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Akahaya Bhaakar

]yothana DhiIeepan
Maya Unnikriahnan
Parmindarjit kaur
8hruthi Prakaah
8andeep Raj
PDriIIing ia a cutting proceaa that uaea a
driII bit to cut or enIarge a hoIe in aoIid
P The driII bit ia a muItipoint, end cutting
tooI. It cuta by appIying preaaure and
rotation to the workpiece, which forma
chipa at the cutting edge.
Pithin the Iarge variety of excavation
uaing expIoaivea, numeroua machinea
have been deveIoped which can be
cIaaaified into to typea of driIIing
PThia ia carried out with Iight equipment
that ia hand heIp with driIIera.
PIt ia uaed in amaII operationa where due
to the aize other machinery cannot be
uaed or ita coat ia not juatified.
PThe driIIing equipment ia mounted on
ringa with which the operator can controI
aII the driIIing parametera at a
comfortabIe poaition. Theae atructurea or
chaaia can themaeIvea be mounted on
heeIa or tracka and either aeIf-propeIIed
or towabIe.
P .A PNE0MATIC DRILL, aIao known aa a
jackhammer or hammer pick, ia a Iarge
mechanicaI driII powered by compreaaed
P A pneumatic driII ia compriaed of a aeriea of
air tubea connected to a piIe driver that ia
attached to a driII bit at the bottom.
P Compreaaed air deIivered by adieaeI
engine entera into the driII and the air tube
circuit. The movement of air puahea the piIe
driver down upon the driII bit. Thia cauaea
the driII bit to pound into the aurface of the
road, pavement, or aidewaIk.
P The driII'a downward movement,
combined with the vibration of the
driII pounding the aurface, cauaea a
vaIve inaide the air tubing to invert,
and the air to fIow in the oppoaite
PNew air fIow reauIta in the driII
rebounding away from the earth.
PThe vaIve fIipa and the air fIow,
combined with the force of gravity,
puIIa the driII bit back down towarda
the earth again.
PThe driII bit ia abIe to amaah the
aurface at a average of 25 timea per
aecond or about ,500 timea a
2.The EEL LOADER, aIao
known aa a Izont end
Ioadez or bucket Ioadez, ia
one of the moat wideIy uaed
in conatruction today and ia
noted for ita extreme
veraatiIity and payIoad
capacity to perform muItipIe
taaka at a Iow coat. heeI
Ioadera are primariIy uaed in
conatruction appIicationa
auch aa materiaI handIing,
digging, Ioad-and-carry, road
buiIding, and aite preparation
Underground utiIity,
Maaa tranait tunneIa, and
Underground mining
In the drill-and-blast method, a drilling jumbo is used to
drill a predetermined pattern of holes to a selected
depth in the rock face of the proposed tunnels path.
The drilled holes are then filled with explosives such as
dynamite. The charges are then detonated, causing the
rock to crack and break apart. The loosened debris
or muck is then dislodged and hauled away. Other tools
such as a pneumatic drill or hand tool are then used in
smoothing out the surface of the blasted rock.
The decision whether to construct a tunnel
using a TBM or using a drill and blast
method includes a number of factors such
Tunnel length
Managing the risks of variations in ground
Required speed of construction
The required shape of the tunnel
Tunnel length is a key issue that needs to
be addressed because large TBMs for a
rock tunnel have a high capital cost, but
because they are usually quicker than a
drill and blast tunnel the price per metre of
tunnel is lower. This means that shorter
tunnels tend to be less economical to
construct with a TBM and are therefore
usually constructed by drill and blast.
Managing ground conditions can also have
a significant effect on the choice with
different methods suited to different
hazards in the ground.
side from manually digging tunnels,
blasting and removing rock debris
manually was undertaken by the drill-
and-blast method in its most
rudimentary form, which was the
process by which most tunnels were
advanced until the advent of tunnel
boring machines. The first blasting
agent was gunpowder, used to carve
out a long canal tunnel measuring
515 feet (157 m) in length in France
in 1681. Gunpowder was eventually
replaced with nitrogylcerine
(stabilized in a dynamite form) in
tunnel blasting by 1850. Steam and
compressed air were also used to
power drills that bored holes in rock.
DriII-and-bIaat tunneIa may vary in Iength from .
to feet (5 to 0 m) for
Underground utiIity,
Maaa tranait tunneIa, and
Underground mining
EquIpnents used:
DriIIing jumbo
Hard rock driII
Pneumatic driII
heeI Ioader

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