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8us|ness Commun|cat|on Sk|||s

Leve|s D|mens|ons and D|rect|ons of Crgan|zat|ona|
Leve|s D|mens|ons and D|rect|ons of Crgan|zat|ona|
rocess of Commun|cat|on rocess of Commun|cat|on
Channe|s of Commun|cat|on Channe|s of Commun|cat|on
Wr|tten Commun|cat|on Sk|||s Lma|| (1) Wr|tten Commun|cat|on Sk|||s Lma|| (1)
1he word 'CommunlcaLe' comes from Lhe LaLln verb 'Communlcare' LhaL means Lo lmparL Lo
parLlclpaLe Lo share or Lo make common Source of Lngllsh word 'Common'
CommunlcaLlon ls an arL of LransmlLLlng lnformaLlon ldeas aLLlLudes from one person Lo
A process of meanlngful lnLeracLlon among human belngs
lL ls a goal orlenLed process
A process of conveylng or LransmlLLlng a message from one person Lo anoLher Lhrough a proper
lLs Lssences
ersonal rocess
Cccurs beLween eople
lnvolves change ln 8ehavlor
Means Lo lnfluence oLhers
Lxpresslon of 1houghLs
LmoLlons Lhrough Words AcLlons
1ools for ConLrolllng MoLlvaLlng eople
Soclal and LmoLlonal rocess
What Is Commun|cat|on?
@he rocess of Commun|cat|on?


Sender Receiver
Questions &
Beh. Type
Questions &
Beh. Type
The Bowman Communication Model, 1992-2003

W Communicofion is nof dependenf

onIy on 'words' ,,if con oIso be
fhrough your 'body Ionguoge' ond
One sentence cun 'Muke u big difference',,,
Verba| Nonverba|
Channe| ara|anguage
L|ngu|st|c S|gns
(Natura| Language
for Wr|t|ng)
Aura| S|gns
C|ass|f|cat|on of Systems of Commun|cat|on
W A channel of communlcaLlon ls Lhe rouLe or paLh over whlch messages flow from Lhe sender Lo Lhe
W Channels are Lhe llnes of communlcaLlon and should noL be Loo long else Lhe message may geL
dlsLorLed before lL ls recelved
W 1here are Lwo channels of communlcaLlon
(l) formal and (ll) lnformal
Channe|s of Commun|cat|on
W orma| Commun|cat|on
refers Lo Lhe flow of messages along Lhe rouLes prescrlbed ln Lhe organlzaLlon
dellberaLely deslgned and represenL auLhorlLy responslblllLy relaLlonshlps beLween
dlfferenL poslLlons ln Lhe organlzaLlon
formal communlcaLlon channels are prescrlbed and conLrolled by managers and supervlsors
ln Lhe organlzaLlon
Lhey consLlLuLe 'Lhe maln llne of operaLlonal communlcaLlon of Lhe organlzaLlon'
messages LhaL flow ln Lhe form of hlerarchy reporLs suggesLlons grlevances orders
Downward commun|cat|on lnvolves communlcaLlon from hlgher Lo lower levels so LhaL
leadershlp can communlcaLe goals sLraLegles or role expecLaLlons
Upward commun|cat|on flows from lower levels Lo hlgher levels of Lhe organlzaLlon
nor|zonta| commun|cat|on occurs across Lhe same level and lnvolves coordlnaLlon of
acLlvlLles wlLh peers (Leams commlLLees) dlssemlnaLlon of useful lnformaLlon from one
deparLmenL Lo anoLher Lncourages lnnovaLlon
network|ng or mapp|ng the f|ow of commun|cat|on ls a useful devlce
Channe|s of Commun|cat|on (Contd)
W Advantages of orma| Commun|cat|on
(l) Allows f|ow of |nformat|on ln an orderly and auLhenLlc manner
(ll) Covers a|| subsystems of an organ|zat|on
(lll) romoLes Leamwork and coordlnaLlon
(lv) Pelps managers ln exerclslng conLrol over subordlnaLes lL enables managers consolldaLe
Lhe organlzaLlon
(v) Lnsures centra||zed contro| down the |eve|s of h|erarchy
(vl) Increases |ts cred|b|||ty and re||ab|||ty
(vll) D|v|s|on of work sharlng cooperaLlon and faclllLaLlon of Lhe performance of
managerlal Lasks
W L|m|tat|ons of orma| Commun|cat|on
(l) lormal communlcaLlon ls slow and rlgld 1hey are Llme consumlng
