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Introduct|on to the pumped storage scheme

umpedstorage hydroe|ectr|c|ty
|s a type of hydroe|ectr|c power
generat|on used by some power
p|ants for |oad ba|anc|ng 1he
method stores energy |n the form
of water pumped from a |ower
e|evat|on reservo|r to a h|gher
e|evat|on Lowcost offpeak
e|ectr|c power |s used to run the
pumps Dur|ng per|ods of h|gh
e|ectr|ca| demand the stored
water |s re|eased through
turb|nes generat|ng power
kaccoon Mounta|n S 1ennessee US
8ad Creek S South Caro||na US
enera| des|gn of a pumped storage p|ant
kaccoon Mounta|n S
unct|on of a pumped storage p|ant
As the scheme suggests any S wou|d
requ|re two reservo|rs
W Upper reservo|r
W Lower reservo|r
keservo|rs can be of the fo||ow|ng two
W Natura| waterbody
WArt|f|c|a||y constructed reservo|rs
Natura| reservo|rs m|n|m|ze construct|on
cost but reservo|rs constructed art|f|c|a||y
(the upper reservo|r |s of most |mportance)
accord|ng to requ|rements ensure eff|c|ent
p|ant operat|on
Upper res
Lower res
Importance of reservo|r capac|ty and he|ght d|fference
umped storage systems requ|re e|ther a
very |arge body of water or a |arge
var|at|on |n he|ght |n order to obta|n
substant|a| storage capac|ty and ava||ab|e
head to the turb|ne or examp|e 1000
k||ograms of water (1 cub|c meter) at the
top of a 100 meter tower has a potent|a|
energy of about 0272 kWh (capab|e of
ra|s|ng the temperature of the same
amount of water by on|y 023 Ce|s|us
042 ahrenhe|t) 1he on|y way to store a
s|gn|f|cant amount of energy |s by hav|ng
a |arge body of water |ocated on a h|||
re|at|ve|y near but as h|gh as poss|b|e
above a second body of water
Large art|f|c|a| reservo|rs of h|gh
capac|ty requ|re h|gh |eve| of c|v||
eng|neer|ng work wh|ch |s cost|y and
comp|ex It |nc|udes enormous
excavat|on and construct|on of dams
Cbta|n|ng max|mum he|ght d|fference
|s |arge|y dependent on the topo|ogy
8ut the more the he|ght d|fference the
more the construct|on cost of
components ||ke enstocks ower
houses etc and more pump|ng power
wou|d be requ|red
Cpt|ma| comb|nat|on of these two
factors accord|ng to p|ant des|gn cost
and p|anned p|ant capac|ty |s
C|ass|f|cat|on of Ss accord|ng to types of reservo|rs
1he pumped sLorage schemes can be broadly classlfled lnLo Lhe followlng
ure]C|osed |oop umped Storage Schemes
ln Lhls Lype Lhere are Lwo reservolrsone upsLream and Lhe oLher downsLream and
power ls generaLed by reclrculaLlng waLer beLween lower and upper reservolrs uslng
lnexpenslve power aL nlghL for pumplng waLer up from downsLream reservolr Lo Lhe
upsLream reservolr When elecLrlclLy ls requlred durlng peak Llme Lhe same waLer ls
allowed Lo flow from upper reservolr Lo Lhe lower generaLlng elecLrlclLy As Lhe same
waLer ls reclrculaLed beLween Lwo reservolrs Lhls sysLem ls call a closed loop sysLem 1he
uru||a umped Storage |ant falls under Lhls caLegory
M|xed]Cpen |oop type umped Storage Schemes
umped sLorage schemes are called mlxed or comblned when Lhey conLaln elemenLs of a
ure umped SLorage lanL comblned wlLh a ConvenLlonal Pydro ower lanL ln Lhls
case Lhe lower reservolr ls noL necessarlly a closed reservolr buL can be a rlver or ln some
rare cases Lhe sea (30 MW anbaru pro[ect |n Ck|nawa Iapan)
C|ass|f|cat|on based on pump|ng method
Accord|ng to pump|ng systems the Ss
are c|ass|f|ed as
W kevers|b|e systems
W1wo way systems
kevers|b|e systems are the most preferred
and emp|oy revers|b|e pumpturb|nes
1hese are genera||y Inward kad|a| |ow
keact|on (ranc|s) turb|nes that act as
centr|fuga| pumps for pump|ng act|on
In two way systems separate turb|nes and
pumps are used and they are not
revers|b|e |n nature
Vert|ca| arrangement of turb|negenerator
assemb|y |s preferred
kevers|b|e pumpturb|ne A|stom made
