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LaLesL uevelopmenLs and CurrenL

CapablllLles ln nanoLechnology
8rlan Wang
!uly 16 2009
ueflnlng nanoLechnology
Nanotech ls Lhe sLudy of Lhe conLrol of maLLer on an aLomlc
and molecular scale 8roadly deflned nanoLechnology deals
wlLh sLrucLures of Lhe slze 100 nanomeLers or smaller and
lnvolves developlng maLerlals or devlces wlLhln LhaL slze
01 nanomeLers (angsLrom wldLh of one hydrogen aLom)
14 angsLroms7 angsLroms separaLlng carbon aLoms ln a
Cne Lrllllon cublc angsLroms ln a cube wlLh 100 nanomeLer
sldes Scale llke sofLballs ln a baseball sLadlum
dvanced LlLhography and 8eyond
MalnsLream llLhography nanoparLlcles for medlclne and more carbon
nanoLubes and oLher nanoLech and nanosLrucLured maLerlals
Scannlng robe Mlcroscopy and oLher mlcroscopy aero[eL prlnLlng
arrays of dlp pens MLMS/nLMS nanoenhanced regular Lech
beLLer sensors deLecLlon devlces and LesLs
Lnabllng CompuLaLlonal ChemlsLry Superlenses Lab on a chlp
rogresslng un nanoLechnology self assembly graphene elecLronlcs
quanLum doLs quanLum compuLlng nanosLrucLures for Llssue
englneerlng nanomembranes/nanofllLraLlon nanophoLonlcs
molecular elecLronlcs splnLronlcs plasmonlcs
8aslc capablllLles and funded developmenL aLomlc layer explLaxy and
deposlLlon mechanosynLhesls
CLher 8n un proLelns avogadro scale compuLlng clayLronlcs
synLheLlc llfe
dvanced LlLhography
uouble Lrlple and quadruple paLLernlng (down Lo 11
CompuLaLlonal llLhography
Luv (wlLh quadruple paLLernlng down Lo 3 nm)
nanolmprlnL (13nm now 12 nm wlLh Cn1)
Self assembly (down Lo 2 nm)
lasmonlc llLhography
8esoluLlon augmenLaLlon Lhrough phoLolnduced
deacLlvaLlon (8lu) llLhography 40 nm now (10nm)
lon beams
1hrough slllcon vla (oLher 3u Lechnlques)
ulfferenL maLerlals
uouble 1rlple Cuad LlLho
meLalllcglass molds can be used mllllons of Llmes Lo paLLern maLerlals lncludlng
polymers llke Lhose used Lo make uvus Schroers ?ale group used Lhe molds Lo
creaLe Lhreedlmenslonal mlcroparLs such as gears and Lweezers as well as much
flner sLrucLures leb 2009 !ournal naLure paper molds wlLh feaLures as small as
13 nanomeLers
1heoreLlc slze llmlL ls Lhe slze of a slngle aLom for Lhe meLalllcglass molds ?ale
researchers hope Lo make molds LhaL can form even flner sLrucLures by
conLrolllng Lhe surface chemlsLry of Lhe meLalllc glasses 1he maln llmlLaLlon on
Lhe molds ls Lhe sLrucLure of Lhe meLal and slllcon LemplaLes used Lo make Lhem
Schroers ls now developlng LemplaLes made of nanosLrucLures such as carbon
nanoLubes only one Lo Lwo nanomeLers ln dlameLer
8eyond CMCS
Lmerglng 8esearch uevlce
1echnology CandldaLes are belng
evaluaLed llsL of devlces belng
consldered Lo go beyond CMCS
nanoelecLro Mechanlcal
CollecLlve Spln uevlces
Spln 1orque 1ransfer uevlces
Lomlc SwlLch /
LlecLrochemlcal MeLalllzaLlon
Carbonbased nanoelecLronlcs
Slngle LlecLron 1ranslsLors
CMCL / lleld rogrammable
nanowlre lnLerconnecL (lnl)
l18S 2008 Summer Concluslon
arbonbased Nanoe|ectron|cs to |nc|ude carbon
nanotubes and graphene
Ior add|t|ona| resources and deta||ed road mapp|ng for
I1kS as prom|s|ng techno|og|es target|ng commerc|a|
demonstrat|on |n the S10 year hor|zon
nanoenhanced 8egular 1ech
ConcreLe and meLal
8esearch on Lhe nanoscale LhaL provldes lnslghL lnLo lmproved conLrol
of Lhe properLles
nanogralns for meLal almosL nocreep concreLe
Pydrophoblc sand
ueserL sand made hydrophoblc by addlLlve SPlS 1609
1he large rolls sandwlch Lhe sand beLween layers of polyeLhylene and
can be produced ln lengLhs of up Lo 30 meLres 1he coaLlng ls done ln
30 or 43 seconds" sald Pareb We have Lhe capaclLy of manufacLurlng
3000 Lonnes per day"
Lnglneerlng properLles composlLes polymers doplng
nanomembrane uesallnaLlon and waLer purlflcaLlon
* Larger holes (4-5nm) in
zeolite for more efficient oil refining.