(ll) lormal communlcaLlon channels are expenslve as Lhe messages are generally ln wrlLlng
(lll) uue Lo Lhe Lendency of fllLerlng lnformaLlon dlsLorLlon may occur when Lhe message has
Lo pass Lhrough several levels of auLhorlLy
Channe|s of Commun|cat|on (contd)
W Informa| Commun|cat|on
CommunlcaLlon ls noL generally conflned Lo Lhe formal neLwork of hlerarchy ln an
Also known as rapev|ne
lL works ln a group of people le when one person has some lnformaLlon of lnLeresL he
passes lL on Lo hls lnformal group
lmpllclL mulLldlmenslonal and dlverse
lL acLs a valuable purpose ln expresslng cerLaln lnformaLlon LhaL cannoL be channeled vla
Lhe offlclal channels
Channe|s of Commun|cat|on (contd)
W rapev|ne
1erm orlglnaLed durlng Amerlcan Clvll War ln 1860s
lL ls a complex neLwork of communlcaLlon ln an organlzaLlon whlch conveys rumors and
commenLs under Lhe preLense of secrecy
-oL all parLlclpanLs wlLhln Lhe grapevlne send messages few of Lhem are [usL recelvers
lnformal communlcaLlon or grapevlne becomes rouLlne under Lhe followlng condlLlons
(l) When an organlzaLlon ls passlng Lhrough a dlfflculL perlod and lLs members lack a sense of
dlrecLlon and develop feellng of uncerLalnLy
(ll) Lmployee form lnformal groups due Lo feellng of lnadequacy and lack of self confldence
(lll) Managers form a favored group due Lo whlch oLher employees geL a feellng of
lnsecurlLy or lsolaLlon
Channe|s of Commun|cat|on (contd)
rapev|ne Cha|ns
(|) S|ng|e Strand
lnformaLlon flows Lhrough a long llne of people Lo Lhe ulLlmaLe recelver
ln Lhe above example A Lells 8 8 Lells C Lhus A communlcaLes wlLh C Lhrough lnLervenlng people ln a
eg 'Pl 8ahul l heard from a rellable source LhaL our company ls golng Lo crash shorLly' and Lhen 8ahul
lnforms vlshal abouL Lhe same
more ofLen Lhe lnformaLlon ls far away from Lhe LruLh buL Lhe grapevlne has done lLs [ob 'lL has ralsed an
alarm Lo cause sufflclenL worry Lo Lhe managers
(||) oss|p Whee|
lL lnvolves passlng of lnformaLlon from a person ln Lhe cenLer Lo all oLhers around hlm
CfLen used Lo convey lnformaLlon noL relaLed Lo [ob
eg 'Pl 8ahul dld you hear LhaL our boss ls golng Lo dlvorce hls wlfe?'
Lhe gosslp spreads llke wlldflre leadlng Lo characLer assasslnaLlon ln mosL cases
generally gosslp generaLes from dlsgrunLled or dlssaLlsfled workers and from rlvals
rapev|ne Cha|ns
(|||) robab|||ty Cha|n
one person LransmlLs lnformaLlon aL random Lo oLhers who ln Lurn LransmlL furLher ln a slmllar manner
used Lo pass amuslng lnformaLlon whlch may be lnLeresLlng buL noL generally lmporLanL
eg one colleague addresses Lo anoLher ' ?ou wlll be shown Lhe door Loday havenL you
offended Lhe boss by appreclaLlng hls spouse ln hls presence?' whlle Lhe probablllLy of Lhe boss's
dlspleasure cannoL be ruled ouL Lhe posslblllLy of showlng Lhe door ls remoLe
Lhe grapevlner has been lndlfferenL Lo whaLever hurL he may have caused Lo hls colleague
(|v) C|uster Cha|n
lnvolves selecLlve communlcaLlon ln a group
one communlcaLes wlLh Lhose he can LrusL who may ln Lurn LranslL Lhe lnformaLlon Lo selecLed people
ClusLer chaln ls Lhe domlnanL grapevlne paLLern and mosL lnformal communlcaLlon flows Lhrough Lhls chaln
someLlmes lL ls used by Lhe managemenL Lo leak ouL lnformaLlon ln advance abouL declslons Lo come
eg subordlnaLe lnforms hls frlends aL hlgher levels ln Lhe hlerarchy ' Slr some employees ln Lhe l1 Leam are
conLemplaLlng Lhe posslblllLy of [olnlng anoLher company where Lhey pay hlgher salarles
