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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Introduction To Management Importance Of Management Definition Of Management Management Is Art or Science ? Management Is both Art and Science Level of Management Roles of Managers Responsibilities of Managers Skills of Managers Styles of Managers

Managing is an inevitable process in the organizations where certain activities are to be performed to achieve some common objectives. In modern society most of the objectives ,whether they are economic , social, religious, educational or political are realised collectively through diverse groups of individuals. Mans physical, biological and mental capacities are limited which necessitate cooperation of others in attainment of goals . This mutual cooperation leads to formal or informal organization to attain objectives collectively .

Management is the process of designing and maintaining an environment in which individuals working together in groups, efficiently to accomplish selected aims . OR Management is the art of getting things done through people. OR Management is a process of functions and there are five major functions To forecast and plan To organize To command To coordinate To control

Management as an ART
It is called an art because managing requires certain skills which are personal possessions of managers. It has practical application in a given situation. The experience of a manager is not transferable. It involves the use of creativity and innovativeness. It implies the use of personal judgement,perception and intuition

Management as a SCIENCE
It is considered as a science because it has an systematic and organized body of knowledge which contains certain universal truth. Developed through observations, research and experiment. Based on relationship of cause and effect Knowledge of it is transferable

Management is both an Art and a Science

Management combines features of both science as well as art. A manager to be successful in his profession must acquire the knowledge of science & the art of applying it. Therefore management is a judicious blend of science as well as an art because it proves the principles and the way these principles are applied is a matter of art. In fact every discipline of art is always backed by science which is basic knowledge of that art Similarly every discipline of science is completed only when it is used in practice for solving various kinds of problems faced by a human being in the organization . Science teaches to know and art teaches to do.


Example - A person cannot become a good singer unless he has knowledge about various ragas & he also applies his personal skill in the art of singing. Same way it is not sufficient for manager to know the principles but he must also know how to apply them in solving various managerial problems that is why, science and art are not mutually exclusive but they are complementary to each other (like tea and biscuit, bread and butter etc.). Fact - The old saying that Manager are Born has been rejected in favor of Managers are Made. It has been aptly remarked that management is the oldest of art and youngest of science. To conclude, we can say that science is the root and art is the fruit.

Level of management refer to the lines of demarcation among different managerial positions in an organization. The number of management levels increases according to the increase in size of the business and number of the employees. Managers at all levels are required to plan,organise ,direct, control and coordinate but their scope ,authority and responsibility vary from level to level. Usually there are three levels of management 1. Top Management 2. Middle Management 3. Supervisory Management

1. Inter-personal Roles Figurehead Leadership Role Liaison Roles 2. Informational Roles Monitor Disseminator Spokesman 3. Decisional Roles Entrepreneur Disturbance Handler Resource Allocator Negotiator

1. Organizational Responsibilities Responsibility towards Owners Responsibility towards Employees Responsibility towards Customers Responsibility towards other Groups 2. Social Responsibility 3. Responsibility towards Government

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Conceptual Skills Analytical Skills Human skills Administrative Skills Technical Skills

1. 2. 3. 4. Entrepreneurial Style Conservative Style Methodical Style Quasi Professional Style

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