Crack larger molecules
* Cars, planes, buildings, subs
nanoparLlcles for
dlagnosls and dellvery
of medlclne
1obacco mosalc vlrus
ls llke a 18nanomeLer
wlde sLraw whlch can
hold gene sllenclng
2007 LoLal markeL for
enabled drug dellvery
wlll rlse Lo $26 bllllon
by 2012 from lLs
currenL slze of $339
bllllon represenLlng a
compound annual
growLh raLe of 37
nanomed Loday
anoparticles is a microscopic
particle with at least one
dimension less than 100 nm.
Liposomes is a spherical
vesicle composed of a bilayer
membrane. n biology, this
specifically refers to a
membrane composed of a
phospholipid and cholesterol
Antibody conjugates
A conjugate vaccine is created
by covalently attaching a poor
antigen to a carrier protein,
thereby conferring the
immunological attributes of the
carrier on the attached
antigen. This technique for the
creation of an effective
immunogen is most often
applied to bacterial
polysaccharides for the
prevention of invasive
bacterial disease.
Carbon nanoLubes
300 Lon/year facLory Cnano 1echnologles
ConLexL (carbon flber kevlar copper sLeel cemenL)
kevlar relnforced wlLh carbon nanoLubes
nanocomp 1echologles
Cn1relnforced alumlnum ls only around one Lhlrd LhaL of
sLeel buL ls as hard as sLeel (8ayer MaLerlals work)
Could become cheaper Lhan alloy meLhod for maklng sLrong alumlnum
Lunar cemenL and concreLe
24meLre mlrror llke Pubbles eLer Chen (nS Coddard) esLlmaLes
Lhe reclpe would call for abouL 600 kllograms (1300 pounds) of Moon
dusL 60 kg (130 pounds) of epoxy 6 kg (13 pounds) of carbon
nanoLubes and less Lhan a gram of alumlnlum
1hey bullL a 30cenLlmeLre dlsc ln 2008
nanocomp 1echnologles
nanocomp's has hlghvolume producLlon of very long Cn1s (approxlmaLely one
mllllmeLer ln lengLh) and Lhen processlng Lhe nanoLubes lnLo conLlguous
macrosLrucLures (4fLx8fL maLs) Cver Lhe pasL 18 monLhs Lhe company has been
dlsLrlbuLlng Cn1 yarn lnLo Lhe markeLplace recenLly dellverlng Lhe 10 kllomeLer
shlpmenL Lo meeL lLs cusLomer's volume and performance speclflcaLlons Plghly
conducLlve producLs are llghLer and sLronger Lhan alumlnum can be draped llke a
cloLh or spun llke a yarn or wlre
provlde elecLrosLaLlc dlscharge (LSu) and elecLromagneLlc lnLerference (LMl)
shleldlng componenLs
1he elecLrlcal properLles of Lhe sheeLs are already superlor Lo exlsLlng maLerlals by
welghL for appllcaLlons llke radlaLlon and elecLromagneLlc shleldlng
1hey can achleve Lhe same elecLromagneLlc shleldlng aL one Lhlrd Lo one half of
Lhe welghL of LradlLlonal maLerlal (copper wlres)
Superlor elecLrlcal properLles already exlsL for anLennas
nanocomp has developed Lhe capablllLy Lo Lune mulLlple properLles ln Lhelr
carbon nanoLube sheeLs MulLlple funcLlons can be addressed aL Lhe same Llme
wlLh Lhls capablllLy
Cn1 ?arn and SheeLs
nanocomp arL 2
Plgh SLrengLh spun conducLlve yarns exhlblL breaklng sLrengLhs up Lo 3 Ca
expressed or ln oLher Lerms 13 nL/1ex or 430000 psl and wlLh fracLure Loughness
LhaL ls hlgher Lhan aramlds (such as kevlar or 1waron) Cn1 sheeLs have breaklng
sLrengLhs wlLhouL blnders LhaL range from 300 Ma Lo 12 Ca dependlng upon
Lube orlenLaLlon lumlnum breaks aL 300 Ma carbon sLeel breaks around 1 Ca
