. Driving change.

21/04/2012 www.wholebeauty.ch 91

Sustainable development is
An art, not a science. A journey, not a quick fix (long term view) An investment, not a cost. A way to save costs. A must do not a may be Now, strategic and progressive Simply good sense and risk management. Everyones responsibility Driving change. Inspiring.
21/04/2012 www.wholebeauty.ch 92

Evolving consumer needs

There is a marked shift in the buying patterns of luxury consumers. Luxury consumers are becoming more discerning in their purchases. This is also relevant in emerging markets, like India and China. Brand value comes under closer scrutiny as luxury moves into harder economic times Extending the philosophy of excellence from sourcing to disposal. Changes point to a tougher competitive landscape for luxury players.
Inspiring. Driving change.
21/04/2012 www.wholebeauty.ch 93

DeBeers Survey, 2009

The move to discerning luxury consumption.

From what you wear to who you are From Design to Disposal
DeBeers Survey, 2009

Inspiring. Driving change.

21/04/2012 www.wholebeauty.ch 94

Dont ask what your country, company or other can do to improve the state of the planet and the morality of the business; decide what you will do at your level to be more responsible, respectful and accountable and do it.
Adapted from JFK Inspiring. Driving change.
21/04/2012 www.wholebeauty.ch 95

Social Value

Economic Value Optimiz e

Increase income

Environmental Value

Financial dimension

Guarantee financing

Reduce costs and expenses

Enlightened client ! Brand reputation and image.

Responsible company Great quality and design products Satisfied employees, distributors and retailers

Stakeholders dimension

Process & technology dimension

SD Vision + Strategy
Optimized social inclusion, responsibility, participation, collaboration

Optimized financial planning and organisation.

Optimized supply chain

Manage risks

Reduced environmental impact

Human Resources dimension

Organisation capital (culture,

leadership, alignment, teamwork)

Information Capital
(IT, information)

Human Capital
(Staff, H&S)

WholeBeauty Sustainability model

21/04/2012 www.wholebeauty.ch www.wholebeauty.ch

Inspiring. Driving change. 96


How responsible and accountable are you ?

Inspiring. Driving change.

21/04/2012 www.wholebeauty.ch 97

Opportunities ?
What if the marketing department became the internal and external change agent (in coordination/cooperation with CSR team) to drive CSR within Swarovski ?
Benchmarking vs other brands >>> Goodcorporation.com Sustainable marketing ? >>> Guidelines + education Leveraging SCS 400 k members ? >>> Program Sustainable Event Management ? >>>> Guidelines Driving change within the organization ? >>> Education Formalizing reporting system ? >>> Tool + KPI Inspiring. Driving change. Communication ? >>>> Sustainability report.
21/04/2012 www.wholebeauty.ch 98

Survey results


Structure : CSR coordinator, budget, etc. Norms and principles : ISO (14001 et 9001), UN Global Compact, ILO Convention, SA 8000. Associations : CRJC, ARM, Colipa, Ore. Growing impact of measurement and communication Sustainable marketing : more and more developped : Communication: web, PR, and annual SRE reporting

Not so much involved (enviro) Sustainable event Sustainable packaging Sustainable cleaning Carbon Audit Mobility

Not so much involved (socio) Diversity Staff motivation Philantropy Corporate Governance

(*) Web + one to one interviews, 200 leading luxury and cosmetics brands. 15 % return rate. April 2009.

Inspiring. Driving change.

21/04/2012 www.wholebeauty.ch 99

Obstacles to CSR
Incompatibility Ostentatious, superfluous Excess and waste Consumers are not interested This a false belief!

Financial investment It is not a cost! Risks There are some risks to fail Lack of expertise CSR Weak market pressure No intense pressure coming from consumers, legislators, etc

Fear the Greenwashing Ensure deep integration

Conservatism, Greed Fear the unknown

Supply chain complexity Numerous suppliers and Inspiring. Driving lack of transparency change.
100 www.wholebeauty.ch WholeBeauty SA 100



What we suggest
Meeting CSR responsible

Inspiring. Driving change.

