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The Principles of Organic Agriculture

IFOAM 2005

Organic agriculture is based on:

1. 2. 3. 4.

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health ecology fairness care

Principle of health:

Organic Agriculture should sustain and enhance the health of soil, plant, animal, human and planet

Principle of ecology
Organic Agriculture should be based on living ecological systems and cycles, work with them and help sustain them. Principle of fairness Organic Agriculture should build on relationships that ensure fairness with regard to the common environment and life opportunities

Principle of care
Organic Agriculture should be managed in a precautionary and responsible manner to protect the health and well-being of current and future generations and the environment. Organic Production and Processing is based on a number of principles and ideas. IFOAM is the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements. It is an umbrella organization for the organic industry, made up of nearly 800 organizations from 104 countries.

The principles of Organic Farming

To produce sufficient quantities of nutritious wholesome, high quality food To work compatibly with natural cycles and living systems To include the wider social and ecological impact within the organic production and processing system To enhance biological cycles by involving microorganisms, soil flora and fauna, plants and animals within the farming system To encourage development of an ecologically valuable and sustainable aquatic ecosystem To maintain and increase long-term fertility and sustainability of soils

To maintain, promote and increase agro-biological diversity through sustainable production systems and protection of their ecological context To promote the responsible use and conservation of water and water resources To use, as far as possible, renewable resources in production and processing systems

To create a harmonious balance between crop production and animal husbandry To minimize all forms of pollution To utilize biodegradable and recycled packaging materials To allow and provide everyone involved with a quality of life that satisfies their basic needs, and furnishes an adequate return, within a safe, secure and healthy working environment To support the establishment of an entire production, processing and distribution chain which is both socially just and ecologically responsible To recognize the importance of, protect and learn from, indigenous knowledge and traditional farming systems.

Definition of some farming systems

Traditional Agriculture Farming methods before agrochemical, high yielding varieties & machines have been introduced

Sustainable Agriculture A group of agriculture systems Which are not clearly defined, Aiming on sustainable land use e.g. LEISA

Conventional Agriculture Green revolution agriculture: monoculture of high yielding varieties, use of chemical fertilizer, pesticides, etc.

Bio-dynamic agriculture Type of Organic Agriculture

Organic Agriculture

Integrated Production Improved conventional agriculture through reduced chemical & pessticides


Organic Standards and Certification

Organic certification was first instituted in the 1970's by the same regional organic farming groups that first developed organic standards. In the early years, the farmers inspected one another on a voluntary basis, according to quite a general set of standards. Today third-party certification is a much more complex and formal process. Although certification started as a voluntary activity, the market began to demand it for sales transactions, and now it is required by the regulations of many governments for any kind of an "organic" claim on a product label.

Purposes of organic certification: as evidence of an organic products as marketing instrument in premium markets is needed if organic products are traded world wide as a standard that constantly reviewed getting higher selling prices open a new market useless for personal consumption avoid consumers from abuse in the growing and lucrative market

Certification is expensive and bureaucratic !!

Type of certification
1. International standard IFOAM Basic Standard: How organic products are grown, produced, processed and handled. The Codex Alimentarius: A joint FAO/WHO food standard program as a guideline for production, processing, labeling and marketing of organic products. Codex are in line with IFOAM basic standard & EU 2. National Standard Guideline for production, processing and import of organic products including inspection procedure, labeling, marketing for the whole Europe EU Regulation 2092/91 for crop in 1993 EU Regulation 1804/99 for livestock in 2000

EU regulation is fully implemented in 28 European countries, 7 in Asian and Pasific regions, 3 in America and Caribbean, 1 in Africa and middle east. Indonesia is in the process of drafting regulations International certification is higher than National certification


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Conversion from conventional to organic minimum two years. If they wish to produce both conventional and organic produce, the operation should be separated. All farms are subjects to inspections by inspection bodies or other authorities. Organic label can not be used for non organic products and products that contain GMOs. After conversion annual inspections

Inspection of documentation over purchases and sales, livestock and medication log books etc Possible taking of samples Inspection of in and outdoor livestock conditions Inspection of warehouses, fields, orchards, greenhouses and pastures Additional inspections and on the spot If the operators not complying with all requirements, their organic certification can be withdrawn.

