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Presentation on technology and ethics

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Business ethics is a form of applied ethics or profesional ethics that examine ethical princple and moral and ethical problam in a business environment. It applie to all aspect of a business conduct and is revelent of individuals and organization as a whole.

The impact of technology is felt in the following areas

Global Growth: The business growth is fast increase volume.Globalization of finance and capital markets has enhanced trading, capital flows, currency markets. Business is helping faster and borderless business. No Geographical Limits: Business is growing in all countries and across countries breaking the traditional political borders of states or nations. No Time Limit: With time zones changing across nation, business now run round the clock and all seven days of the week and all weeks. Quick communication is making this possible.

New Companies: The service, companies, consultant IT companies, BPO companies, new professions have emerged.

New Professions: New type of companies has brought new type of professions, like IT mangers programmers, web designers, animation consultants DNA, genetics and so on. Change of Mind Set: Technology has brought in new cultures like global citizens, information sharing communities and democratizing

Ethical problems to information Technology:

Information technology provides with a host of ethical challenges. New technology posses new implications for the balance of power in the workplace. Moreover, the line between personal and professional lives has become blurred, as workers conduct personal business in the office and professional business at home. The office usually provides faster, cheaper and easier access to the internet, while some work must be done at home in order to be completed according to modem, technologically enhanced pace. The growth of the internet the ability to capture and store vast amounts of personal data online and greater reliance on information systems in all aspects of life have increased the risk of using information technology unethically. Here are some examples that raise public concern about the ethical use of information technology:

Principles of Technology Ethics: . Proportionality: The good achieved by the technology must outweigh the harm or risk. Moreover, there must be no alternative that achieve the same or comparable benefit with harm or risk. Informed Consent: Those affected by the technology should understand and accept the risks. Justice: The benefit and burden of technology should be distributed fairly. Those who benefit should bear their fair share of the risks and those who do not benefit should not suffer a significant increase in risk Minimized Risk: Even if judged acceptable by the other three guideline, the technology must be implemented to avoid all unnecessary risk.


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