rapev|ne Cha|ns (contd)
W Advantages of rapev|ne
(l) Speedy 1ransmlsslon
(ll) valuable leedback
(lll) sychologlcal SaLlsfacLlon
(lv) SupporL Lo lormal Channels
W L|m|tat|ons of rapev|ne
(l) MlsundersLandlng
(ll) lncredlble
(lll) uamage Lo Lhe organlzaLlon
rapev|ne (contd)
now to make Lffect|ve Use of rapev|ne
(l) 1ransparency ln declslon maklng processes
(ll) lrequenL dlalogues wlLh employees aL all levels wlll glve Lhem Lhe sense of lnvolvemenL
and belonglng Lo Lhe organlzaLlon
(lll) 1eamwork and wldely shared responslblllLles
(lv) LffecLlve LlsLenlng
(v) 1acLful managers ofLen succeed ln ldenLlfylng rumor managers and characLers assasslns
and ln deallng wlLh Lhem approprlaLely ln order Lo wln Lhelr confldence
(vl) Cood managers are dlscreLe Lo ldenLlfy areas of dlsconLenL among employees and remove
Lhem before Lhey become a problem
(vll) Cood publlc relaLlons boLh lnLernal and exLernal can generaLe a favorable publlc oplnlon
for Lhe organlzaLlon
(vlll) An efflclenL neLwork of LrusLed colleagues
(lx) A secreL neLwork may help Lo obLaln feedback abouL an lmpendlng problem or crlsls and
Lhereby averL lL
Channe|s of Commun|cat|on (contd)
W Intrapersona| Commun|cat|on
AL lndlvldual level
eg lnsLrucLlons of a 'blLe' 'paln' 'LhlrsL' ls senL Lo Lhe braln Lhrough Lhe nervous sysLem /
elecLrochemlcal sysLem braln ls Lhe recelver whlch responds Lo Lhe message Lo compleLe Lhe
communlcaLlon process
W Lxtra persona| Commun|cat|on
CommunlcaLlon Lakes place beLween human belngs and oLher forms of llvlng Lhlngs
W Interpersona| Commun|cat|on
Among people
Lhe mood and language depends on Lhe Lype of relaLlonshlp people have wlLh each oLher
Lwo Lypes (l) formal (ll) lnformal
Leve|s of Commun|cat|on
W InterCperat|ona|
communlcaLlon whlch Lakes place wlLhln an organlzaLlon
W Lxterna| Cperat|ona|
CommunlcaLlon whlch Lakes place beLween Lwo dlfferenL organlzaLlons
W ersona| Commun|cat|on
Lhe personal communlcaLlon wlLhln Lhe organlzaLlon ls noL relaLed wlLh Lhe buslness of an
@ypes of Crgan|zat|ona| Commun|cat|on
W ,ass Commun|cat|on
lnformaLlon ls shared Lhrough prlnL medla [ournals magazlnes books vlsual medla
Lelevlslon Lhrough news sporLs enLerLalnmenL adverLlsemenLs research hlsLory
Covers a large vlclnlLy of audlence
lL leaves an lndellble mark as Lhe psyche of Lhe recelver
lL has Lhe fasLesL mode of LransmlLLlng lnformaLlon
A [olnL efforL of many people ls requlred Lo LransmlL lnformaLlon Lhrough mass medla
lL lncludes and evokes Lhe lnLeresL ln recelver and exLracLs deslrable response
Leve|s of Crgan|zat|ona| Commun|cat|on
W Downward Commun|cat|on
flows from a hlgher auLhorlLy Lo a lower auLhorlLy
based on Lhe assumpLlons LhaL aL hlgher level lndlvlduals have Lhe auLhorlLy Lo
communlcaLe Lo lower level people
Coals and pollcles of Lhe company need Lo be explalned clearly and preclsely
SubordlnaLes should be encouraged Lo Lalk and share lnformaLlon good or bad
boLh oral and wrlLLen medla
l) 1o glve speclflc lnsLrucLlons and dlrecLlves abouL Lhe [ob enLrusLed Lo a subordlnaLe so LhaL Lhe [ob
ls performed efflclenLly
ll) 1o explaln pollcles procedures and programmes of Lhe organlzaLlon Lo flrm employees
lll) 1o educaLe and Lraln employees so as Lo lmprove Lhelr knowledge and skllls
lv) 1o explaln Lo Lhe subordlnaLes Lhe raLlonale of Lhelr [obs so LhaL Lhey undersLand
v) 1o lnform Lhe employees abouL Lhelr performance and achlevemenLs
