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W SouLh Aslas premler courler and lnLegraLed

express package ulsLrlbuLlon Company
W Pave Lhe mosL exLenslve domesLlc neLwork
coverlng over 27378 locaLlons
W and servlce more Lhan 220 counLrles and
LerrlLorles worldwlde Lhrough our group
company uPL Lhe premler global brand name
ln express dlsLrlbuLlon servlces
W vlslon ls Lo esLabllsh conLlnulng excellence ln
dellvery capablllLles focused on Lhe lndlvldual
unlCuL lnl8AC1u8L
SLaLeofLhearL 1echnology lndlgenously developed for 1rack and
1race MlS L8 CusLomer Servlce Space ConLrol and 8eservaLlons
W 8lue uarL AvlaLlon dedlcaLed capaclLy Lo supporL our LlmedeflnlLe
mornlng dellverles Lhrough nlghL frelghLer fllghL operaLlons
W A counLrywlde Surface neLwork Lo complemenL our alr
servlces Warehouses aL 63 locaLlons across Lhe counLry as well as
bonded warehouses aL Lhe 7 ma[or meLros of Ahmedabad
8angalore Chennal uelhl Mumbal kolkaLa and Pyderabad
W lSC 9001 2008 counLrywlde cerLlflcaLlon by Lloyds 8eglsLer
CuallLy Assurance for our enLlre operaLlons producLs and servlces
W Lcommerce 828 and 82C lnlLlaLlves lncludlng parLnerlng wlLh some
of Lhe prlme porLals ln Lhe counLry
18ACk @
W If you have sh|pped through 8|ue art you w||| have
rece|ved a copy of your Wayb||| Lach wayb||| has a
d|st|nct number wh|ch can vary between 8 to 11
d|g|ts @o track your sh|pment
W SelecL Lhe Wayblll opLlon below @rackart
on Lhe
upper lefL slde of Lhls page
W LnLer your wayblll number ln Lhe box provlded
W lf you wlsh Lo Lrack more Lhan 1 wayblll separaLe each
wayblll number by a comma
W AfLer enLerlng your wayblll number cllck on CC Lo
recelve Lhe laLesL updaLe on Lhe sLaLus of your
W s a regu|ar customer of 8|ue art you may have sent your
sh|pment through an Crder Number or a eference number
under |nstruct|ons to 8|ue art to track the sh|pment |n support of
your management |nformat|on needs @o track your sh|pment
W SelecL Lhe 8ef no opLlon below @rackart
on Lhe upper lefL slde
of Lhls page
W LnLer your 8eference number or Crder number ln Lhe box
W lf you wlsh Lo Lrack more Lhan 1 seL of numbers separaLe each
8eference number or Crder number by a comma
W Cllck on CC Lo recelve Lhe laLesL updaLe on Lhe sLaLus of your
LCCA1lCn llnuL8
W 1he LocaLlon llnder provldes you wlLh
lnformaLlon on locaLlons servlced by 8lue
uarL lL also ouLllnes Lhe servlces avallable for
each locaLlon and Lhe conLacL deLalls of Lhe
8lue uarL offlce
W uomesLlc
W 8eglonal ( 8huLan and nepal)
W lnLernaLlonal
18AnSl1 1lML llnuL8
W 1he 1ranslL 1lme llnder provldes you wlLh Lhe dellvery daLe for a selecLed servlce
8lCL llnuL8
W 1he rlce llnder helps you Lo calculaLe your shlpplng charges for your
servlce Lype needs
W omest|c r|or|ty 1030
A guaranLeed doorLodoor LlmedeflnlLe dellvery of shlpmenLs by alr Lhe
nexL posslble buslness day by 1030 hours LargeLed aL LlmecrlLlcal
buslnessLobuslness needs 1hls servlce comes wlLh a money back
W art pex 1200
A guaranLeed doorLodoor LlmedeflnlLe dellvery of commerclal
shlpmenLs by Alr LhaL requlre regulaLory clearances and speclallzed
handllng on Lhe nexL posslble buslness day by 1200hrs LargeLed aL Llme
crlLlcal buslnessLobuslness needs Avallable from selecL clLles Lo selecL
clLles Lhls servlce comes wlLh a money back guaranLee
W mart box
SmarL 8ox are convenlenL economlc packaglng unlLs prlced Lo lnclude a
doorLodoor dellvery servlce wlLhln lndla 1he unlLs come ln 2 slzes 10kgs
and 23 kgs and are deslgned Lo accommodaLe a varleLy of producLs
W harter
CharLers are operaLed on an adhoc basls normally charLers have
been used where Llmely dellvery of senslLlve equlpmenL or large
loads are requlred
W Inter||ne
8lue uarL AvlaLlon operaLes Lhe only domesLlc express alrllne ln
lndla and operaLlons are supporLed by an lnhouse ground
handllng and malnLenance capablllLy as well as bonded
warehouses aL all Lhe onllne sLaLlons and companyowned cargo
handllng asseLs
W |rport to |rport
1he alrporLLoalrporL servlce ls an alr frelghL servlce avallable on
Lhe fllghLs operaLed by 8lue uarL AvlaLlon beLween Lhe alrporLs of
kolkaLa uelhl Mumbal 8angalore Chennal Pyderabad and
W art surface ||ne
