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AJIT KUMAR(3510910041) ABHISHEK GUPTA(3510910037)


ABSTRACT Features of RSA Overview of encryption and decryption. Diagram for Encryption & Decryption RSA algorithm Example of RSA algorithm . Security of RSA. RSA currently used today. Advantages & limitations. Disadvantages Conclusion. References .

RSA is invented by Ron Rivest , AdiShamir and
Leonard Adleman in 1977. In RSA algorithm plaintext and ciphertext are integers between 0 and n-1 for some n. There are two types of keys public & private keys which is a pair of keys that have been selected so that if one is used for encryption , the other is used for decryption. Both sender and receiver must know the value of n. The sender knows the value of e and only receiver knows the value of d.


It is the easiest to understand as well as the most popular to implement RSA obtains its security from the difficulty of factoring large numbers. The algorithm is patented in North America(although algorithms cannot be patented elsewhere in the world) this is a source of legal difficulties in using the scheme.

Overviewofencryptionand decryption
Encryption : The process of converting plaintext into

ciphertext. Decryption : The process of turning ciphertext back into the original plaintext.
Plaintext:-The original intelligent message which is fed as input to the Encryption Algorithm Ciphertext:-The coded message is called the cipher text. Encryptionalgorithm: Algorithm that performs various transformation operation on plaintext.

Decryptionalgorithm: Accepts the cipher text ,matching key and produce plaintext. Cryptology : Branch of mathematics which deals with both cryptography and cryptoanalysis. Cryptography:-The science and art of manipulating message to make secure is called cryptography Privatekey:-when same key is used by the sender and receiver for encryption and decryption called private key. Publickey:-when the sender and receiver use different key for encryption and decryption called public key.

Methodofencryptionand decryption


To generate the encryption and decryption keys in RSA, we can proceed as follows. 1. Take randomly two large primes no. p and q. 2. Compute n = pq (sender & receiver must know n) k = (p 1)(q 1). 3. Choose a number e so that gcd(e,k ) = 1.(e denote the encryption) 4. Find d so that(d denote the decryption) ed + k = 1.( finding d we also used Euclids Algorithm). Public key=(e,n) Private key=(d,n)

Suppose we chooses p = 5, and q = 7. Compute n = pq =35, and k= (p-1)(q-1) = (4)(6) = 24 We get e = 5; Note 5 and 24 have no common factors. Now we get d = 29; from ed+k=1. Then we get public key as = (n, e) = (35, 5); Then we get private key as = (n, d) = (35, 29)

The attacks to RSA can be via:BruteForces:-Trying all possible key to see if that match with private key. MathematicalAttacks:-The approaches to factor the

product of two prime numbers, then algorithm will become weak.

TimingAttack:-Depends on the running time of the

decryption algorithm.

Badkeys:-if user picks a small prime number for the

key, then it would be easier for hacker to break their code.

RSA is currently used in a wide variety of products, platforms, and industries around the world. It is found in many commercial software products. It is built into current operating systems by Microsoft, Apple and etc. In hardware, RSA can be found in secure telephones, on Ethernet network cards, and on smart cards. In addition, RSA is incorporated into all of the major protocols for secured Internet communication. It is also used internally in many institutions, major corporations, national laboratories, and universities.

ADVANTAGE: Provides security from unauthorized user/access. This technique can be used in various fields 0f banking
and National Security Service (NSS).

TECHNICALADVANTAGES&BENEFITS: Classic Sys is easy to implement in integrated circuits because: it uses only XOR and branching functions. no reporting arithmetic bits are needed. Programming can be done with a polynomial structure. The length of the blocks of key and data are identical and equal to 128 bits (16 bytes).


Although RSA can be used to encrypt and decrypt actual messages ,it is very slow if message is long. When RSA is implemented in software only, there is always the risk of disclosure of valuable information. Reading the memory of the system the implementation is running on is one approch to gather valuable information.


It is most popular and most efficiently used algorithm due to its stability and reliability. RSA is one of the standard algorithms that is used in most of the encryptions and decryption tasks.
The RSA algorithm is based on the fact that it is far more difcult to factorize a product of two primes than it is to multiply the two primes.


Cryptography And Network Security - By William

Stallings.Principles Of Key


- By W .Fumy And P. Landrock.

A Comparative Study Of RSA Encryption And Decryption By R.E Ting And S.T. Barnum.
www.scribd.com www.rsa.com

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