21/04/2012 www.wholebeauty.ch 101

Corporate Social Responsibility as a value creation for luxury brands.

Inspiring. Driving change.


Wholebeauty : who, what, how

3 4 5

What is sustainability ?
Sustainability in the luxury industry ? Case study Future directions

Inspiring. Driving change.

21/04/2012 103 www.wholebeauty.ch

Tiffany & Co
CSR department ? Team ? Budget ? Seemingly, no communication related to
1. 2. Envrionmental issues : carbon audit, etc, Social issues : H&S, diversity, equality, consumer security, counterfeit, animal welfare, corruption, money laundering.

Lack of :
figures. yearly objectives. real reporting. .

Inspiring. Driving change.

21/04/2012 www.wholebeauty.ch 104

Wholebeauty : who, what, how What is sustainability ?

3 4 5

Sustainability in luxury industry ?

Case study

Recommandations stratgiques

Inspiring. Driving change.

21/04/2012 105 www.wholebeauty.ch

What is Sustainability?
The economic development that meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generation to meet their own needs (*)

The Triple Bottom line

(*) Source : Btuntland, 1986

People. Planet. Profit.

Inspiring. Driving change.
106 www.wholebeauty.ch


How is todays inbalance ?




Inspiring. Driving change.

107 www.wholebeauty.ch


Todays context ?

People Planet

Inspiring. Driving change.

108 www.wholebeauty.ch


A sustainable company




Inspiring. Driving change.

109 www.wholebeauty.ch


Triple bottom line

Bearable Sustainable Equitable




Inspiring. Driving change.

110 www.wholebeauty.ch


Why luxury brand need to be concerned.

Sport is affected by climate change. Sport is inspirational & can be a leader of change. Sponsors will start to demand it. Regulations will require it. Costs will become unsustainable.

Inspiring. Driving change.

21/04/2012 111 www.wholebeauty.ch

Wholebeauty : who, what, how

3 4 5

What is sustainable development ?

Sustainability in the luxury industry ? Case study Recommandations stratgiques

Inspiring. Driving change.

21/04/2012 112 www.wholebeauty.ch

Global situation

The Conference Board of Canada, Corporate Social Responsibility Review, p.5

Inspiring. Driving change.

21/04/2012 113 www.wholebeauty.ch

Diamond Road. Rapaport

Inspiring. Driving change.

114 www.wholebeauty.ch


Events which urged company to react ?

Exogenous event Exxon Valdez. Planned event NGOs demonstration outside Gap HQ in San Francisco. Expos Stories by investigative reporters Chiquita. Perceived Threat Tiffany & Co. Perceived Opportunity Body Shop.
Inspiring. Driving change.
115 www.wholebeauty.ch


Types of response
Responders: Bitten Brands BBs react to a PR disaster by naming a CSR leader.
Gap, Chiquita, Wal-Mart.

Reputation Managers Brands move out to preempt threat. Risk/compliance manager may report to general counsel. May work closely with industry.
Tiffany & Co.

Proactivists Brand sees opportunity to grow by selling CSR.

Timberland, Eileen Fisher, Otto Versand. change. Inspiring. Driving
116 www.wholebeauty.ch


Tiffany & Co. Case

Iconic brand sells calm.
Nothing very bad could happen to you there.

Engine 1:
Conflict Diamonds which led to Kimberley Process.

Engine 2:
No Dirty Gold campaign.

Inspiring. Driving change.

21/04/2012 www.wholebeauty.ch 117

Tiffany & Co. Case

- CEO Michael J. Kowalski and VP Rob Headley - Council for Responsible Jewellery Practices - Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance

- Etc.

Inspiring. Driving change.

118 www.wholebeauty.ch



Inspiring. Driving change.