LlecLrlcal ConducLlvlLy Capable of carrylng more currenL Lhan copper and are
also more conducLlve Lhan copper aL hlgh frequencles
1hermal ConducLlvlLy CapablllLy Lo Lransfer more heaL Lhan copper or sllver on a
per welghL basls
1hermoelecLrlc behavlor uemonsLraLe a Seebeck coefflclenL of greaLer Lhan 60
v/k and power greaLer Lhan 1 waLL/gram
LxLremely LlghLwelghL Less Lhan half Lhe welghL of alumlnum
Cver Lhree years enough Lo reLroflL LMl shleldlng ln all commerclal [eLs
787 would save 2000 lbs uslng Lhe nanocomp Cn1 producL
200 lbs of welghL could be saved ln Lyplcal saLelllLe CurrenLly lL cosLs $20000
100000 per pound Lo launch a saLelllLe lnLo geosynchronous orblL 1herefore $4
20 mllllon ln launch cosL savlngs for each launch
SwlLch hlgher frequencles (10120 Chz) and volLages for power chlps (MLSlL1 rf 100
waLL xbands)
Plgh power devlces appllcaLlons lnclude saLelllLe communlcaLlons Lelecoms base
sLaLlons and compacL hlgh resoluLlon phasedarray radars
2 Lons of power elecLronlcs per rallcar can be 30 pounds
CreaL Lhermal conducLlvlLy reachlng 2000 Wm1C1 for monocrysLal whlch ls Lhe
hlghesL of any solld maLerlal (43x hlgher Lhan slllcon carblde and copper)
dlamond ls vasLly beLLer subsLraLe
Slngle crysLal dlamond across wafers much blgger Lhan an lnch and a half
polycrysLalllne dlamond fllms (3 nm gralns of carbon 2030 aLoms across)
nanocrysLalllne dlamond onLo 300mm (12lnch) wafers ln lab
Commerclally 30100mm polycrysLalllne dlamond wafers 130mm soon
u1's ulLrananocrysLalllne dlamond (unCu) ls naLurally lnsulaLlng buL can be made
hlghly conducLlve by doplng lL wlLh nlLrogen
uoplng (change and conLrol properLles) and scallng problems solved
Slllcon MLMS operaLe aL megaherLz
ulamond MLMS can be glgaherLz
SLrengLh of maLerlals
LlecLron moblllLy
1hermal properLles
uo more or beLLer wlLh less maLerlal (sLronger
elecLrlcal properLles)
uo someLhlng compleLely new
elecLrons Lravel up Lo 100 Llmes fasLer ln graphene Lhan
Craphene Lnergy ulLracapaclLors wlLh Lwlce Lhe sLorage
capaclLy of commerclally avallable ulLracapaclLor ln Lhe lab by
end of 2009 ($300k seed funded)
a few" sLarLups worklng on largescale graphene producLlon
as well as several blg chemlcal companles LhaL are Lrylng Lo
develop graphene producLlon processes
ulp pen nanollLhography
rrays of Llps
Zyvex/u8 Llp based research pro[ecL
ero[eL rlnLlng and rlnLable LlecLronlcs
rlnLlng carbon nanoLubes for elecLronlcs and compuLlng and solar
CpLomec a leadlng rapld manufacLurlng company has an all
prlnLed Cn11l1 (carbon nanoLubeLhln fllm LranslsLor) on a
polylmlde subsLraLe
allaerosol[eLprlnLed process ellmlnaLes Lhe need for llLhography
vacuum processlng and meLalllzaLlon procedures and Lhus
provldes a promlslng Lechnology for lowcosL hlghLhroughpuL
fabrlcaLlon of largearea hlghspeed flexlble elecLronlc clrculLs on
vlrLually any deslred flexlble subsLraLe
10 mlcrons wlde 3 Chz 200 meLers/s
erosol !eL sysLems are used ln Lhe
developmenL of nexL generaLlon prlnLable devlces
such as solar cells fuel cells embedded sensors
1hln fllm supercaplclLors aqueous gel
and SWCn1 6 W h/kg for boLh elecLrolyLes
and 23 and 70 kW/kg for aqueous gel
CuanLum uoLs
Slngle molecule quanLum doLs
8ulk producLlon of quanLum doLs
CompuLaLlonal ChemlsLry
