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Stanislaw August Poniatowski (1732-1798), the last Polish king 1764-1795, son of Stanislaw Poniatowski, Castellan of Krakw, and

Constance of Czartoryski. Highly educated, in his youth he traveled through the countries of Western Europe. During his stay in England are familiar with the system of parliamentary government. Familia in 1764 as a candidate, with strong support of the Empress Catherine II, elected Polish king.

Herb rodu Poniatowskich

Caryca Katarzyna II

In the first years of his reign Carried out the changes in the army, Replacing cavalry, infantry and other weapons, he founded the foundry department, created a committee of the mint, who started up a loose monetary policy and good commissions for the cities had to deal with treasury and urban management. Appointed in 1765 by King School Knights.

Szkoa rycerska

Reform of the troubled Catherine II, which, with its representative in Poland, NW Repnin tried to prevent them. Repnin initiated such formation (1767) by the nobility against the king of the Confederation and the reforms of the family. The parliament passed the so-called confederation 1767-1768. The cardinal law of which the guarantor is Russia. In the name of defending liberty and freedom of the Polish nobility, against Russia and the king formed the Confederation of Bar (1768-1772).

In 1772 there was a partition of Polish, and the King, under pressure from OM 1773 Stackelberg called diet (Diets partitioning), which approved the treaties of partition. During the king, parliament failed to appoint the Permanent Council and the Commission of National Education.

Obraz Europy (satyryczna rycina brytyjska)

Rada Nieustajca

Celebrating the government in a country with limited sovereignty, Stanislaw August strive for economic and cultural development of the country. He supported the factory, founded many factories pottery, marble goods and weapons on his own initiative rebuilt the royal palace, the palace complex was built in the park. He was a patron of science, literature and art.

Paac w azienkach

The biggest success of the reform efforts of the king became the enactment of the Four Years in the Constitution of 3 May 1791. 1792 after the arrival of Russian troops to the Polish Stanislaw August joined the Confederation of Targowica, hoping to save the state and part of the reforms. Joining Targowica was rated negatively by society, and brought the king called "traitors of the nation".

Konstytucja 3 Maja

During the uprising in 1794 ousted from power, favored the insurgents, despite the lack of faith in final success. After the uprising in January 1795 and sent to Grodno, despite the insistence of Russia abdicated only in November 1795. He died in St. Petersburg. Now his ashes buried in the crypt of the Cathedral. John in Warsaw.

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