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(usa Ubuntu)
1: Baixar no Netbeans 7.4 no link abaixo:
2: Ao terminar o download, abrir a pasta onde foi salvo o Netbeans para verificar se foi salvo.
3: Abrir o terminal do Ubuntu. Dentro do terminal do Ubuntu, entrar na pasta onde foi salvo o
download do netbeans. Se o Netbeans estiver salvo na pasta download, basta digitar no terminal
cd /home/Digitar-o-Nome-do-Usurio/Downloads. Voc tambm pode abrir a pasta normalmente no
ubuntu, na barra de endereo voc copia o endereo e cola no terminal usando a tecla crtl + shift +
4: Digitar ls -i depois teclar ENTER. Este comando vai exibir a permisso de cada arquivo.
5: Digitar sudo chmod 777 netbeans apertar a tecla TAB para completar o nome do netbeans,
depois teclar ENTER.
6: Digitar o comando ./netbeans apertar a tecla TAB para completar o nome do netbeans, depois
teclar ENTER que a instalao ir comear.
Observao: O JDK tem que estar instalado.

To uninstall the IDE:

Shut down the IDE.
In the IDE installation directory, typically in your home directory there is a directory called
netbeans. Once inside it, run the uninstaller:

At the Summary page, click Uninstall.

After uninstallation completes, click Finish.

There will be a file named uninstall.sh in /usr/local/netbeans-x.x if you installed

netbeans with root privilege. If you installed it with a normal user account the netbeans-X.X
folder will be in your home directory. (Here x.x refers to the version number such as 6.9 or 7.2
1. Open a terminal and go to netbeans' installation directory using cd command. Such as
cd /usr/local/netbeans-x.x.
2. Use 'su' to become superuser (type in your root password).
3. Then execute uninstall.sh file with the command sh uninstall.sh.
Alternatively, You can double click on it and choose "run in terminal" option. You need to supply
the password (admin user's) to do this.

sudo sh /usr/local/netbeans-6.9.1/uninstall.sh

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