Afourer S1L Mex|co
C|ass|f|cat|on of Ss accord|ng to type of water
Accord|ng to types of water
resources there are two types
of Ss
W resh water systems
W Sa|t water systems
Sa|t water systems are
|ocated ad[acent to sea 1he
sea works as the |ower
reservo|r wh|ch |s a
undep|etab|e reserve of
resh water systems have no
||nk to the sea and use water
from surface |ocated water
bod|es for p|ant operat|on
Sp|r|t of Ire|and sa|t water S Ire|and
Concept of 8ase |oad eak |oad
1he chang|ng |oad on power stat|on makes the |oad
curve of var|ab|e nature Load on the power stat|on
var|es from t|me to t|me nowever a c|ose |ook at the
|oad curve revea|s that |oad on the power stat|on can
be c|ass|f|ed |nto the fo||ow|ng two categor|es
W 8ase Load
W eak Load
8ase |oad 1he under|y|ng |oad wh|ch occurs a|most
the who|e day on stat|on |s ca||ed base |oad Ma|n|y
|arge therma| and nuc|ear power p|ants w|th
constant power out put supp|y the base |oad and are
therefore ca||ed base |oad p|ants
eak |oad 1he var|ous peak demands of |oad that
occur over the base |oad |n certa|n hours of a day |s
ca||ed peak |oad umped storage p|ants Natura| gas
p|ants etc supp|y the peak |oad and are ca||ed
peak|ng power p|ants
Ca|der na|| N Uk
1umut 3 S Austra||a
8ase |oad p|ants cant supp|y peak |oad as
W1hey are s|ow to change power output
W1hey take |ong to start up or stop
W1he|r m|n|mum power output |s ||m|ted due to restr|ct|ng factors such as therma| stress
W1hey are d|ff|cu|t to stop dur|ng n|ght
umped storage p|ants have the fo||ow|ng advantages because of wh|ch they are used for peak |oad supp|y
W Ab|||ty to store excess|ve energy generated dur|ng off peak as hydrau||c energy
W1hey are qu|ck to change power output
W1hey can be started up or shut down |n a short t|me
W1hey can be operated w|th m|n|mum power output
Advantages of pumped storage scheme
Ab|||ty to store excess off peak energy from the gr|d |n the form of hydrau||c energy makes
Ss the |argest gr|d energy storage system ava||ab|e
umped storage p|ants are most eff|c|ent for supp|y|ng peak |oad 1hey are necessary to
ma|nta|n stab|e gr|d frequency by |oad ba|anc|ng
1he source of energy |s renewab|e and ava||ab|e |n abundance Moreover Ss work|ng |n
C|osed |oop ut|||ze the prec|ous water resources of an area
As there |s no fue| cost and therefore no po||ut|on these p|ants are preferred over foss|| fue|
peak |oad p|ants that use cost|y and po||ut|ng fue|s ||ke natura| gas
ower output from f|uctuat|ng output |nterm|ttent renewab|e energy power stat|ons ||ke
w|nd turb|nes so|ar power systems etc can be used for pump|ng act|on
actors affect|ng |mp|ementat|on of a successfu| S
Su|tab|e topo|og|ca| features
D|stance from |oad centre
Ava||ab|||ty of off peak energy
D|fference between e|ectr|c|ty pr|ces dur|ng peak |oad and off peak
Symb|os|s w|th |oca| commun|ty
Lffects on the env|ronment
|oba| scenar|o of pumped storage hydroe|ectr|c|ty
1he f|rst pumped storage p|ants came up |n Ita|y and Sw|tzer|and |n 1890s
Dur|ng wor|d war 2 deve|opment of revers|b|e pumpturb|nes began and therefore the
pumped storage system became popu|ar
Nowadays there are hundreds of such p|ants wor|dw|de Among wh|ch 62 are of capac|ty
more than or equa| to 1000 MW
In 2009 the Un|ted States had 21S W of pumped storage generat|ng capac|ty account|ng
for 2S of base |oad generat|ng capac|ty nS generated (net) 6288 Wh of energy |n 2008
ln 2009 Lhe unlLed SLaLes had 213 CW of pumped sLorage generaLlng capaclLy accounLlng for 23 of base
In 2007 the Luropean Un|on had 383 W net capac|ty of pumped storage out of a tota| of
140 W of hydropower and represent|ng S of tota| net e|ectr|ca| capac|ty |n the LU
Some notab|e Ss across the wor|d
|ants Capac|ty
8ath county S 2772 MW
kannagawa S 2820 MW
nu|zhou S 2400 MW