119 www.wholebeauty.ch


How to proceed 15 steps

1. Identify business goals and decide upon the purpose of sustainable development 2. Define value statement and mission of company, and refine internally with management and employees. How does the long-term vision match up with business goals? 3. Benchmark what your competitors are doing on CSR? 4. Decide on overall budget 5. Identify key stakeholders
Inspiring. Driving change.
120 www.wholebeauty.ch


How to proceed 15 steps

6. Research: What are the latest business standards? Check out SA8000, AA1000, GRI, ILO conventions, WTO discussions, Caux principles, UN Global Compact and so on. What are the key issues for us as a business and why? 7. Identify CSR strategy for each stakeholder 8. Revise budget accordingly 9. Carry out stakeholder dialogue 10. Identify the key indicators to measure our progress as a socially responsible entreprise.

Inspiring. Driving change.



How to proceed 15 steps

11. Identify the costs and benefits of the proposals. 12. Implement the activity or program ensuring that it relates well to other proposals in the pipeline. 13. Research and develop a series of advertisements to show what we are doing in the area of CSR and market the program accordingly. Ensure that you can back this up with internal consistent practices since this is a dangerous pitfall if that is not the case. 14. Evaluate the social responsibility proposals against cost/benefits. 15. Develop longer-term exit strategy

Inspiring. Driving change.

122 www.wholebeauty.ch


Perceived obstacles for SD

Usual response for not walking the talks.
Inconsistency with luxury values Cost/investment are high in period of crisis Nothing is proven Fear of greenwashing Weak market pressure Lack of expertise, time and KPI Complex supply chain, we cannot do anything Conservatism and greed Size of companies Family run business
Inspiring. Driving change.
21/04/2012 123 www.wholebeauty.ch

If SD was not simply

a great opportunity to revise the way companies do and run business ? about good risk management ? about good reputation management ? a great competitive advantage ? a way to save costs ?
Inspiring. Driving change.
124 www.wholebeauty.ch


From compliance to profit!

M. Brunner, CSM/WWF Research Project: The Business Case for Sustainability, IMD, p.41

Inspiring. Driving change.

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Cercle vertueux
Retour sur investissements Pralabl es


Engageme nt


Choix des Objectif s

Adapt de: G.,Octave & Co, Dveloppement durable, pour une entreprise comptitive et responsable, p153

Boucle de renforcement conduit vers une amlioration continue

Inspiring. Driving change.
21/04/2012 126 www.wholebeauty.ch

Organisation Ressources organisationnelles: coordinateur RSE, budget, etc. Normes et principes : ISO (14001 et 9001), UN Global Compact, ILO Convention, SA 8000. Associations en lien avec la RSE: CRJC, lARM, Colipa et Ore. Mesurent limpact et les rsultats de leur stratgie La majorit a recours aux services de consultant ou montre de lintrt Marketing durable: Les Parfums Givenchy Collection Ange et Dmon Clarins analyse du cycle de vie, lorigine et de limpact des matires premires Communication: web, relation publiques et rapports RSE

Rsultats de ltude auprs des marques

Manque dimplication environnemental Evnement durable Technique de nettoyage durable Bilan carbone Emballages responsables Mobilit dentreprise

Manque dimplication sociale Diversit Systme de motivation Philanthropie Gouvernance

Inspiring. Driving change.

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Effet boule de neige

+ Pressions des parties prenantes + Bonnes pratiques

+ Attention des parties prenantes

Inspiring. Driving change.

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Moteurs de changement
Pression des parties prenantes Conjoncture Globalisation Management Social

Nouveaux Besoins
Changer la faon de percevoir le dveloppement durable Comprendre les bnfices (conomiques, environnementaux et sociaux) Prouver la rentabilit de la RSE Crer un modle conomique, un cadre de travail Dfinir un instrument de mesure Amliorer la structure et les processus dans lentreprise. Revoir le processus de production et les activits dapprovisionnement Contrler les fournisseurs et la traabilit des produits Gagner le support du top management Nommer un responsable/coordinateur en charge de la RSE Services dun consultant Etc.

