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Psychodynamic Therapies

Presented By: Sidra Basharat


Founded by Sigmund Freud.

Basic assumptions of psychoanalysis

Life instincts and Death instincts Psychic determinism Topography of psyche Structure of mind Psychosexual Stages of Personality Anxiety and Defense Mechanisms

Life instincts and Death instincts

assumes that energy is used in psychological work . two main drives Eros Thanatos

Psychic determinism

Everything that happens has a specific, identifiable cause

Topography of psyche

three levels of consciousness conscious (small) preconscious (small-medium) unconscious (enormous)

Structure of mind

three parts of mind with separate motivations Id Ego Super Ego

Psychosexual Stages of Personality

Oral Stage Anal Stage Phallic Stage Latency Stage Genital Stage

Oral Stage

Birth to 18 months focused on oral pleasures Too much or too little gratification cause fixation or Oral Personality.

Oral personality

stronger tendency to smoke, drink alcohol, over eat, etc. may become overly dependent may develop pessimism and aggression

Anal Stage

18 months to three years focus of pleasure is on eliminating and retaining feces. learn to control anal stimulation Lineate or strict toilet training may cause fixation or anal personality.

Anal Personality

an obsession with cleanliness, perfection (anal retentive). may become messy and disorganized (anal expulsive).

Phallic Stage

ages three to six pleasure zone switches to the genitals boy develop unconscious sexual desires for their mother.

Oedipus Complex and Electra Complex

develop a fear that their father will punish them for these feelings (Oedipus Complex) boys eventually decide to identify with him rather than fight him and develops masculine characteristics. Girls develop Electra Complex..


sexual deviancies (both overindulging and avoidance) and weak or confused sexual identity.

Latency Stage

age six to puberty sexual urges remain repressed interact and play mostly with same sex peers

Genital Stage

puberty onwards. sexual urges are once again awakened


3 types Realistic anxiety: rooted in reality Neurotic Anxiety : unconscious fear that the impulses from the Id will take control. Moral Anxiety: fear of violating moral codes

Mind responds to anxiety in two ways:

problem solving efforts started defense mechanisms triggered

Defense Mechanisms

Ego develops tactics to help deal with the Id and the Super Ego.

Types of Defense Mechanisms

Repression Denial Projection Rationalization Intellectualization

Types of Defense Mechanisms

Displacement Reaction Formation Sublimation Regression

Psychodynamic Therapies

five basic techniques Free association Dream Analysis Analysis of Resistance Analysis of transference Hypnosis

Free association

individual say whatever comes into his or her mind technique allows for some catharsis psychoanalyst interpret material, leads the client toward better insights .

Dream Analysis

repressed unconscious material arises within the context of dreams Therapist uncover the disguised meanings in the dream

Analysis of Resistance

Therapist point out resistance when it occurs and then educate the client about how to better work with the unconscious material as opposed to resist it.

Analysis of transference

Therapist provide the client with the insight into the meaning of his or her reactions to others by unconscious redirecting clients feelings from one person to another (therapist).


a dynamic and vital healing process focuses on finding the origin of a persons issues.

Applications of Psychodynamic therapy

Anxiety disorders, dissociative disorders, mood disorders personality disorders and conduct disorders are treated by free association hypnosis, dream analysis, analysis of resistance, and analysis of transference.

psychodynamics is not useful in psychotic disorders because of indirect therapy techniques.


lack of scientific evidence overemphasis on the sex drive, pessimism about human nature, exagerating the role of unconscious processes, failing to consider motives toward personal growth.


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