Certification for Organic Farming

1.Initially, a farm is inspected and a report is lodged with the certification review committee (CRC).If CRC recommends the farm enter the certification system , it will be placed "Under Supervision" for the first 12 months. During this time, produce or products cannot be sold as 'Certified Organic" or as 'IN CONVERSION TO Organic". 2.After 12 months , the farm may be upgraded to "In Conversion" if the second inspection is satisfactory. The farm must then complete two years "In Conversion" before it is considered for certifying as "Organic"(otherwise known as "A GRADE Organic")

3.The "In conversion period may be reduced - but only where it can be demonstrated a farm during the years immediately preceding conversion used techniques closely allied to those of organic agriculture and which meet all testing and inspection requirements. Whatever the length of the conversion period, product may not be sold as "In conversion to Organic" until a farm has been under an inspection system for 12 months. 4.In the case of other farm activities not being certified , those activities must be clearly separated and the products must be of a different nature from the certified produces or products. There can not be organic and non -organic growing (parallel production) of the same species on the same property-or on any other property under the same grower's management or control. 5.When a defined area is certified , the remainder of the farm must be converted to organic within 10 years.

Departemen Pertanian : Indonesian organic standard SNI 01-6729-2002.

Organic process: all process from land preparation post harvest should follow organic method, not shown from product already produced. SNI was design based on the Guidelines for the production, processing, labeling and marketing of organically produced foods and has been modified in accordance with Indonesian condition


GULMA : Tumbuhan yang tidak dikehendaki & tidak diperlukan dan mengganggu penggunaan tanah, air, unsur hara serta mengganggu kesejahteraan manusia (Rao, 2000)


- Mampu menyerap unsur hara lebih cepat & lebih besar - Selalu menang dalam kompetisi hara


Kehilangan hasil tanaman (20-90%) Mengurangi kualitas hasil Kerugian akibat gulma > hama, penyakit, tikus dan nematoda dan yang lainnya Kehilangan hasil akibat gulma di USA adalah 12% atau US $ 9-10 Milyar/tahun Kehilangan hasil akibat gulma di negara berkembang & kurang berkembang > negara maju

PENGENDALIAN GULMA PADA PERTANIAN ORGANIK 1. Pengendalian gulma secara preventif 2. Penggunaan cover crops 3. Penggunaan Mulsa 4. Kultur teknis 5. Penggunaan allelopathy 6. Pengendalian gulma biologis

7. Pengendalian gulma mekanis

Pengendalian gulma preventif

Usaha untuk mencegah gulma tumbuh pada lahan yang ditanami tanaman budidaya Mencegah masuk dan menyebarnya gulma pada lahan pertanian Pengendalian yang cocok bagi berbagai jenis tanaman budidaya Salah satu bagian dari IPM yang murah dan menggabungkan beberapa cara pengendalian dan kebijakan

Cara pengendalian preventive

1. Mencegah masuknya gulma secara: - Karantina - Pembelian biji bebas gulma - Pencucian alat alat pertanian - Penggunaan kompos yang matang - Alat transportasi panen yang bersih - Panen dan pasca panen yang bersih

Pengendalian Gulma dengan Cover crops

Tanaman penutup tanah hidup Tanaman penutup tanah tidak hidup Tanaman penutup tanah hidup lebih efektif dibandingkan tanaman penutup tanah tidak hidup Tanaman penutup tanah hidup lebih menekan perkecambahan gulma, munculnya gulma, pertumbuhan gulma & produksi bibit gulma

