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A Father for His Son

Matthew 1:18-25; 2:13-15; 2:19-23

18 The birth of Jesus Christ came about this way: After His mother Mary had been engaged to Joseph, it was discovered before they came together that she was pregnant by the Holy Spirit. 19 So her husband Joseph, being a righteous man, and not wanting to disgrace her publicly, decided to divorce her secretly. 20 But after he had considered these things, an angel of the Lord suddenly appeared to him in a dream, saying, Joseph, son of David, dont be afraid to take Mary as your wife, because what has been conceived in her is by the Holy Spirit.

21 She will give birth to a son, and you are to name Him Jesus, because He will save His people from their sins. 22 Now all this took place to fulfill what was spoken by the Lord through the prophet: 23 See, the virgin will become pregnant and give birth to a son, and they will name Him Immanuel, which is translated God is with us.

24 When Joseph got up from sleeping, he did as the Lords angel had commanded him. He married her 25 but did not know her intimately until she gave birth to a son. And he named Him Jesus.

JOSEPH often overlooked ,overshadowed by the prominence given to his wife

Angels bring heavenly greetings. Mary sings a praiseful solo. Wise men worship. Shepherds preach.
God chose Mary to be the one who would give birth to the Son of God,

GOD CLEARLY DEMONSTRATES FOR US THAT THE ROLE OF THE FATHER IS A MOST IMPORTANT ONE Fathers are not only needed for the physical act of CONCEIVING a child; they are also needed for the spiritual act of RAISING a child.

20 But after he had considered these things, an angel of the Lord suddenly appeared to him in a dream, saying, Joseph, son of

David, dont be afraid to take Mary as your wife, because what has been conceived in her is by the Holy Spirit.

Matthew 1:20 God also went looking for a Father

He chose Joseph to be a FATHER to Jesus.


a) towards Mary.
MATTHEW 1:18-19 The birth of Jesus Christ came about this way: After His mother Mary had been engaged to Joseph, it was discovered before they came together that she was pregnant by the Holy Spirit. 19 So her husband Joseph, being a righteous man, and not wanting to disgrace her publicly, decided to divorce her secretly. (HCSB)

b.) Towards JESUS.

JOSEPH ADOPTED JESUS AS HIS OWN. He protected Him from the hatred of Herod. He nurtured and cared for Him. Evidently he taught Jesus his own trade of carpentry. HE ADOPTED THE ONE THAT THE REST OF THE WORLD WOULD REJECT.

(totally committed to a cause or belief)

a.) He was a man who OBEYED God.

13 After they were gone, an angel of the Lord suddenly appeared to Joseph in a dream, saying, Get up! Take the child and His mother, flee to Egypt, and stay there until I tell you. For Herod is about to search for the child to destroy Him.Matthew 2:13 19 After Herod died, an angel of the Lord suddenly appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt, 20 saying, Get up! Take the child and His mother and go to the land of Israel, because those who sought the childs life are dead. Matthew 2:19-20

b.) He was a man of FAITH.

It takes FAITH to pack our bags and head off to a foreign country with no prospects and no planning; simply on the basis that God said so. Joseph was a man of faith and obeyed God in everything.

c.) He was a man who was FAITHFUL IN his SPIRITUAL DUTY.

LUKE 2:41 Every year His parents traveled to Jerusalem for the Passover Festival.

Our kids are watching our faithfulness. Austin L. Sorensen once said, A child is not likely to find a father in God unless he finds something of God in his father.

He lived as one who had redeemed the time. Joseph had a SHORTENED LIFE HE HAD USED WHAT TIME HE HAD BEEN GIVEN HONOURABLY and - WISELY! He had provided for his family. He has set an example for them that they would remember. He had raised them in the nurture and the admonition of the Lord.

Jesus was not the only child he had; he raised other boys for the Lord also, and possibly daughters as well. He had other sons - TWO OF THEM (at least) WERE GREATLY USED BY GOD. They wrote books of the Bible (James and Jude). James was the leader of the church in Jerusalem.

Joseph raised his children in the ways of the Lord, and He left behind him a legacy after his lifetime.
Are we redeeming the time as Joseph did? Let us encourage our family at every opportunity; setting an example; providing for their needs, affection, example, Godly counsel, laughter and warmth, and loving concern. Let us not keep silent and do our roles as Joseph did.

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