WholeBeauty devra sappliquer rpondre ces besoins

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21/04/2012 129 www.wholebeauty.ch

Key Success Factors

Engage ext + int stakeholders Focus efforts CEO & Mgt commitment

Drive change and change steps by steps

Develop a vision + strategy


Measure progress

Towards Sustainability

Inspiring. Driving change. 130

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Changement incrmental
Dveloppement environnemental
Durable Social

Dveloppement social

Ecologique Nondurable
Adapt de: D. Dunphy & Co, Organizational change for corporate sustainability, p.227

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21/04/2012 131 www.wholebeauty.ch

Changement incrmental
Dveloppement environnemental
Durable Social

Dveloppement social

Ecologique Nondurable
Adapt de: D. Dunphy & Co, Organizational change for corporate sustainability, p.227

Inspiring. Driving change.

21/04/2012 132 www.wholebeauty.ch

Clients potentiels du luxe

Adapt de: A. Renaudin, When the consumer meets the citizen, what stake for the luxury activity ?, p.5

WholeBeauty devra sappliquer rpondre ces besoins

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21/04/2012 133 www.wholebeauty.ch

Consommateurs (2)
General consumers 71% souhaiterait que les distributeurs choississent de prsenter uniquement des produits responsable et sont prt payer une prime pour ce service (TNS) LOHAS (Lifestyle of Health and Sustainability) = cible idale Luxury consumers Conscience envieonnemental et soical chez les consommateur de luxe (Ifop) 30-40% des clients du luxe souhaiteraient acheter plus de produits responsables (De Beers) Les consommateurs recherchent de la qualit depuis lextraction des matires premires jusqu la gestion des dchets Les consommateurs dsirent simmerger eux-mmes culturellement, socialement et de manire plus philanthropique (De Beers) Les clients espre une exprience saine lors de haque interraction avec les marques de luxe (Deeper Luxury) Il sagit encore de motivation passive qui aura besoin dtre dveloppe par le marketing des marques de luxe

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21/04/2012 134 www.wholebeauty.ch

Enterprise Matires premires Nouveau march


Approvisionnement Production


Rcupration (distribution inverse)

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21/04/2012 135 www.wholebeauty.ch


Marketing traditionnel - Rpondre aux attentes traditionnelles des consommateurs - Qualit - Surpasser leurs attentes/dsirs - Offrir du rve

Marketing Mix

Communicati - Atteindre le public cible on - Emotion - Crer un univers de marque - Transmettre du rve


- Distribuer le produit aux consommateurs


- Exclusivit - Inaccessibilit - Gage de qualit

Marketing durable - Intgrer laspect social et environnemental (cycle de vie) - Dveloppement cross-fonctionnel - Durabilit et responsabilit - Ressources et matire premires - Mthode DFE - Emballages responsables - Intgrer des lments rationnels - Eco-communication - Donner une nouvelle dimension au rve - Education des parties prenantes - Attention la promotion dun idal fminin - Contrler la promotion des produits destins des personnes majeures (vins et spiritueux) - Respect des donnes prives lies aux clients - Optimiser les transports - Minimiser les dchets et la pollution - Distribution inverse (rcupration) - Slectionner des distributeurs responsables - Emballages de transport rutilisable - Mthode DFE - Prix = responsabilit et produit durable - Nouveau rapport qualit/prix - Value Based Costing Inspir de : Donald A. Fuller, Sustainable Marketing, p, 89, 111, 113, - Allocation des cots = mthode ABC

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Inspiring. Driving change.

137 www.wholebeauty.ch


Where to act ? et scurit li aux produits Changement climatique Sant

Produits plus quitables


Droits de lhomme

Condition de travail et scurit

Bnfices pour les employs (retraite, etc.)

Inspiring. Driving change.




Vision Mission

Code de conduite

Rgles et standards

Activits journalires

Inspir de: Shiseido, Rapport annuel, 2006

Inspiring. Driving change.

21/04/2012 139 www.wholebeauty.ch

Its all about Climate Change

1. Climate Change 2. Energy 3. Water 4. Biodiversity and land use 5. Chemical, toxics,heavy metals 6. Air Pollution 7. Waste management 8. Ozone Layer depletion 9. Oceans and Fisheries 10. Deforestation
Source : Green to Gold, Esty/Winston

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140 www.wholebeauty.ch


What is global warming ?

Inspiring. Driving change.

