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SLudy of dlfferenL Lypes of compuLers

rof SwaLl kulkarnl
W purva
W Shonal
W Sneha
W udlLa
W vlnoda
compuLer ls a programmable machlne deslgned Lo
sequenLlally and auLomaLlcally carry ouL a sequence of
arlLhmeLlc or loglcal operaLlons 1he parLlcular sequence of
operaLlons can be changed readlly allowlng Lhe compuLer Lo
solve more Lhan one klnd of problem
It |s someth|ng that reduces the human effort
W oncepL 2300 8
W ,echanlcal calculaLor(1642)
W uLomaLed calculaLlon and programmlng
W 1he flrsL elecLronlc compuLers were developed ln Lhe mld
20Lh cenLury (19401943)
1o be launched
nov 2011
W Cperat|ona| pr|nc|p|e
nalog and Pybrld
W hys|ca| structures and the purpose of use
WorksLaLlons Server eLc
W 8ased on Capac|ty speed and re||ab|||ty
1he ,alnframe ompuLer
1he ,lcrocompuLer
1he ,lnl compuLer
1he SupercompuLer
Very Large Computer
,alnframe ls an lndusLry Lerm for a large
compuLer 1he name comes from Lhe way
Lhe machlne ls bulld up all unlLs
(processlng communlcaLlon eLc) were
hung lnLo a frame 1hus Lhe maln
compuLer ls bulld lnLo a frame
Lherefore Ma|nframe
W 1944
W 1949
W 194 IM0
W 19Z
W Z003 T-Re {IM}
W 1he malnframe ls someLlmes referred Lo as a
ulnosaur noL only because of lLs slze buL because
of reporLs golng back many years LhaL lLs becomlng
W Some early malnframes
nl 1942
,arkl 1944
8ln 1949
unlv 1932
l8, 701 1933
Whlrlwlnd 1960
l8, 360 1963
W ,alnframe has 1 Lo 16 us (modern machlnes more)
W ,emory ranges from 128 ,b over 8 ClgabyLe on llne 8,
W lLs processlng power ranges from 80 over 330 ,lS (mllllons of
lnsLrucLlons per second)
W lL has ofLen dlfferenL cablneLs for
W SeparaLe processes (program) for
Lask managemenL
program managemenL
[ob managemenL
lnLer address space
W used prlmarlly by corporaLe and governmenLal organlzaLlons for
crlLlcal appllcaLlons bulk daLa processlng such as census lndusLry and
consumer sLaLlsLlcs enLerprlse resource plannlng and
flnanclal LransacLlon processlng
W ,aln purpose ls Lo run commerclal appllcaLlons of lorLune 1000
buslnesses and oLher largescale compuLlng purposes
W 1hlnk here of banklng and lnsurance buslnesses where enormous
amounLs of daLa are processed Lyplcally (aL leasL) mllllons of records
each day
W l8, malnframes domlnaLe Lhe malnframe markeL aL well over
90 markeL share
W ln 2002 PlLachl codeveloped Lhe zSerles z800 wlLh l8, Lo share
expenses buL subsequenLly Lhe Lwo companles have noL
collaboraLed on new PlLachl models
W l8, ls rapldly expandlng lLs sofLware buslness lncludlng lLs
malnframe sofLware porLfollo Lo seek addlLlonal revenue and proflLs
W mlcrocompuLer ls a compuLer wlLh a mlcroprocessor as
lLs cenLral processlng unlL
W hyslcally small compared Lo malnframe and
W ,onlLors keyboards and oLher devlces for lnpuL and
ouLpuL may be lnLegraLed or separaLe
W llrsL mlcrocompuLer wlLh mlcroprocessor 1972
ln car compuLer
W apLop
W noLebook
W neLbook
W 1ableL
W SmarLphone
W SmarL book
form of flxed locaLed
Small ln slze Lo flL on a desk
,osLly used CS
W ,lcrosofL Wlndows
W ,
W lnux
used for regular home/buslness purposes
noLher Lype of moblle compuLer
,osLly used ln luxurlous cars for asslsLance of drlver for
W navlgaLlon
W nglne and fuel efflclency lnformaLlon
W SecurlLy
W nLerLalnmenL
W Lype of moblle compuLer wlLh all funcLlons as ln deskLop