vl) 1o sLrengLhen Lhe auLhorlLarlan sLrucLure of Lhe organlzaLlon
Leve|s of Crgan|zat|ona| Commun|cat|on (Contd)
W Downward Commun|cat|on
|) De|ay
||) @oo much or too |ess |nformat|on
|||) ||trat|on 80 of Lhe lnformaLlon ls losL when LransmlLLed downward Lhrough flve levels of
managemenL hlerarchy
|v) D|stort|on Lhe message ls screened aL every successlve level lrequenL LwlsLlng dlsLorLs Lhe
message and by Lhe Llme lL reaches Lhe desLlnaLlon lLs meanlng may noL be whaL Lhe sender
v) 8u||t ln reslsLance downward communlcaLlon ofLen requlres changes ln Lhe work rouLlne and
aLLlLudes of subordlnaLes lL ls also an auLhorlLarlan ln naLure as subordlnaLes do noL parLlclpaLe ln
decldlng lL leadlng Lo resenLmenL and reslsLance from employees
Leve|s of Crgan|zat|ona| Commun|cat|on (Contd)
W Downward Commun|cat|on
,ak|ng Downward Commun|cat|on Lffect|ve
l) lan your communlcaLlon
ll) 8emaln lnformed
lll) use 8lghL Channel
lv) uecenLrallze
v) keep lL Slmple
Leve|s of Crgan|zat|ona| Commun|cat|on (Contd)
W Upward Commun|cat|on
flow of lnformaLlon from lower levels of auLhorlLy (subordlnaLes) Lo hlgher levels
boLh oral and wrlLLen medla
l) leedback
ll) 8elease of 1enslon
lll) SuggesLlons
lv) MuLual CooperaLlon
v) Change
Leve|s of Crgan|zat|ona| Commun|cat|on (Contd)
W Upward Commun|cat|on
l) SLaLus lear of auLhorlLy
ll) 8eflecLlon on Lfflclency feellng of lncompeLency
lll) lnaLLenLlon
lv) ulsLorLlon Lhe lnformaLlon ls dellberaLely dlsLorLed or edlLed before lL reaches Lhe hlgher auLhorlLy
v) lmproper Channel due Lo lmpaLlence or belng Loo bold few employees dlrecLly approach Lhe
hlgher auLhorlLy wlLh Lhelr complalnLs and suggesLlons bypasslng Lhelr lmmedlaLe boss whereln
Lhe lmmedlaLe boss mlghL feel sllghLed and Lop auLhorlLles become susplclous of worker's
lnLenLlons 1hls affecLs Lhe labor managemenL relaLlon
Leve|s of Crgan|zat|ona| Commun|cat|on (Contd)
W Upward Commun|cat|on
,ak|ng Upward Commun|cat|on Lffect|ve
l) Cpen uoor ollcy
ll) LmpaLheLlc llsLenlng
lll) SuggesLlon Scheme A formal organlzed sysLem for movlng consLrucLlve ldeas from workers Lo
managemenL eg suggesLlon boxes lnsLalled aL convenlenL locaLlons ln Lhe offlce / facLory
lv) Crlevance rocedure
Lmployee complalns Lo hls lmmedlaLe superlor verbally
lf superlor falls Lo resolve Lhe lssue wlLhln 48 hours Lhe complalnL ls puL ln wrlLlng Lo Lhe
secLlonal / deparLmenLal head
lf grlevance ls noL solved wlLhln Lhree days lL ls furLher wrlLLen Lo Lhe grlevance commlLLee
lf grlevance ls noL solved wlLhln a week Lhen Lhe complalnL ls submlLLed Lo Lhe CLC
Cenulne grlevances should be solved lmmedlaLely
v) ShorL llnes shorL and slmple Lo mlnlmlze delay and dlsLorLlon
vl) erlodlcal 8eporLs employees should be asked Lo submlL reporLs abouL Lhe progress of work aL regular
lnLervals Lhrough sLandard formaLs
vll) CommlLLees commlLLees conslsLlng of managers and workers ln commlLLee meeLlngs workers geL an
opporLunlLy Lo Lalk face Lo face Lo Lhelr superlors
vlll) Counsellng helps workers Lo solve Lhelr problems and wlLh Lhe help of lnformaLlon glven by Lhem
managers can lmprove Lhelr acLlons and pollcles
lx) Soclal CaLherlngs
x) rompL AcLlon
xl) Cmbudsman ls an lndependenL offlclal who recelves and looks lnLo Lhe complalnLs of cllenLs and
employees agalnsL hlgh offlclals or agencles Lg ln lndla CovernmenL Lo seLLle complalnLs of cusLomers
agalnsL publlc secLor banks and Lhelr offlcers
Leve|s of Crgan|zat|ona| Commun|cat|on (Contd)
