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Jess Hammond

Title The title of this contents page reads NME THIS WEEK. It isnt common for a contents page to not to include the word contents but I believe this has been done to encourage the appearance of a newspaper as I described with the layout. This title conventionally includes the masthead of the magazine NME and apart from that, is bold and coloured white on a black banner, and includes the date beneath it. This shows typical conventions of a newspaper. This bold, harsh font and use of red, white and black represents the rock genre of the magazine, and appeals to the magazines target audience. This Band Index is presented in a column down the side of the page, showing band names in red and the page number in black where theyre found within the magazine. In doing this they are listing the vast amount of bands that are included in this magazine which attracts a wider audience, and appear as if the magazine has a connection with them. This text is in a small font so as not to take up too much space of the page. This list of bands clearly states the rock genre of the magazine, and represents the target audience whos psychographics show theyre interested in rock music. Main Image Mid shot of a popular rock band, mise-en-scene represents the magazines rock genre through stereotypical male rock band members, dark setting and casual costume. Feature Heading Follows newspaper theme and typography. Goes with main image, showing the main story. Contrasts against white background which makes it stand out. It is a typical convention of a magazine contents page to not only have the main image in association to the magazines main story, but also to provide a small extract on Subscription the article. This provides an insight advertisement, typical convention of a contents on the article and encourages readers to read more. A drop cap is page. Encourages also used to show where the article readers to subscribe to begins and to stand out and grab the magazine. This attention. Font is small and written stands out as use of the in black in same font to rest of text colour yellow contrasts on page. with colour scheme. The layout of this contents page is similar to a newspaper, perhaps representing that this magazine provides exclusive news on music. Also, when this music publication first published in 1952, it had started as a music newspaper then gradually became a music magazine in the 1980s. Therefore they may keep this newspaper layout in spirit of when the magazine started as a newspaper.

Subheadings The subheadings are written in the same typography as the title, and are placed on black banners similar to the title. Small red page numbers assist each page title directing the reader where to find the article. A small, brief summary is also given underneath each page title, designed to provide an insight on each page, and entice the reader into reading further. The variation between the subheadings, page titles, page numbers and small summaries breaks up this large amount of text, and categorises it clearly. This appears structured, and does not overwhelm the reader in using a lot of text of the same format.

Colour Scheme Red, Black and white. This magazine uses synergy extensively as this colour scheme is used throughout each magazine in every issue. This forms recognition so that readers now recognize these colours are associated with NME magazine. The use of black and white also supports the magazines style of a newspaper. These colours also stereotypically link to the rock genre of the magazine.

Puff UKs No 1 emphasizes the popularity and importance of the magazine, which makes them look good and attracts the reader. Arrow shape encourages reader to read on further in the magazine.

Title The title of this contents page includes the word contents which is The layout of this contents page is well structured and typical of a contents page, and is presented in a bold, black, capitalised neat, with clear sections to it. This makes the page typography that stands out against the white background. Also includes the visually appealing and appears more classy, masthead of the magazine, and puff found on the front cover being representing the mature, educated young target Discover great music. This shows synergy throughout the magazine. audience. Subtle grey lines are used also to divide the sections more clearly and help structure the page. Image of cursor, reader Main Image Similar would recognise and to the main image understand how simple shown on the front it is for them to cover representing DOWNLOAD NOW the main story. This shows synergy as Issue number included to clearly the main feature of inform the consumer how recent the front cover is the magazine is. Common also the main feature convention of a contents page. of the contents page. The Main Image on this This image is also The text of the contents page is magazines front cover is an extreme close-up presented in a column, conventional of a a medium close-up of which isnt a typical magazine, to make it structured and popular singer Lana Del convention however clear. Text is divided by the change of Ray with direct address. will draw attention. colour in red to black, and then by The mise-en-scene of subheadings. This breaking up of the this image shows a clear The page text makes it appear less overwhelming. contrast with her white, numbers of this Colour of the text follows the colour elegant dress and tiara, contents page are scheme. This text is also in a very small which are associated presented in the font size, so that it takes up only a third with clean and precious, same typography and the what appears to of the page whereas the images take up as the title and much more of the page. This is done to be striking red blood on sub-headings, in not put off the reader by a lot of text and her face. This bold white font in draw attention through the main image. contradiction may be red boxes. These connoting that shes not page numbers are good and innocent, and A website is usually included at the placed in that she has a darker bottom of a magazine page, as shown association with side to her. This here, to subtly provide the reader with text and images representation of the a source for extra information on the directing the artist supports the genre magazine and its contents. Also reader which page of the magazine. advertises their website. to turn to. Colour Scheme White, Red, and black. This is a very simplistic yet appropriate colour scheme. The simplicity and use of this colour scheme supports the neat and structured contents page. These 3 colours all contrast well with each other, and also using red grabs our attention as red is a bright colour that our eyes tend to look at first. Also matches masthead, and looks modern, representing the target audience. Sub Images There are 3 sub images included in this contents page, all much smaller in size than the main image so that the main image takes the main focal point. These images are linked with the page numbers, to show a visual insight of the story theyre showing reference to. All three images also feature famous artists, which also grabs the readers attention.

A typical magazine contents page convention that hasnt been included in this magazine is an ad for subscription to the magazine. This may be because the editor intends for this page to look formal, and neat as apposed to busy or cluttered.