Jenis tanaman penutup tanah hidup

Mucuna Spp Vigna unguiculata Crotalaria juncea Pureraria javonica Calopogonium mucunoides Centrosema pubescens Banyak digunakan pada tanaman karet & kelapa sawit

Tanaman penutup tanah tidak hidup

Residu tanaman penutup tanah mengurangi sinar matahari yang masuk, sehingga menghambat perkecambahan biiji gulma Mulsa penutup tanah mempunyai kandungan biomass & C/N rasio yang tinggi, sehingga mampu menekan pertumbuhan gulma Residu tanaman penutup tanah mengeluarkan phytotoxin, sehingga menghambat perkecambahan dan pertumbuhan awal dari gulma.

3. Penggunaan mulsa
Mulsa berupa bahan organik & anorganik yang disebarkan secara merata pada permukaan tanah Mulsa berupa lembaran dari bahan alami atau sintetis yang digunakan untuk menutupi permukaan tanah (mulsa plastik putih, hitam dan perak)

Jenis jenis mulsa

Mulsa Mulsa Mulsa Mulsa Mulsa Mulsa Mulsa kertas koran, karton kain karpet bekas kulit kayu kompos serbuk gergaji, jerami padi potongan kecil kayu

4. Pengendalian kultur teknis

Penggunaan tanaman budidaya yang mempunyai daya kompetisi yang tinggi terhadap gulma, mampu berkecambah dengan cepat, pertumbuhan batang & akar cepat, mempunyai daya menutup kanopi cepat, mempunyai nilai ILD yang tinggi serta cepat menghasilkan cabang dan anakan.

Cara mendapatkan tanaman yang mempunyai daya kompetisi yang tinggi terhadap gulma

Memilih bibit/benih yang sehat Menempatkan biji pada tanah dengan kedalaman yang tepat Penggunaan jarak tanam yang lebih sempit/populasi lebih tinggi Menggunakan kultivar yang mempunyai bentuk morfologi lebih tinggi

Rotasi tanaman dan penanaman secara intercropping

Penanaman Mucuna cochinchinesis, Pueraria phaseoloides yang ditanam secara intercropping dengan tanaman jagung mampu menekan pertumbuhnan gulma alang alang. Peranan penting intercropping adalah memberikan naungan pada gulma, sehingga tanaman budidaya lebih mampu berkompetisi

5. Penggunaan Allelopathy
Allelopathy=Pengaruh langsung atau tidak langsung baik positiv atau negative dari satu tanaman kepada tanaman lainnya melalui pelepasan senyawa kimia ke lingkungan. Beberapa tanaman dan gulma mempunyai potensi allelopathy Allelopathy dilepaskan ke lingkungan melalui leachate, volatilisasi, exudasi akar, residu tanaman yang mati.

Tanaman & gulma yang mempunyai potensi allelopathy

Bioasay sorghum yang mengandung phenol mampu menekan gulma Helianthus tuberosus, Xanthium strumarium, Rumex crispus Residu tanaman padi yang mengandung syringic, vanilic menurunkan hasil tanaman padi

6. Pengendalian Biologis
Usaha menekan atau mengurangi kepadatan gulma sampai batas yang tidak merugikan secara ekonomi dengan menggunakan virus, bakteri, serangga, nematoda, burung, ikan, mamalia.

Organisma yang sering digunakan adalah berbagai jenis serangga, pathogen penyakit, hewan mamalia, ikan grass carp.

Cara musuh alami mengendalikan gulma

Menghancurkan bagian dari biji gulma, daun, akar atau batang Menekan atau memperlemah gulma Membatasi kemampuan gulma untuk berkembang biak Musuh alami jamur menginfeksi akar gulma sehingga transportasi air terganggu & pertumbuhan gulma terganggu.

7. Pengendalian gulma secara mekanis Pengolahan tanah Penyiangan dan pencabutan gulma Flame atau nyala api Air panas Sinar infra merah Sinar ultra violet

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