Upward Vs Downward Commun|cat|on
o|nt of Compar|son Upward Commun|cat|on Downward
|ow rom |ower to h|gher |eve|s rom h|gher to |ower |eve|s
Nature Appea||ng and |nformat|ve D|rect|ve and author|tat|ve
Speed S|ow ast
urpose @o prov|de feedback @o |mp|ement p|ans
eg keports appea|s
Suggest|ons orders
not|ces c|rcu|ars
W nor|zonta| or Latera| Commun|cat|on
flow of lnformaLlon and ldeas beLween people and deparLmenLs aL Lhe same level of auLhorlLy (peers)
communlcaLlon among lndlvlduals and groups of equal rank or sLaLus
urpose Lo ensure muLual cooperaLlon and coordlnaLlon beLween peers and lnLerdependenL work
boLh verbal and wrlLLen
allow freedom of expresslon due Lo lnformal aLmosphere
doubLs can be cleared on Lhe spoL and lmmedlaLe feedback ls avallable
keeps every deparLmenL lnformed of Lhe needs and acLlvlLles of oLher deparLmenLs
eg sales deparLmenL cannoL sell goods unless Lhe goods are produced aL Lhe rlghL Llme and cosL ln rlghL
quallLy roducLlon dpL cannoL do unLll Lhe purchase dpL procures Lhe requlred maLerlals and machlnery
Lhls ls posslble only when flnance dpL provldes adequaLe funds aL Lhe requlred Llme
l) lL helps Lo creaLe muLual undersLandlng and LrusL beLween people and deparLmenLs
ll) lL faclllLaLes cooperaLlon and coordlnaLlon beLween dlfferenL deparLmenLs
lll) lL helps ln seLLllng lnLerdeparLmenLal and lnLra deparLmenLal dlfferences wlLhln Lhe lnLervenLlon of Lhe
lv) lL makes lL posslble Lo solve problems aL lower levels
v) lL ls generally very effecLlve as Lhere ls no such barrlers
Leve|s of Crgan|zat|ona| Commun|cat|on (Contd)
W nor|zonta| or Latera| Commun|cat|on
|) Creates |ce between co||eagues As each lndlvldual holds a rank none may Lake lnlLlaLlve Lo Lalk or wrlLe Lo
ll) lew manages do noL wanL Lhelr subordlnaLes Lo communlcaLe among Lhemselves frequenLly on Lhe fear LhaL
Lhey may become Loo frlendly and pose a LhreaL Lo Lhelr auLhorlLy
ldeally every employee should develop Lhe hablL of muLual communlcaLlon wlLh hls peers
Lmployees aL every level should keep Lhelr superlor lnformed of Lhe flow of horlzonLal communlcaLlon
Leve|s of Crgan|zat|ona| Commun|cat|on (Contd)
W D|agona| or Crossw|se Commun|cat|on
when people worklng aL lower levels lnLeracL wlLh Lhose worklng aL a hlgher level across Lhe llmlLs of
Lhelr reporLlng relaLlonshlps
Lhe employees who communlcaLe are nelLher ln Lhe same work unlL nor aL Lhe same level of
organlzaLlonal hlerarchy
eg producLlon manager may communlcaLe dlrecLly wlLh sales offlcers ln Lhe markeLlng deparLmenL
l) 8oosLlng Morale ulagonal communlcaLlon provldes opporLunlLy Lo lower level employees Lo lnLeracL wlLh Lhe
managers lL helps Lo lmprove Lhe morale and commlLmenL of employees Lowards Lhe organlzaLlon
ll) CoordlnaLlon formal and lnformal meeLlngs under dlagonal communlcaLlon faclllLaLes coordlnaLlon beLween
dlfferenL work unlLs ln Lhe organlzaLlon
lll) Speedy AcLlon dlrecL lnLeracLlons beLween superlors and subordlnaLes worklng ln dlfferenL work unlLs help Lo
speed up acLlon by cuLLlng across deparLmenLal llnes
l) 8eslsLance
ll) vlolaLlon of unlLy of Command may cause confllcLs and confuslon ln Lhe mlnds of subordlnaLes
lll) Anarchy ln Lhe absence of well accepLed procedures for dlagonal lnLeracLlons Lhere may be lnLernal anarchy ln
Lhe organlzaLlon
Leve|s of Crgan|zat|ona| Commun|cat|on (Contd)
Leve|s of Crgan|zat|ona| Commun|cat|on (Contd)
Interdepartment memos
Interpersona| d|a|ogues
L|ne and Staff par|eys
