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How can you help spread the Gospel?

How can you help spread the Gospel?

The 10/40 Window Includes-- 72% of the people groups which are less than 2% Christian 96% of the worlds least evangelized people groups (groups where 90% have not heard the gospel). 82% of the worlds poorest people. 34 Muslim countries, 7 Buddhist nations, 2 Hindu countries. Fewer than 10% of all Christian missionaries work here.

A Challenge to the 10/40 Window our priority

Where is your mission field? Nearly two thirds (63%) of the worlds population lives in the are known as the 10/40 Window, yet less than 8 % of them are Christians. This part of our globe contains the area from 10 to 40 degrees north of the equator. It spans the area from North Africa through Middle East and Central Asia to include the Asian subcontinent and most of the Far East. It is the home to most of worlds Muslims, Hindus, and Buddhists, Animists and Atheists. This is the least evangelized area of the world.

Supporting Ministries in the Seventh-day Adventist Church mostly dependent on others funding and solicitation:
Association of Adventist Women Association of Seventh-day Adventist Historians Association of Seventh-day Adventist Librarians Generation of Youth for Christ Weimar Institute Outpost Centers International Hope International Remnant Ministries Maranatha Volunteers International Asian Aid Adventist World Aviation ADRA One Mission 3ABN Amazing Facts Safe TV My Gospel Workers

Supporting Ministries in the Seventh-day Adventist Church mostly dependent on others funding and solicitation:
The Voice of Prophecy The Quiet Hour It is Written TEACH Services, Inc. Hartland Institute ASI Ministries Renewed Heart Ministries Adventist Frontier Missions Quiet Hour Ministries C.H.E.R. Steps to Life Light Bearers My Gospel Workers Philippine Frontier Missions

Why not many long-term missionaries?

When asked by Adventist News Network Why aren't more members volunteering to be missionaries and asked for some reasons for dwindling number of missionaries as a systemic problem, Dr. G.T. Ng, emphasizes the following reasons: 1. Not hired in their home country after return 2. Low salaries (which demands an extreme level of sacrifice for the qualified and experienced missionaries to leave their post for fewer resources and uncertain futures) 3. Church has limited budget due to current market
*Source: http://news.adventist.org/2009/11/church-chat-ng-on-wh.html

Statistical Facts about long-term missionaries

There is nearly nobody who wants to become a long-term career SDA missionary (about 900 long-term missionaries are 0.0054% of 16,641,357 SDA members worldwide as of June 30, 2010, or 1 missionary per 18,490 SDA members)
Each long-term missionary would only be given 27,778 US$ annual stipend by the General Conference (if $25 million annually is to be divided by about 900 missionaries).
*Derived from http://news.adventist.org/2010/10/-about-2900-people-


Challenging Questions
1. Cant we address the financial problem of the missionaries? 2. Should we depend on the church budget for mission? 3. Should we depend on solicitation from church members and other people? 4. Is money the only resource and real problem for mission? 5. Cant we find some ways we can stand alone as self-supporting missionaries?

Answer to the Questions

1. We can address the financial problem of the missionaries (NRS Deut 8:18). 2. We should not depend on the church budget for mission (2 Cor 11:9). 3. We should not depend on solicitation from church members and other people (Acts 20:33). 4. Money is not the only resource, nor the real problem for mission (Cf. Luke 10:4; 1 Kings 20:3). 5. We can find some ways we can stand alone as self-supporting missionaries from Paul (Acts 18:3; 20:34; 1 Cor 4:12)

Pauls Missionary Example

1. He worked hard day and night so that he would not be a burden to anybody (2 Thess 3:8, NLT ) 2. He had always been careful not being a burden to his brethren in any way (2 Cor 11:9, NJB) 3. He never asked for money or clothes (Acts 20:33, NJB) 4. He paid/support his own ministry (Acts 20:34, NLT)

5. He supplied the needs of his colleagues (Acts 20:34, NLT) 6. He was a constant example in helping the poor (Acts 20:35, NLT). For him 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.' 7. He earned a living by his own hands (= having his own job) (1 Cor 4:12, NJB) 8. He was a tentmaker (Acts 18:3) = a Gospel "Tentmaker", (EGW, Conflict and Courage, p.342)

Ellen G. White, 4T.409.001 When not actively engaged in preaching, the apostle Paul labored at his trade as a tentmaker. Among the Jews it was customary to teach the children some trade, however high the position they were expected to fill, that a reverse of circumstances might not leave them incapable of sustaining themselves. In accordance with this custom Paul was a tentmaker, and when his means had been expended to advance the cause of Christ and for his own support, he resorted to his trade in order to gain a livelihood.

What overarching principle can we learn from Paul?

His tentmaking livelihood is his means to advance the cause of Christ and for his own support Q1: Do we make our livelihood our means to advance the cause of Christ, besides to support ourselves or families?

Q2: Are we mercenary (=merely working for money) or missionary (=working for God)?

What type of missionary?

EGW's counsel on being a Gospel/Missionary "tentmaker"

"Every man, woman, and child should be educated to do practical, useful work. All should learn some trade. It may be tentmaking, or it may be business in other lines; but all should be educated to use the members of their body to some purpose, and God is ready and willing to increase the adaptability of all who will educate themselves to industrious habits." {EGW, This Day with God, 203}

Why is tentmaking needed?

Following are nine of the reasons why tentmaking is important if we wish to see the church of Jesus Christ planted in every people group. 1) It provides entry into hostile countries. About 80% of world population, including most unreached peoples, live in countries that do not allow Christians in as missionaries. 2) It provides natural, sustained contact with non-believers in restrictive and open countries. This is essential for winning them. Tentmakers relate easily to their professional counterparts abroad. 3) It conserves scarce mission funds for missionary ministries that must have full support, at a time of rising costs worldwide and an often uncertain dollar.

