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Evangelization will always contain as the foundation, First and, at the every Catholic educational centre and foremost same time, the summit of its institutiona aclear proclamation the school, what in is place to encounter a living dynamism--aCatholicthat a Catholic Jesus Christ Sincewe mean school isthat, in God who is Do YES, its primary mission truth. Jesus ChristClaret his transforming gift of school What isIt reveals CATHOLIC love and City? is to all men, of if its primary salvationWhat isof its education school? grace God's the is offered a School as aQuezon naturea CATHOLIC school exist to and mercy. mission isevangelize? SPE SALVI,4 to evangelize?
Encyclical Letter Of The Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI To The Bishops, Priests And Deacons, Men And Women Religious Redemptor Hominis,1 And All The Lay Faithful, On Christian Hope To His Venerable Brothers In The Episcopate

The Priests, The Religious Families, The Sons And Daughters Of The Church And To All Men And Women Of Good Will At The Beginning Of His Papal Ministry

Benjamin S. Bloom (1956)

St. Anthony Mary Claret 1807-1872

Cognitive domain (intellectual capability, ie., Know (education of the intellect, knowing the knowledge, or 'think') truth) Affective domain (feelings, emotions and Love (education of the will, internalizing the behaviour, ie., attitude, Knowledge is best with Virtue or 'feel') truth) Psychomotor domain (manual and physical Serve (education Scientia Maxime Cum Virtute of conduct, living the truth) skills, ie., skills, or 'do')

Academic Excellence

Integral Formation
Theory of Multiple Intelligences Howard Gardner (1983)

Lived Values

Spiritual, Moral, Existential, Natural, Linguistic, Logicalmathematical, Spatial, Musical, Bodily-Kinesthetic, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal


*Aptitude Development

Classroom Instruction
LOVE How does a Claretian is educated then?

*Attitude Formation

Spiritual Exercises

*Actuation/ Actualization Exposure/Outreach

The Institutional Desired and Expected Claretians:



Parents and teachers, your task- and the many conflicts of the present day do not make it an easy one--is to help your children and your students listen? Do you just come here to to discover truth, including religious and spiritual truth.

Thank you

EVANGELII NUNTIANDI,78 Apostolic Exhortation Of His Holiness Pope Paul VI To The Episcopate, To The Clergy And To All The Faithful Of The Entire World

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