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Name : Lizbeth Oa Subject : English Professor: Ester Berbel year and class:1st C Date : 13/11/11

The capital of brazilia is Brasilia approximately at the center of the Brazilian territorry .

Brazil s flag is a deep green banner with a yellow diamond . It has , 27 stars with five-pointed stars represents a diferent state of Brazil and they include the constellations Southern of Brazil Cross , Scorpio , Canis Major and others and Each star in view represents a diferent. Has got a banner across the sky reads, "ORDEM E PROGRESSO, " which means order and progress in Portuguese.

Brazil is in South America .Borders the Atlantic Ocean . It has border with every South American country except Chile and Ecuador .


Brazil has the largest hydrographical network in the world, with 55 thousand square kilometers of rivers. Some rivers are long and wide, like the Amazon, So Francisco and the Paran, but most are smaller in size.

Copacabana is a sea of Brazil. Is nice and Beauties is located is a neighborhood famous Copacabana in Rio De Janeiro.

The brazilian landscape is very varied . It IS most known for its dense forest , including the Amazon , the world's largest jungle , in the north . But there are also dry grasslands ( called pampas ) rugged hills , pine , forest , sprawling wetlands , immense plateaus , and a long coastal plain Pico da Neblina is the highest mountain in Brazil.

Brasilia: Located in the central-west region of Brazil, Brasilia is the country's capital . Because many of the Brazilian companies are headquartered in Brasilia. This major city of Brazil finds a place in the UNESCO's list of World Heritage Sites. Rio de Janeiro: Literally meaning, 'River of January', Rio de Janeiro is the second-largest city of Brazil and South America . Because rio houses Christ the Redeemer, a giant statue of Jesus, which is one of the New seven wonders of the world. Maracana stadium, the largest football stadium in the world and Sambodromo, a gigantic parade stand are some of the other important landmarks of Rio de Janeiro. Salvador: Salvador is the capital of Bahia state located on the northeastern coast of Brazil .Because It is the second-largest metropolitan area in the Northern Brazil with a population of 1.71 million.

Carnival time : whether in Salvador, Rio or elsewhere, there is a samba for everything. The music, the dances, and the costumes are constantly updated and refurbished, adding excitement to the existing formulas. One of these festivals is the Boi Bumba, which is held each June in Parintins on the Amazon River. We were in Parintins in January, but the townspeople put on a special Boi Bumba show for the Seven Seas Mariner passengers. The Boi Bumba story is based on an old legend featuring a beautiful girl and a bull, but the festival is a Brazilian operetta, with much singing, dancing, and drumming. It is great fun.

At lunch time the most popular meals consist of meat, rice, beans, and a salad, though chicken, fish and pasta are popular too. These dishes are often accompanied with vegetables and manioc flour, also called "farofa".

One final reminder: when in Brazil, dont forget to try the delicious ice creams made out of exotic tropical fruits!

Pictures of Rivers
Look below for a sunset over the Amazon River. The So Francisco River

Pictures of Sea

copacabana sea

Mountain Picture

Pico da Nieblina

Food pictures

Ice creams

http://cruises.about.com/od/southamericacruise s/ss/amazon_cruise_8.htm http://www.buzzle.com/articles/major-cities-ofbrazil.html http://www.google.es/#sclient=psyab&hl=ca&source=hp&q=seas+of+brazil+for+kid s&pbx=1&oq=seas+of+brazil+for+kids&aq=f&aqi =&aql=&g http://kids.nationalgeographic.com/kids/places/ find/brazil/ http://www.kidscornerbrazil.org/

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