uangdong S 2400 MW
1umut 3 1S00 MW
1|anhuangp|ng S 1836 MW
Dn|ester S 2268 MW
2agorsk S 1200 MW
1ehr| Dam S 1000 MW
8ath County S V|rg|n|a US
2agorsk S kuss|a
uture deve|opments
W 1he use of underground reservo|rs has been |nvest|gated kecent examp|es |nc|ude the proposed Summ|t
pro[ect |n Norton Ch|o and the Mount nope pro[ect |n New Iersey wh|ch was to have used a former |ron
m|ne as the |ower reservo|r Severa| new underground pumped storage pro[ects have been proposed Cost
est|mates for these pro[ects are h|gher than for surface pro[ects but the|r use m|ght great|y expand the
number of pumped storage s|tes
W A new concept |s to use w|nd turb|nes or so|ar power to dr|ve water pumps d|rect|y |n effect an Lnergy
Stor|ng W|nd or So|ar Dam 1h|s cou|d prov|de a more eff|c|ent process and usefu||y smooth out the
var|ab|||ty of energy captured from the w|nd or sun
W Cne can use pumped sea water to store the energy 1he 30 MW anbaru pro[ect |n Ck|nawa was the f|rst
demonstrat|on of seawater pumped storage A 300 MW seawaterbased pro[ect has recent|y been proposed
on Lana| nawa|| and severa| seawaterbased pro[ects have recent|y been proposed |n Ire|and Another
potent|a| examp|e of th|s cou|d be used |n a t|da| barrage or t|da| |agoon A potent|a| benef|t of th|s ar|ses |f
seawater |s a||owed to f|ow beh|nd the barrage or |nto the |agoon at h|gh t|de when the water |eve| |s rough|y
equa| e|ther s|de of the barr|er when the potent|a| energy d|fference |s c|ose to zero 1hen water |s re|eased at
|ow t|de when a head of water has been bu||t up beh|nd the barr|er when there |s a far greater potent|a|
energy d|fference between the two bod|es of water 1he resu|t be|ng that when the energy used to pump the
water |s recovered |t w||| have mu|t|p||ed to a degree depend|ng on the head of water bu||t up A further
enhancement |s to pump more water at h|gh t|de further |ncreas|ng the head w|th for examp|e |nterm|ttent
renewab|es Downs|des the generator must be be|ow sea |eve| and mar|ne organ|sms wou|d tend to grow on
the equ|pment and d|srupt operat|on 1h|s |s not a ma[or prob|em for the LD La kance 1|da| power stat|on |n
W Instead of pump|ng water uph||| the pumped storage |dea can be |nverted pump|ng a|r under water
WlLh lncreaslng global economy demand of power ls lncreaslng aL a
sLeep raLe 1herefore lL ls lmporLanL Lo meeL Lhls demand wlLh
maxlmum efflclency le keeplng an opLlmal balance beLween
generaLlon and demand lL ls also lmporLanL Lo reduce Lhe load on
convenLlonal Lhermal and nuclear power planLs as Lhey use cosLly
fossll fuel and radloacLlve fuel respecLlvely whlch are llmlLed ln
amounL and are llkely Lo depleLe ln fuLure 1herefore lL ls lmporLanL
Lo uLlllze Lhe excess power Lhey generaLe for energy sLorage and
reclrculaLlng Lhe same energy durlng hlgh demand whlch ls Lhe
prlnclpal funcLlon of Lhe pumped sLorage planLs 1hls makes Lhese
planLs Lhe largesL forms of grld energy sLorage
1herefore lL ls lmperaLlve LhaL every power sysLem carefully choose
lLs generaLlng sLaLlons for supplylng power Lo meeL varlable demand
Cenerally runoff rlver hydropower planLs hlgh capaclLy Lhermal and
nuclear power planLs are used Lo supply baseload power gas
Lurblne planLs oll flred planLs and several renewable energy power
sLaLlons are for mlddle or lnLermlLLenL load supply and flnally
pondage Lype hydro power planLs llke pumped sLorage planLs for
supplylng peak load Such careful comblnaLlon of power planLs
ensures an opLlmally mlxed hydroLhermalrenewablenuclear power
generaLlon sysLem LhaL ln Lurn ensures maxlmum economlc
efflclency for Lhe power sysLem
raph show|ng comb|ned
operat|on of severa| types of
power p|ants
1hank you
AnIrban Ray
DebasbIsb Cbowdbury

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