141 www.wholebeauty.ch


What is Sustainable developmtent ?

- Good sense ! - Risk management and mitigation. - A way to be more accountable. - Etc
(*) Source : Btuntland, 1986

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142 www.wholebeauty.ch


Initial conclusions (2)

Sustainable development is
An art, not a science. A journey, not a quick fix (long term view) A savings generator An investment, not a cost. A must do not a may be Now, strategic and progressive Simply good sense Everyones responsibility : we are all a change agent and accountable for our actions.
Inspiring. Driving change.
21/04/2012 143 www.wholebeauty.ch

Initial conclusions (3)

Cost savings :
Can be generated short, mid, long term. Are a consequence of sustainble development. Should not be a decision criteria to embed or not sustainable development.

Key Success Factors :

21/04/2012 144 www.wholebeauty.ch

Planning, Planning and Planning Time, Time, Time. Good sense, good sense, Good sense. Assessment, measure, optimisation.
Inspiring. Driving change.

Initial conclusions (4)

Key Success Factors :
Planning, planning, planning ! Time. Good sense. Continuous effort. Kaizen = continuous improvement.

Inspiring. Driving change.

21/04/2012 145 www.wholebeauty.ch

There is still time to avoid the worst impacts of climate change, if we take strong action now

Lord Stern of Brentford, Stern Report, 2006 Inspiring. Driving change.

21/04/2012 146 www.wholebeauty.ch

Inspiring. Driving change.

21/04/2012 - MCI 147 www.wholebeauty.ch

Sustainable - main challenges

Climate change Health and safety products Pension Employees benefits Human rights

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148 www.wholebeauty.ch


SWOT: Luxury and CSR

Client instruit et attentif Produit de trs haute qualit Marges financires : facilite linvestissement Conscience des problmes Epuisement de ressources naturelles rares Cible des critiques mdiatique Condition de travail en amont de la production

Luxe= Non-rationnelle, superflu et sans limite Ingalit (riche-pauvre) dans le monde

Envie damliorer les choses

Existence of fair trade associations (CRJP, CIBJO, WBCSD,)

Manque de connaissance des concepts durable

Entreprises familiales ou de petite taille Le luxe nest pas en avance

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149 www.wholebeauty.ch


SWOT: Luxury and CSR

Devenir un pionnier Intrt croissant des consommateurs Attrait dans les marchs de lest Greenwashing Intrt des employs Soutien (gouvernement, banques,) Crise conomique Changement de valeur Globalisation (marque/tendance durable) Amlioration performance conomique Luxury industry could have a large impact because of its role as a trendsetter

Inertie, on fait dj assez Fraude, non respect des rgles en amont (fournisseur)

Increasing stakeholderspressure : -Attaque ONG -Propagation mdiatique -Sanction gouvernementale -La lgislation pourrait devenir plus svre -

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150 www.wholebeauty.ch


Legitimacy by sector

Inspiring. Driving change.

151 www.wholebeauty.ch Source: IFOP, Alain Renaudin


Stakeholders pressure
Trade associations (norms&standards)

Managers / Employees (working conditions, diversity,)

Suppliers (responsible and motivated)

Consumers (responsible luxury) Luxury Brand Medias (New trend)

Community (local development)

Government (norms)

NGO(Diamonds, mining, human rights, )

Shareholders (sustainable investments)

Retailers (direct contact with clients)

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152 www.wholebeauty.ch


Overcome hurdels

Non-sustainable company

Sustainable company which benefit froms CSR advantages

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153 www.wholebeauty.ch


Incompatibility Ostentatious, superfluous Excess and waste

Financial investment It is no a cost! Risks There are some risks to fail Weak market pressure No intense pressure coming from consumers Supply chain complexity Numerous suppliers and lack of transparency

Consumers are not interested This a false belief!