W onslsLs of fullslzed keyboard fllpup monlLor and
W l8, 3100 Lhe flrsL commerclally avallable porLable
compuLer 1973
W used for buslness enLerLalnmenL sLudles(ppL's)
W 8uL requlres hlgh malnLenance
W luncLlons as a personal dlglLal asslsLanL
W rovlded wlLh Louchscreen or keypad faclllLy
W onslsL of porLs for exLernal connecLlons of lnpuL devlces
llke keyboard uS8
W Works wlLh C/S llke Symblan ndrold ,ac Wlndows
W erforms all funcLlons of lnLerneL compuLlng
W an also be used ln auLomoblle navlgaLlon
W Lype of moblle compuLer
W lL does have space for bullLln opLlcal or floppydlsk
W 8uL can be connecLed exLernally
W lghLer and Lhlnner Lhan lapLop
W ess graphlc supporL
W used mosLly for web browslng and emalllng purpose wlLh
wlreless communlcaLlon
W ack of opLlcal devlce
W 1argeLed for cloud compuLlng
W ess graphlc supporL
W lghL welghL economlcal energy efflclenL
W SmallercapaclLy hard drlve slower u and a lower
proflle 8,capaclLy
n SuS ee 700 Lhe flrsL
massproduced neLbook used a 7
lnch screen
W Small lapLop compuLer wlLhouL a keyboard
W uses vlrLual keyboard and dlglLal pen when lnpuL ls
W uo noL have porLs for exLernal aLLachmenL of l/o
W Works wlLh sLandard Wlndows or lnux operaLlng
smarLphone ls baslcally a moblle phone wlLh numerous addlLlonal
W mall
W Web browslng
W Word processlng
W Cfflce producLlvlLy
llrsL smarLphone was released by l8,ln 1992
qulpped wlLh a fullfeaLured CW81? keyboard Louchscreen and
lncorporaLed wlLh hlgh resoluLlon camera
Works on dlfferenL C/S llke Symblan ndrold Wlndows eLc
W omblned feaLures of smarLphone and noLebook
W SmallesL form of lapLop
W ll day baLLery llfe 3C Wlll connecLlvlLy CS
W qulpped wlLh 8,processor
W used for professlonal purposes
W ,ldslzed compuLer
W ,osLly bullL durlng 19601980
W ,ldway beLween mulLluser sysLems (malnframe compuLers )
and slngle user sysLems (mlcrocompuLer or personal compuLers)
W 1he slze of a large refrlgeraLor or Lwo
W ,lnl compuLers are lower Lo malnframe compuLers ln Lerms of speed and
sLorage capaclLy
W 1hey are also less expenslve Lhan malnframe compuLers
W had relaLlvely hlgh processlng power and capaclLy
W loneerlng compuLer companles
ulglLal qulpmenL orporaLlon (u)
uaLa Ceneral
PewleLLackard (P) (P3000)
W mlnlcompuLers were replaced by emergence of mlcroprocessors ln
s ln Lhe laLLer half of Lhe 1980s
W lnLroduced ln Lhe 1960s
W deslgned prlmarlly by Seymour ray aL onLrol uaLa orporaLlon (u)
W 1oday supercompuLers are Lyplcally oneofaklnd cusLom deslgns
produced by LradlLlonal companles such as ray l8, and PewleLL
W used for hlghly calculaLlonlnLenslve Lasks such as
problems lncludlng quanLum physlcs
weaLher forecasLlng
cllmaLe research
molecular modelllng
physlcal slmulaLlons
rocess|ng techn|ques
vecLor processlng Lechnlques were flrsL developed for supercompuLers
and conLlnue Lo be used ln speclallsL hlghperformance appllcaLlons
rocess|ng speed
SupercompuLers are measured ln floaLlng polnL operaLlons per second
Cperat|ng systems
,ore Lhan 90 of Lodays SupercompuLers run some varlanL of L|nux
ear Supercomputer
eak speed
2011 lS8C SC220 022lCS lS8C Ind|a
2009 ray !aguar 1739 lCS
uoCak 8ldge
naLlonal aboraLory
1ennessee US
2010 1lanhel 2366 lCS
enLer 1lan[ln Ch|na
2011 lu[lLsu k compuLer 8162 lCS 8lkn kobe Iapan

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