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PEST OF MANGO (Mangifera indica.

Common name : Pengorek buah mangga. English name : mango seed weevil. Scientific name : Sternochetus mangiferae. Family : Curculionidae. Order : Coleoptera

Part Being Invade


Symptom and Damage

Outward signs or symptom of S. mangiferae are not readily detaectable. The larvae of the weevil can be detected by slicing the seed of the mango.

Egg : The female weevil lays her eggs singly into a small hole made in the mango skin or stem of the ripe fruit. The eggs hatch in 5-7 days depending on the temperature. A single female can lay up to 15 eggs a day and about 300 in 3 months.

Larvae : The young larvae tunnel into the mango seed and undergo 5 instars before pupation.

Pupa : The pupa develops inside the seed. This stage lasts 7 days.

Adult: Adult weevil are 5 8 mm long. Stout and dark brown in color. The adult remains near the infested areas waiting for the next fruiting season and has the capability to enter into diapause for several months. Adult are nocturnal and can live up to 21 months.

Life Cycle : The life cycle of this pest is completed in 40 to 50 days.

Method of control
Orchard quarantine
Young orchards free of seed weevil may be maintained weevil free by preventing the entry into the orchard and surrounding areas of any mango fruit suspected of harbouring weevils within the seeds. A strict policy of not bringing mango fruit onto the property will greatly reduce the chance of infestation. It is also advisable to remove all non-commercial mango trees in the immediate vicinity.

Orchard hygiene
The removal of all fruit and seed material from the orchard will aid in minimising the infestation in following seasons. Infestation levels in orchards where fruit is regularly removed at harvest are far less than in noncommercial trees where much of the fruit is left to rot underneath the tree. Farm house trees which are located near orchards and are generally untreated are usually heavily infested posing a constant threat of infestation. These trees should also be removed or treated with insecticides to supress weevils.

Chemical Control
Chemical sprays used to control other mango pests can also control seed weevil. Specific weevil treatments can also be used to kill adult weevils using one or two targeted sprays at the start of egg laying. The best time to apply a spray is when the first eggs are noticed on the fruit. At this time the adults are active within the canopy as they move onto the fruit and can be targeted together with the newly laid eggs. Both carbaryl and methidathion (Supracide, Suprathion) are currently registered for use for mango pests and would help control weevils. Good spray coverage to run-off is critical.

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