omputat|ona| chem|stry ls a branch of chemlsLry LhaL uses compuLers Lo
asslsL ln solvlng chemlcal problems
CompuLlng power and meLhods have advanced Lo where lL ls now posslble
Lo use molecular slmulaLlons Lo predlcL lmporLanL englneerlng properLles
of real maLerlals wlLh a hlgh degree of accuracy
nLon SupercompuLer nvldla 1esla
nanoLnglneer1 ls an opensource (CL) 3u mulLlscale modellng and
slmulaLlon program for nanocomposlLes wlLh speclal supporL for
sLrucLural un nanoLechnology
un nanoLechnology
un orlgaml
un movemenL and placemenL of
nanoparLlcles and carbon nanoLubes
new bases and chemlsLry
un separaLlon of carbon nanoLubes
3d un nanoLechnology
Self ssembly
Culded Selfassembly
Surface Lopography
Surface weLLlng
LlecLrosLaLlc force
MagneLlc force
sawtooth ridges
formed by cutting
and heating a
sapphire crystal
serves to guide the
self-assembly of
nanoscale elements
lab ln a 8ox
lab ln a 8ox
nanopanLography uses mlcrolenses placed on a subsLraLe (Lhe surface LhaL ls
belng wrlLLen upon) Lo dlvlde a slngle lon beam lnLo bllllons of smaller beams
each of whlch wrlLes a feaLure on Lhe subsLraLe for nanoLech devlce
slmulLaneous lmplngemenL of an r
beam and a Cl
effuslve beam on an
array of 930nmdlam lenses can be used Lo eLch 10nmdlam feaLures lnLo a
Sl subsLraLe a reducLlon of 93x
SlmulaLlons lndlcaLe LhaL Lhe focused beamleL" dlameLers scale dlrecLly wlLh
lens dlameLer Lhus a mlnlmum feaLure slze of 1 nm should be posslble wlLh
90nmdlam lenses LhaL are aL Lhe llmlL of currenL phoLollLhography
We expecL nanopanLography Lo become a vlable meLhod for overcomlng one
of Lhe maln obsLacles ln pracLlcal nanoscale fabrlcaLlon rapld largescale
fabrlcaLlon of vlrLually any shape and maLerlal nanosLrucLure unllke all oLher
focused lon or elecLron beam wrlLlng Lechnlques Lhls selfallgned meLhod ls
vlrLually unaffecLed by vlbraLlons Lhermal expanslon and oLher allgnmenL
problems LhaL usually plague sLandard nanofabrlcaLlon meLhods 1hls ls
because Lhe lon focuslng opLlcs are bullL on Lhe wafer
Slllcon nanowlres Z1
quanLum wells LhaL
geL 43Z1
Lhalllumdoped lead
Lellurlde Z1 13 30
8ecover wasLe heaL
of cars and Lrucks
ower passenger
coollng and heaLlng
8lock Copolymers
8lock copolymers
uCS8 clalms self assembly block
copolymer feaLures on slllcon
(320nm) Maklng
lmprovemenLs (llke cross
llnklng for fasLer
lasmonlc LlLhography
ngineers at the University of California, Berkeley, are reporting a new
way of creating computer chips that could enable commercial speed 5
nanometer optical lithography. t can also mean higher density hard
drives and optical disks with 20 times the density of Blu-ray.
The 5 page research paper: Flying plasmonic lens in the near field for
high-speed nanolithography, Published online: 12 October 2008;
The researchers designed an air bearing that uses the aerodynamic lift
force created by the spinning to help keep the two surfaces a mere 20
nanometers apart.
Air bearings are used to create magnetic tapes and disk drives, but this
is the first application for a plasmonic lens.
With this innovative setup, the engineers demonstrated scanning
speeds of 4 to 12 meters per second.

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