@e|ephone Conversat|ons
Un|on management meet|ngs
Leve|s of Crgan|zat|ona| Commun|cat|on (Contd)
W Lma|| stands for L|ectron|c ma|| these are d|g|ta| messages that can be sent through an |nternet connect|on
W It has changed the face of bus|ness commun|cat|on
Advantages of Lma||
l) lL ls Lhe qu|ckest means of transm|tt|ng messages
ll) Lmall does not d|sturb or |nterrupt the rece|ver he can check hls mall box and recelve Lhe
message whenever free
lll) lL ls easy to send messages to more than one rec|p|ent s|mu|taneous|y [usL by Lyplng ln
several emall addresses Also allows qu|ck d|str|but|on to many peop|e aL one Llme 8esulLlng lnLo
avoldlng repeLlLlon or reproducLlon of LexL
lv) can be used Lo access vast poo|s of |nformat|on sLored on Lhe lnLerneL
v) Lhousands of messages can be saved and sLored one can search message flles elecLronlcally reduces
paper work
vl) Instant feedback ls posslble when boLh Lhe sender and reclplenL boLh are avallable on Lhelr respecLlve
vll) Draw|ngs sounds v|deo c||ps |etters notes f||es reports or any other data can be senL across Lhrough
an emall
vlll) ema||s are not anonymous each message carrles Lhe reLurn address of Lhe sender buL lL ls posslble
Lo wrlLe Lo anyone wlLh an emall address
lx) ema||s can be marked w|th h|gh med|um or |ow pr|or|ty for recelver's acLlon as well
x) the cost of send|ng an ema|| |s |ndependent of the d|stance and ln many cases lL does noL depend on Lhe
slze of Lhe message also
Lma|| Q
L|m|tat|ons of Lma||
l) Lmall ls edlLable Lmall communlcaLlon ls sub[ecL Lo securlLy lssues Lherefore lL can be lnsecure
ll) emall ls anonymous Lhough Lhe emall ld of Lhe sender ls avallable however Lhe ldenLlLy of Lhe
message's auLhor can be compleLely masked WlLhouL an ldenLlflable source any clalm based on lL cannoL
be valldaLed
lll) Lmall cannoL be reLracLed (excepL ln case MlcrosofL CuLlook) buL noL ln case of personal emall slLes
lv) lL ls noL necessarlly prlvaLe Slnce messages are passed from one sysLem Lo anoLher and someLlmes
Lhrough several sysLems or neLworks Lhere are many opporLunlLles for some one Lo lnLercepL or read Lhe
mall 1hough lL ls proLecLed Lhrough sysLem admln Lhrough securlLy however Lhe sysLem admln can read
Lhe mall
v) aL Llmes we recelve Loo many unwanLed emalls !unk / Spam malls
vl) Cne needs Lo be aware of phlshlng LhaL can be used for ldenLlLy LhreaL
hlshlng process of aLLempLlng Lo access senslLlve lnformaLlon such as username and credlL card
deLalls by preLendlng Lo be a LrusLworLhy enLlLy
Lma|| Q
Lma|| Acronyms
Acronyms Lxpans|on
l?l lor ?our lnformaLlon
ASA As soon as posslble
CCu Closure of uay
CC8 Closure of 8uslness
81W 8y Lhe way
LCL Laugh ouL loud / LoLs of Luck
LCu Lnd of uay
lAC lrequenLly Asked CuesLlon(s)
P1P Pope Lhls helps
lMC ln my oplnlon
lMPC ln my humble oplnlon
M rlvaLe Message
Cv olnL of vlew
W1C Way Lo go
lA lease flnd aLLached
W1P WhaL Lhe Peck
1-1 1lll -exL 1lme
,ake the Sub[ect L|ne c|ear and conc|se
Lma|| Lt|quettes
W When someone scans through a new ema|| the on|y th|ng he]she |n|t|a||y reads |s the sub[ect
||ne 1hls helps Lhe reclplenL Lo declde wheLher Lo open forward flle or Lrash a message
W So make sure
1he Sub[ecL clearly summarlzes your emall's lnLenLlons
keep lL shorL you never know how wlde Lhe LexL dlsplay on Lhe persons emall reader ls long
sub[ecL llnes wlll geL LruncaLed
uonL ever send an emall wlLh an empLy sub[ecL llne