uarL Surface llne ls an economlcal doorLodoor ground
dlsLrlbuLlon servlce Lo over 27378 locaLlons ln lndla for
shlpmenLs welghlng 10 kgs and above
W @emperature contro||ed |og|st|cs
1he lnnovaLlve 1emperaLure ConLrolled SoluLlon
ensures safe and compllanL LransporL ln frozen chllled
and amblenL condlLlons uslng approprlaLe coollng
medlums Lhe packaglng performance dellvers
LemperaLure for Lhe range 20C 2 8C and 13 23C
for varylng dlsLrlbuLlon Llmes
W eg|ona| serv|ces
8lue uarL offers Lhe fasLesL mosL rellable doorLodoor express
dellverles for your documenLs and packages Lo counLrles ln Lhe
SAA8C reglon Lhrough 8eglonal rlorlLy
eg|ona| r|or|ty ocuments (O%
1he mosL dependable and secure dellvery for nonduLlable crlLlcal
and lmporLanL shlpmenLs such as legal documenLs and Lenders 1he
8lue uarL Lnvelope provldes secure and aLLracLlve packaglng for
your documenLs brochures and reporLs upLo 300gms
eg|ona| r|or|ty Nonocuments (@%
lasL rellable and safe door dellverles for samples and non
commerlcal shlpmenLs CurrenLly avallable beLween lndla andnepal
W Internat|ona| serv|ces
Lhe servlce offers access Lo 220 counLrles ln
LerrlLorles world wlde and Lhe exLenslve
quallLy neLwork of blue darL
W 1hese Lools may be efflclenLly lnLegraLed wlLh
your sysLems Lo provlde you wlLh a convenlenL
and cosLeffecLlve soluLlon Lo your shlpplng
W Internetart
1rack onllne Lhe sLaLus updaLe of your shlpmenLs senL over
Lhe lasL 43 days ?ou may Lrack by a range of daLes orlgln
desLlnaLlon dellvered or undellvered shlpmenLs or servlce
used onllne ?ou may generaLe a serles of reporLs aL a
predeLermlned frequency and sorL Lhe resulLs onllne
W hop@rack
provldes an efforLless cusLomlsed soluLlon CusLomers no
longer have Lo leave Lhe orLal slLe Lo Lrack Lhelr purchases
1hey [usL need Lo enLer Lhe ordernumber of Lhelr purchase
and Lhe shlpplng and dellvery deLalls are dlsplayed on Lhe
same page 1he orLal can declde how Lo dlsplay Lhe daLa
elemenLs and may even sLore Lhem ln Lhelr daLabase
W ack@rack
ls an Al (AppllcaLlons rogram lnLerface) deslgned for
any cllenL lnvolved ln loglsLlcs dlsLrlbuLlon and lnvenLory conLrol lL
has been deslgned Lo sLreamllne and lnLegraLe shlpplng
can be lnLegraLed lnLo Lhe cllenLs sysLems
and enables hlm Lo keep Lrack of Lhe enLlre dlsLrlbuLlon sLaLus of all
hls cusLomers
W ,ob||eart
WA works on any moblle phone or devlce whlch
supporLs Wlreless AppllcaLlon roLocol uslng MoblleuarLWA Lhe
cusLomer can check Lhe currenL sLaLus of hls shlpmenLs onllne by
enLerlng Lhe wayblll number ln Lhe case of an undellvered
shlpmenL he can choose Lo recelve dellvery deLalls by emall or
Lhere are Lwo dlsLlncL processes
1 1he dellvery of goods Lo Lhe cusLomer ln Lhe mosL rellable LranslL
perlod (and preferably Lhe shorLesL) posslble 8ellable alludes Lo a
cerLaln guaranLeed LranslL Llme for packages Lo reach cusLomers or
Lhe response LhaL organlsaLlons need ln Lhe evenL of any
2 1he reverse flow of acknowledged slgned dellvery records
wlLhouL whlch ln many cases recovery of bllls are vlrLually
lmposslble Lspeclally so ln Lhe case of companles placlng mulLl
locaLlon orders LhaL could cover hundreds of clLles 1he Lask for Lhe
suppller ls sLaggerlng plan loglsLlcs for dellverles Lo all Lhese
locaLlons and hope for 100 of Lhe dellvery records Lo be reLurned
before bllls can be submlLLed Lo Lhe cusLomer ln mosL l1
companles Lhe role of loglsLlcs or fulflllmenL ls key
W 1he 8llls and aymenLs Lool enables credlL
cusLomers Lo recelve lnvolces onllne ?ou may
vlew your ouLsLandlngs and download and
prlnL Lhe lnvolce ?ou have Lhe opLlon Lo pay
onllne elLher Lhrough lnLerneL banklng or
credlL card
?ou wlll recelve Lhe followlng on requesL
ueblL noLe
W Cur vast and unpara||e|ed omest|c Network
W spectrum of serv|ces to prov|de custom|zed
W ustoms and egu|atory expert|se
W @echno|ogy
W |r Network
W I|nanc|a| cred|b|||ty
W eop|e force
usta|nab|||ty In|t|at|ves
W Co 1each (LducaLlon)
W Co Creen (LnvlronmenL)
W Co Pelp (ulsasLer ManagemenL 8esponse)
lu1u8L LAnS
W locus on our core domesLlc producLs Lo
expand our markeL share
W leverage lLs vasL cusLomer base for global
W 1PAnk ?Cu

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