A typical magazine contents page convention that hasnt been included is a subscription advertisement. This may be due to the fact that the page is busy enough, or their low price shown clearly as a large pug on their front cover (Which I analysed) is a competitive incentive enough for people to purchase the magazine at their low price. There are only 6 page numbers shown on this page which is unconventional as usually a list is provided showing all contents and page numbers of the magazine. These bold white page numbers are situated on top of the images to show that the image and story are related, providing a visual insight on the story. A brief summary is given on each page shown in white text and highlighted purple, following the colour scheme and standing out from the images. Background Although the background is barely visible due to the business of the page, it is a solid white which has been used to support the colour scheme, and allow the images and text to stand out from the background. Editors Note This is a common convention of a contents page in which the editor writes a brief summary on whats included in this issue. This gives the reader an insight on the contents of the magazine encouraging them to read on, and also using an editors note helps form a relationship between the magazine and the reader. This personal touch appears friendly and inviting to the reader. Colour Scheme White, Black and Purple. This colour scheme is clearer and differs from the front cover I analysed of this magazine (Reveal). The colours used in this colour scheme contrast well with each other making the page eye-catching. Purple is generally classed as a more girly colour, thus representing the target audience of women. Common convention to include source of photos as smallest feature down side of page, as it doesnt intend to draw attention.

The layout of this contents page isnt as well structured as others I have analysed. This informal layout and excessive use of images makes the page appear busy and quite cluttered, showing the informality of this magazine, as shown on the front cover, representing an informal target audience. Title This title is not very conventional of a contents page as it does not include the masthead and does not include the word Contents. Instead, this title reads WHATS inside. This unique title appears very informal and friendly which attracts the reader and represents the target audience. The two words contrast massively as one is written in a black, capitalised, informal, san serif typography where as inside is written in a bold, purple, formal, serif typography. This contradiction and contrast stands out and grabs the readers attention. This denotation of this particular image shows two well known celebrities in what appears to be an argument shown by their facial expressions and her hand pushing him. Direct address hasnt been used, and it appears that this image has been taken secretly, which connotes to the reader that this is an exclusive story that the magazine has captured, encouraging readers to read this exclusive material that cant be found anywhere else. Theres no clear indication as to which image is the main image, as they are all similar in size and are spread amongst the page. Almost every image is the same as the one found on the front cover which shows synergy. Many celebrities are featured in these photos to entice the reader, and support the genre of the magazine being celebrity and lifestyle.

Pug Used to direct readers to awards page. Words winners and awards appeals to reader as they feel they have a chance of winning something. Uses colour scheme well to contrast and stand out.

Background White, which appears bright and clean. Contrasts well with other colours used which stand out on top of the white.

Masthead included, typical convention showing synergy in the magazine between the front cover and contents page.

Title The title reads contents which is typical of a magazine contents page, and is written in a bold, black, capitalised typography. The use of the colour black stands out against the white background, and is neutral, appearing to both male and females. This sharp typography appears modern, connoting that this magazine is modern and its contents are all fresh and up-to-date, supporting the pop genre of the magazine. These blue bars are used to divide the page, showing clear sections which structure the layout and assist the reader. The variation in the thickness of the bars is visually appealing and appears modern. Main Image Long shot of female artist. Mise-en-scene shows her kneeling down, with her head turned slightly away from the camera connoting humbleness. Her clothes are modern, consisting of mainly dark so as not to put off the colour scheme, further connoting the modern appeal of the magazine. A low angle camera shot has been used so that she is at eye line level, and not appeared to be looking down on making her appear vulnerable, whereas instead she appears strong. Her facial expression shows she is happily smiling, connoting her as cheerful and confident. A page number 35 is also associated with this image showing that she is the main story. The representation of this image supports the pop genre of this magazine, and modern audience. Sub Images 3 photos also of artists, showing the page number in white in the bottom left corner of each image, indicating which page to find these stories on. These images provide a visual insight on the stories, showing that these popular artists are related to them The listed contents are divided into categories under capitalised blue sub-headings. This breaks up the large amount of text making it clearer to read and less overwhelming to the reader. The blue sub-headings also stand out and draw attention, especially against the white contrasting background. The page numbers are conventionally shown to the left of each page in bold, making it clear for the reader.

This section of the page has been sectioned off from the rest and slightly differs from the colour scheme making it appear separate from the contents page. This section provides a list of the current charts. This is not a normal convention of a contents page and is a unique feature that Billboard magazine use in every issue. This appears exclusive to the reader, that Billboard offers more than other magazines. This also massively reflects that this is a music magazine, and is of the pop genre. The layout of this contents page is very well structured, indicating clear sections to it. This appears neat and classy, and is visually appealing. This structured layout also represents the modern look and formality of the magazine. This contents page shows a lot of white space which appears clean. This use of whitespace makes the page appear less cluttered, appearing modern and fresh. Conventional to include website at bottom. Smallest feature on page as it doesnt intend to draw attention. Colour Scheme Black, Blue and White. Black and white are neutral colours, and the use of the blue connotes sophistication and modern, representing the modern pop genre of the magazine, and modern target audience. These colours appeal to both genders, thus appealing to their target audience. The use of the black and blue against the white background shows contrast and draws attention.

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