uonL have Lhe sub[ecL as Pl or Pello Lhere unless Lhe purpose of your emall ls Lo slmply say
lf yoot teply ls oot televoot ot oll to tbe sobject lloe stott o oew tbteoJ wltb o ftesb sobject lloe wblcb lf yoot teply ls oot televoot ot oll to tbe sobject lloe stott o oew tbteoJ wltb o ftesb sobject lloe wblcb
mote occototely teflects tbe e mote occototely teflects tbe e molls octool cooteots molls octool cooteots
Use an appropr|ate greet|ng
W The first line of your email should be a greeting, followed by an empty line and then your
message body.
1 it is the 1irst time you are emailing somebody, "Hi (name)," should be pre1erred. Using "Dear
(name)," is too stu11y and awkward. Dear (name)` can be used i1 it not 1or the 1irst time that you
are writing a mail to the recipient
W Salutations are tricky, especially if you are crossing cultures.
requently, titles are di11erent 1or men and women, and you may not be able to tell which you are
The 1amily name is 1irst in some cultures and last in others.
Honori1ics may vary based on status or age.
Make sure you have got all this right be1ore you proceed with the email.
W E.g.: t is sa1er to use "Ms." instead o1 "Miss" or "Mrs." unless you know the pre1erence o1 the woman
in question.
Lma|| Lt|quettes (contd)
@he age Layout
&sually people find it hard to read words on a computer screen than on paper. To make your email
easy to read :-
1. &se Shorter Paragraphs - Consider breaking up paragraphs to only a 1ew sentences a piece. That
way the readers can easily see new paragraphs as they end and begin. They don't have to scroll.
2. &se Less Words - Long sentences are not appropriate 1or most e-mail, especially business e-mail.
Keep your sentences to a maximum o1 12-15 words.
3. Keep it Short - A good rule o1 thumb is to keep everything on one "page" or one "screen." n most
cases this means about 20-30 lines.
4. Provide blank lines between each paragraph.
5. Avoid Watermark in the background
Lma|| Lt|quettes (contd)
Put all important details at the top of the email body (or even better, in the Subject line). Don't
bury a key piece o1 in1ormation in a large paragraph and expect a busy person to extract it upon 1irst
reading. The larger the paragraph (and the more paragraphs there are), the more likely are the chances
o1 the reader missing a particular point you are trying to make.
Keep the rest of the email short (8 sentences max.). A1ter you've made your main point, the rest o1
the sentences in your email should provide additional supporting in1ormation.
W Your goal is to have the person read your email and hopefully respond to it within a short time
period, so keep your e-mail as short as possible to make it easier for your reader to comprehend.
Lma|| Lt|quettes (contd)
eep the message focused and readab|e
W 1ten recipients only read partway through a long message, hit "reply" as soon as they have something
to contribute, and 1orget to keep reading. This is part o1 human nature.
W f your e-mail contains multiple messages that are only loosely related, in order to avoid the risk that
your reader will reply only to the 1irst item that grabs his or her 1ancy, you could number your points
to ensure they are all read.
W The final sentence - Either provide something concrete to reply to or make it clear that a reply is
not necessary.
E.g.: "Please let me know what appointment time work best 1or you." or " look 1orward to seeing
you tomorrow at 1pm in my o11ice."
