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STUDENT: ............................................................................................CLASS: 8 ANO ........ * Required

1. 1.Write in English 5 means of transportation Olhe na pgina 10 do seu livro didtico

2. 2- Read the text below: Diana, 11, liked it {Hawaaii} so much she wants to move ther." I went to the beach , saw snakes, fish, and a sailfish in the ocean, ate great food, got sunburned and rode in the new rented car we got. 'Diana estava de frias: Mark only one oval. Na praia na fazenda na casa dos avs em sua casa 3. 3. Que palavra em ingls usada para "golfinho" Mark only one oval. snake sailfish great food ocean 4. 4. Nas suas frias, Diana ficou 'sunburned'. Ela ficou: Mark only one oval. bronzeada de castigo muito feliz machuda




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5. 5. Marque o passado dos verbos: * Olhe a lista de verbos no seu livro ou no dicionrio: Mark only one oval per row. had like go eat see have 6. 6. Circule a palavra que no faz parte do grupo: Mark only one oval. Portugal - Havaii - New Jersey - Halloween grandmother - sister - summer - brother candy - ice cream - garden - food 7. 7- Escreva estas expresses EM INGLS: Continue observando a pgina 12 do livro didtico Check all that apply. pular na piscina......................................... melhor parte do vero.................................. para as crianas........................................ melhores frias......................................... 8. 8. Circule os verbos nestas frases: Check all that apply. Tiannah liked sleeping under the stars. Diana went to the beach and eat great food. Hidraya saw the Taj Mahal in India. Ellie had a blast in Portugal. 9. saw ate went liked

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