BBC Gardeners' World21 min read
These super sweet treats might not make it back into the kitchen at all because once you start snacking it’s hard to stop! Grow as many as space allows, so that some can make it into a pudding or cake. As autumn sets in, so the pear season starts and
BBC Gardeners' World4 min read
Month-by-month Guide
Dig compost or well-rotted farmyard manure deeply into vegetable plots to improve the soil structure and fertility. Build raised beds using a kit or recycled lengths of timber. Plant new fruit trees and bushes. Prune apples and pears to limit the siz
BBC Gardeners' World13 min read
This quick-growing crop is usually called broccoli in the shops and is easy to grow, especially if bought as plug plants, which can be ready to harvest in just three months. Few crops are as varied, versatile and long cropping as cabbages. Summer one
BBC Gardeners' World12 min read
These fast leaves are packed with intense flavour and only a few are needed to add a strong kick to a salad. They will self seed if allowed so you’ll always have it to hand for snipping in late spring and summer. So versatile in cooking, adding flavo
BBC Gardeners' World9 min read
Once these plants start to fruit, there’s no stopping them and you can harvest anything from a dainty fruit the size of a sausage, to a monster marrow that can feed a family, all from the same plant. Delicious as both a savoury and a sweet crop, thes
BBC Gardeners' World2 min read
There are few things I enjoy more than growing food and bringing it to the table for my family to enjoy. It’s something I’ve always done and, in all honesty, my veg garden is the place I’m happiest – it’s my sanctuary and the place I can be found mos
BBC Gardeners' World9 min read
The tomato Family
Cordon-grown tomatoes, trained to canes, are a summer labour of love and something of a summer obsession but, if time is tight, grow bush types in pots, which need no pruning or training. An essential ingredient if you eat a lot of Mediterranean food
BBC Gardeners' World7 min read
Perennial Crops
It will take a few years to establish but, once you’ve got your asparagus bed cropping, you can look forward to an annual gourmet treat that heralds the fact that spring has well and truly arrived. These underground tubers spread and spread so there’
BBC Gardeners' World2 min read
Crop by Crop
What are the best crops for your garden, balcony or patio? When should they be started and when can they be harvested? And most importantly, what delicious dishes can be made from the homegrown harvest? All these questions will be answered in the fol
BBC Gardeners' World9 min read
One of the first ones in and the last ones out, leeks are an almost constant presence, sown in spring and still ready for picking as winter ends. Easy to grow from seed. Some gardeners sow onions at the turn of the year but there is a long window of
BBC Gardeners' World2 min read
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Try 3 issues for £5 Offer ends 1 May 2025 Call 03330 162123* and quote code GWGC24 Visit Experience more as a BBC Gardeners’ World Magazine Subscriber Club member with: 1 FREE delivery directly to your door so you never mi
BBC Gardeners' World9 min read
Chives are a great addition to your herb collection. With grass-like, onion-flavoured leaves and purple miniature allium flowers, it’s a pretty herb, loved by bees. The leaves and flowers make lovely summer garnishes for salads and soups. PLANT Apr-J
BBC Gardeners' World8 min read
Peas and Beans
Sow these in batches through summer and you’ll have a long supply of sweet and crunchy snacks to graze on when out in the garden. Whether it’s short dwarf types or tall climbing ones, these beans crop well in a small space and the more you pick, the
BBC Gardeners' World3 min read
Get Your Garden Ready For Growing
The great thing about growing food is that whatever space or situation you have available, there will be a crop to suit it. Even if all you have are a couple of window boxes, you’ll be able to enjoy your own home-grown harvest, whether it’s sweet str
BBC Gardeners' World4 min read
Tips For container-growing Success
Most fruit and vegetables can be grown in pots and, while they will need more water and food than those grown in the ground, there are advantages too. They are portable and therefore easy to keep close to the house so you can pay close attention to t
BBC Gardeners' World12 min read