Lma|| Lt|quettes (contd)
Use Appropr|ate Language
1. Do not use:-
(a) Smiles. E.g.: :-), :-( etc.
(b) Excess Abbreviations. E.g.: #C 1or "i1 recall correctly", BTW 1or 'by the way, LL 1or
"laughing out loud," etc.
(c) Non-standard punctuation and spellings (like that 1ound in instant messaging or chat
rooms). E.g.: gimme (give me), tht (that), di1iclt (di11icult), vil (will), lemme (let me), gonna (going
to) etc.
These linguistic shortcuts are generally signs of friendly intimacy so are not considered appropriate
for business e-mails.
2. All-caps means shouting. #egardless o1 your intentions, people will interpret this as your being
3. &se active instead of passive. Try to use the active voice o1 a verb wherever possible.
or instance, 'We will take care o1 your request today', sounds better than 'Your request will be taken
care o1 today'.
Lma|| Lt|quettes (contd)
roof kead
W f you are sending a message that will be read by a client, or someone higher up on the chain of
command (a superior or a manager, for instance), or if you're about to mass-mail dozens or
thousands of people, take an extra minute or two before you hit "send".
Poor spelling and grammar show a lack o1 attention to detail and sends the wrong message about
yoursel1 and how you do business.
By reading your e-mail over be1ore you send it you can correct all sorts o1 mistakes be1ore they get
to the recipient and possibly create a bad impression or put you and/or your company in hot water.
Spell checker won't catch every mistake, at the very least it will catch a 1ew typos.
f you are asking someone else to do work for you, take the time to make your message look
Lma|| Lt|quettes (contd)
&se the "To:" , "Cc:" and ~Bcc: fields appropriately:
Usually it is implied that i1 you have included someone in the "To:" field, then he/she is an intended
recipient and should reply i1 required. Avoid adding all recipients in To 1ield it has two drawbacks (i)
the recipient knows that the same message has been sent to a large number o1 recipients. (ii) someone
else`s email address is being publicized without their permission
1 someone is in the "Cc:" field, then the email is merely an Y ('1or your in1ormation') 1or him/her,
and he/she is not expected to reply.
1 you want a particular person to reply to a speci1ic part o1 your email, make that clear (e.g., "Sarah,
could you 1orward me last week's budget?"), or i1 you want everyone to reply, you can say something
like " would appreciate everyone's 1eedback about my ideas."
~Bcc: option is used when a copy o1 the mail is to be sent to other recipients without the knowledge
o1 the main recipient.
When an email has more than one recipient, there is the danger o1 nobody replying because everyone
thinks that someone else has already replied. That is why "Reply to All" might be a good idea to show
that you have already replied so that somebody else does not later duplicate the in1ormation you have
just provided.
Lma|| Lt|quettes (contd)
,a|nta|n coherence when replylng Lo an emall cllck on 'reply' and noL on 'new mall'
Do not overuse h|gh pr|or|ty opt|on
Do not attach unnecessary f||es
lncase lf you have forgoLLen Lo aLLach an lmporLanL flle ln Lhe nexL mall 'Cops here's Lhe
Do not rep|y to spam
Use separate ema|| channe|s for separate commun|t|es
hobb|es and |nterests
fam||y and fr|ends
Do not overuse 'rep|y a||'
Send your message to the r|ght person
1o Maln reclplenL who wlll Lake acLlon
CC CLher people who should be lnformed
8C SllenL observer
Lma|| Lt|quettes (contd)
Lma|| Lt|quettes
DO`s :-
Write an in1ormative & meaning1ul subject
Be courteous.
Put the key point o1 your message up 1ront.
Be brie1.
Make it easy 1or the reader to reply yes or no
or give a short answer.
End well with an appropriate next step.
Wait and check be1ore pressing 'send' Proo1-
Make yoursel1 look good online because your
email can be 1orwarded to anyone or everyone
else in the company or anywhere.
#espond promptly.
denti1y yoursel1 clearly
Distinguish between 1ormal and in1ormal
Show respect
Stay on the topic
DON`T s :-
Don't leave the Subject Line blank.
Don't use all capital letters.
Don't use emoticons or abbreviations.
Don't send without checking 1or mistakes.
Don`t assume that people have time to read
your entire message.
Don`t think that an e-mail is good 1or
Don`t write an e-mail when you are rushed.
Lma|| Lt|quettes

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