4) It multiplies our personnel. Tentmaking is our best hope for an adequate missions force. There will never be enough paid religious workers. Professional lay people who witness in the workplace add a great resource to world evangelism, which was initially a lay movement. 5) It supplements Christian radio & TV by incarnating the gospel for millions now able to hear it. The gospel must be seen as well as heard. Tentmakers fish out listeners, disciple them and establish fellowships. 6) It can reduce the attrition rate (shrinkage in number) of missionaries who do not finish their first term or return for a second one (3O%). People who apply for donor-supported regular missionary service after supporting themselves through the language and culture learning period are tried and proven. They are likely to last because they know the life to which they are returning.

7) It legitimizes mission agencies in open countries whose governments must justify their presence to hostile constituents. Mission agencies gain favor with governments when some of their members use their nation-building skills in secular institutions. 8) It is ideal for emerging mission agencies in new sending countries which cannot follow our Western model of donor support because they do not have the funds or cannot legally send funds abroad. 9) It makes use of today's vast global job market which God has engineered to help us finish world evangelization.

Be a modern tentmaker

Modern Tentmakers are

mission-motivated Christians who support themselves in secular work as they do crosscultural evangelism on the job and in free time. They may be employees, selfemployed, businessmen, investors, expenses-paid voluntary workers, or Christians in professional exchange, funded research, internship or study abroad programs. They can serve at little or no cost to the church.

Call to become modern tentmakers

Arent we supposed to be Missionary teachers, instead of mere teachers? Missionary engineers, instead of mere engineers? Missionary businessmen, instead of mere businessmen? Missionary nurses, instead of mere nurses? Missionary doctors, instead of mere doctors? Missionary computer technicians, instead of mere computer technicians? Missionary SDA members, instead of mere SDA members? WHAT MAKES THE DIFFERENCE?

Christ's Method--The Secret

Christs method alone will give true success in reaching the people. [1] The Saviour mingled with men as one who desired their good. [2] He showed His sympathy for them, [3] ministered to their needs, [4] and won their confidence. [5] Then He bade them, Follow Me. (Ministry of Healing 143-144).

How can we exactly do it considering the nature of the 10/40 Window?

Without involvement, there is no commitment. Mark it down, asterisk it, circle it, underline it
Stephen Covey

There is a large field open before the selfsupporting gospel worker. Many may gain valuable experiences in ministry while toiling a portion of the time at some form of manual labor, and by this method strong workers may be developed for important service in needy fields. {AA 355.2}

Form a group for unbelievers

The formation of small companies as a basis of

Christian effort has been presented to me by One who cannot err. If there is a large number in the church, let the members be formed into small companies, to work not only for the church members, but for unbelievers. If in one place there are only two or three who know the truth, let them form themselves into a band of workers. Let them keep their bond of union unbroken, pressing together in love and unity, encouraging one another to advance, ... 7T pp. 21-22.

How to sustain the self-supporting 10/40 Window Ministry in more than 5 years?
Balanced in theory and practice, the dual system used to put up 10/40 Window Ministry is the following: 1. Missionary education on weekends -- equips missionaries for personal and public evangelism. Its initially facilitated by the Institute of World Mission of the General Conference, and subsequently carried out by the succeeding trained missionaries. 2. Financial education on week days -- the other 2-4 hour weekly scheduled training enables missionaries to stand up on their feet financially and be able to support their family in 2-5 years, until they are able to work full time as missionaries with all the benefits of all the resources they need from passive income. Experts are invited from carefully chosen investing vehicles that generate passive income (from any of the businesses, paper assets, metals, real estate, etc.). The training is based in Thailand, but may be available in other countries like the Philippines, India, Vietnam, and in those countries lived by the missionaries depending on arrangement and schedule.

Principle of Leverage for Dual System

Apply the Art of Leverage = doing more with less, that is, doing more results with less resources Example: 1. Following Jethros advice, Moses chose able men as leaders over thousands, hundreds, fifties and tens and as judges over all the people for him to endure the pressures and making the task easier for him (Exo 18:13-26). 2. Jesus called the 12 disciples as fishers of men (Matthew 4:18-25). 3. The good and faithful servants who respectively received five and two talents invested and doubled their talents (Matthew 25:14-30).

First System: Missionary Education

First System: Curriculum

First System: Example of Courses

First System: Previous Online Course

First System: Current Online Course

First System: Face-to-Face Course

Who can join? What are their qualifications?

1. Have great love for Jesus and for people 2. Missionary-minded 3. Have great leadership skills (able to meet goals, lead, are visionary, etc.) 4. Team-player (open-minded, collaborative, coachable, etc.) 5. Have full-time job in Thailand For those outside Thailand, we will send them some electronic training materials, and let them attend some trainings as scheduled in their places.

How can I get started? 1. Simply sign up at http://1040window.ning.com/ 2. Communicate by email: yllorco@yahoo.com, or call +66 846721173, or any of the Sponsors 3. Attend all the meetings and activities 4. Stay with the group by being a good disciple and missionary 5. Get a good one like you

Stock Logistics

4 Partnerships
Financial Education

Research Development Back office Finding more Products Etc.

Team Advisor

System training By Using CDs, Books Functions

You The Owner

Stock Logistics

5 Partnerships
Financial Education

Research Development Back office Finding more Products Etc.

Religious Education


Both Systems train By Using CDs, Books Functions

You The Owner

Ways you can help the 10/40 Window region:

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