Root Crops
Even if you’ve only got a balcony available you can grow some spuds in a recycled compost bag or large pot and enjoy the unbeatable taste of fresh new potatoes. Sow these when the soil has warmed in April and they can be more or less forgotten about
BBC Gardeners' World3 min read
Why Growing Your Own Is Best
There are so many reasons to grow your own food and that’s before the benefits it can have to your wellbeing are taken into account. Growing a crop as large as a pumpkin from something as tiny as one of its seeds is a rewarding experience, and follow
BBC Gardeners' World1 min read
BBC Gardeners' World
Editor Greg Loades Designer Marie Le Fevre Sub-editor Vanya Marks Editor Kevin Smith Chief Sub Editor John Perkins Operations Manager Gregor Shepherd Senior Art Editor Jo Cloke Picture Editor Sarah Edwards Reprographics by rhapsody Advertising Manage
BBC Gardeners' World2 min read
Onions & shallots
You can plant onion and shallot sets in early spring or autumn, direct in the ground soil or into modules. From an autumn planting you’ll get earlier, heavier crops. Shallots can also be planted in winter. Both like sun and a moisture-retentive, fert
BBC Gardeners' World1 min read
Growing In Containers
These are colourful, attractive and trouble-free. Choose your favourite variety for heat and flavour and grow three plants in a large tub on the patio with a cane for support. They’ll provide ample crops, with enough left over to store over winter. S
BBC Gardeners' World2 min read
Get Growing Top Tips For Beginner Gardeners
Ready to tackle your first garden? Or perhaps you want to build on your basic gardening skills? Either way, spring is the perfect season to practice a range of gardening essentials, from sowing seeds, pricking out and planting to transplanting, pruni
BBC Gardeners' World2 min read
Coriander prefers well-drained soil and full sun, but it will tolerate some shade at the height of summer. The seeds can be slow to germinate, but crushing them very gently before sowing can help the process along. Coriander has a long tap root, whic
BBC Gardeners' World2 min read
Like other brassicas, Cauliflower ‘Romanesco’ thrives in a fairly heavy, alkaline soil – if your soil is acidic, just add lime. Choose a sheltered, sunny spot in soil that has been prepared in advance by digging in well-rotted farmyard manure. Tread
BBC Gardeners' World2 min read
There are three types of turnip crop: early, maincrop and turnip tops. These can be sown at different times for a year-round crop. For early turnips, sow the seeds in February directly into the soil. Make a drill approximately 1cm deep and sow in row
BBC Gardeners' World2 min read
Florence Fennel
If you want to get an early start with Florence fennel, sow seeds into modules under cover. Sow one seed per module, as the seedlings do not like having their roots disturbed when transplanted. Water in well and keep moist. When the roots fill the mo
BBC Gardeners' World2 min read
Peaches & nectarines
Bare-root trees should be planted on a mild day, any time from November to March. Container-grown trees can go in at any time of year. Although they’re hardy in the UK (apart from the far north), the blossom and young fruits are vulnerable to frost.
BBC Gardeners' World2 min read
Seeds can be sown indoors in modules, or outdoors in warmer weather and transplanted 6-8 weeks later. Sow kale outdoors from March to June as a salad crop (no need to thin, just pick and eat) or from March to June for mature plants (thin out to a spa
BBC Gardeners' World2 min read
Fill pots or seed trays with good-quality multi-purpose compost and firm gently. Scatter the seed thinly on the surface, cover with a few millimetres of compost, water in and keep moist. Pot on the seedlings individually into small pots. Altenatively
BBC Gardeners' World2 min read
Rosemary seeds can take an age to germinate, so buy young plants, which are widely available. Alternatively, wait until after flowering and take cuttings from existing plants. Plant in spring or autumn. Although rosemary is frost-hardy, a combination
BBC Gardeners' World4 min read
Digging Deeper
Garden visits raise record funds for charity For gardeners, May is a time of optimism and goodwill. The sun is out and the horticultural calendar is peppered with charitable events. One such event is the RHS Chelsea Flower Show (21-25 May), which thi
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