Fear the Greenwashing Ensure deep integration Conservatism Fear the unknown

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154 www.wholebeauty.ch


Rputation Productivity Assurance contre risque sanction Value creation Long term development HR Customer Profit Stay at the top
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155 www.wholebeauty.ch


Specific Challenges
Critical dimensions


-La provenance des diamants

- Les conditions de travail dans les mines (travail des enfants et forc) -Condition de travail dans les manufactures (chane de production) -Non divulgation du traitement de certains matriaux

-Corruption: la haute valeur, la petite taille et la traabilit limite des produits permet
une utilisation non-thique comme le blanchiment dargent. -Contrefaon -Protection des espces animalires. Environment -Disparition des ressources naturelles rares (diamants, or, ) -Le travail des mines peut contaminer leau potable des rgions concerne et menacer lenvironnement naturel et la biodiversit. -Les processus chimiques de traitement des matires premires. -Peu de dchets (cases and boxes...)

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156 www.wholebeauty.ch


Virtuous cycle
Pralable Retour sur investissement Engagement


Choix des Objectifs



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157 www.wholebeauty.ch


Best practices
Coach Bulgari Shiseido Gucci Tiffany Tods Swatch Herms LOral LVMH Richemont

Complet sur quelle points: Manque:

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158 www.wholebeauty.ch



What if CSR was the most important innovation of the 21th Century?

Inspiring. Driving change.

159 www.wholebeauty.ch


The economic crisis is a fracture period It can be used as a chance to evolve We have to move from fast fashion to slow fashion where goods are created to endure for decades Family own buseinss will be slower New norms: ISO 26000
Inspiring. Driving change.
160 www.wholebeauty.ch


New consumers
General consumers 71% whish that retailers choose to present only green products and are ready to pay for it (TNS) LOHAS (Lifestyle of Health and Sustainability) = good target Luxury consumers Social and environmental conscientiousness in the luxury consumer segment (Ifop) 30-40% of luxury consumers wish to buy more responsible materials (De Beers) Consumers look for quality form raw material extraction to waste management Consumers want to engage themselves culturally, socially and be more philanthropic (De Beers) Consumers expect healthy experience in each interaction with luxury brands (Deeper Luxury) It is still a passive motivation which need to be feed by luxury brands

Geographical consumersconcern differences (Globalscan) United Stated concern about companies treating employees fairly and their environmental impact Inspiring. / Social China is concern about responsible supply chain / Trustworthy companies Driving change. 161 www.wholebeauty.ch responsibility 04/2012

Wholebeauty - offer

Sustainable luxury

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162 www.wholebeauty.ch


Wholebeauty - offer

Analysis (Risk, Benefits, Budget,) Development of a new Vision Implementation (Initatives, Structure,) Evaluation help (What to look for) Marketing & Communication Strategy Continuing improvement
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163 www.wholebeauty.ch


Future needs where we can help!

Conceptualized framework (Determine where and how to invest)

Strategic integration (culutre, all business units,)

Change mindset Recrutement : Poor knowledge

Analytical Accounting to determine cost of responsible practces and revenues

Develop leaders on CSR Control supply chain, decrease complexity Organization : trade off Long term development vs short term actvites Mdias : rapporter des info pertinente, non biaise. Gouvernement : Dduction pour bonne pratique, baisse de limposition !?

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164 www.wholebeauty.ch


Thank you for your attention!

Ready to be sustainable?

Inspiring. Driving change.

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Back UP

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Vision driven


Code de conduite

Rgles et standards

Activits journalires

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167 www.wholebeauty.ch


How to go there?
Environmental phases


Social phases




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168 www.wholebeauty.ch


Success factors
Focalise your effort

Incremental change

Keep a vision

5 success factors

Measure your results

Sustainable luxury company

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169 www.wholebeauty.ch


Continuous improvement
Plan Do


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170 www.wholebeauty.ch


Consultant dveloppement durable


Consultant environnementaux


Bureau d'ingnieurs

Consultant social

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171 www.wholebeauty.ch


Inspiring. Driving change. 172

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Our services
Awareness building inspiration. Sustainable corporate strategies. Operational driving & implementation. Stakeholder brokerage. Reputation management.
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21/04/2012 www.wholebeauty.ch 173

Can you really afford not to be concerned ?

Inspiring. Driving change.

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