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Algoritmos genticos (Matlab)

MATLAB Optimization Toolbox

Iury Steiner de Oliveira Bezerra

2008 Solutions 4U Sdn Bhd. All Rights Reserved

Optimization Toolbox


Otimizao de funes
Optimization Toolbox
Rotinas / Algoritmos Disponveis
Problemas de minimizao
Sem restries
Com Restries

Descrio do algoritmo

2008 Solutions 4U Sdn Bhd. All Rights Reserved

Optimization Toolbox

Otimizao de Funes
Otimizao se refere basicamente a maximizao ou
minimizao de funes
Problema tpico de otimizao:

min f x

Subject to:

g x 0

hi x 0 Restries de igualdade

Restries de desigualdade

x L k xk xU k Restries de fronteira


f x


a funo objetivo, o que medir e avaliar o desempenho de um sistema.

Em um problema padro, estamos minimizando a funo. Para
maximizao, equivalente minimizao funo objetivo multiplicada por
um vetor coluna de variveis consideradas, que pode
afetar o desempenho da otimizao.
2008 Solutions 4U Sdn Bhd. All Rights Reserved

Optimization Toolbox

Function Optimization (Cont.)

Restries Delimitao do espao de solues vivies .
Podem ser basicamente lineares e no lineares

g x 0

hi x 0

Restries de igualdade

Restries de desigualdades

Muitos algoritmos necessitam dessa condio

x L k xk xU k

Restries de fronteira ou domnio

2008 Solutions 4U Sdn Bhd. All Rights Reserved

Optimization Toolbox

Optimization Toolbox
uma coleo de funes que estendem a capacidade de MATLAB.
As rotinas incluem:
Otimizao sem restries
Otimizao com restries lineares e no-lineares.

Programao Quadrtica e programao linear

Nonlinear least squares and curve fitting
Nonlinear systems of equations solving
Constrained linear least squares
Algoritmos para large scale problems

2008 Solutions 4U Sdn Bhd. All Rights Reserved

Optimization Toolbox

Algoritmos de minimizao

2008 Solutions 4U Sdn Bhd. All Rights Reserved

Optimization Toolbox

Algoritmos de minimizao

2008 Solutions 4U Sdn Bhd. All Rights Reserved

Optimization Toolbox

Algoritmos para resolver


2008 Solutions 4U Sdn Bhd. All Rights Reserved

Optimization Toolbox

Algoritmos de mnimimos

2008 Solutions 4U Sdn Bhd. All Rights Reserved

Optimization Toolbox

Trabalhando com o Opt.

A maioria destas rotinas de otimizao exigem a definio de um
M- arquivo que contm a funo , f, a ser minimizada.
A maxizao de funes conseguida minimizando f.
Opes de otimizao so passadas para os algoritmos do Opt.
Os parmetros default da otimizao podem ser mudados em uma
estrutura propria .

2008 Solutions 4U Sdn Bhd. All Rights Reserved

Optimization Toolbox

Unconstrained Minimization
Considere o problema de encontrar um conjunto de valores [x1 x2]T que

min f x e x1 4 x12 2 x22 4 x1 x2 2 x2 1


x x1


Criar um M-file que retorna o valor da funo(Objective
Function). Chame-a de objfun.m
Ento chamar a rotina de minimizao. Use fminunc,
fminsearch, etc

2008 Solutions 4U Sdn Bhd. All Rights Reserved

Optimization Toolbox

Passo 1 Obj. Function

x x1
function f = objfun(x)



Objective function

2008 Solutions 4U Sdn Bhd. All Rights Reserved

Optimization Toolbox

Passo 2 a rotina
Ponto Inicial

x0 = [-1,1];

Configurao de parametros na varivel option

options = optimset(LargeScale,off);

Argumentos de Sida

Argumentos de entrada

2008 Solutions 4U Sdn Bhd. All Rights Reserved

Optimization Toolbox

xmin =


Minimum point of design variables

feval =

Objective function value

exitflag =
Exitflag tells if the algorithm is converged.
If exitflag > 0, then local minimum is found

output =
iterations: 7
funcCount: 40

stepsize: 1

Some other information

firstorderopt: 8.1998e-004
algorithm: 'medium-scale: Quasi-Newton line search'
2008 Solutions 4U Sdn Bhd. All Rights Reserved

Optimization Toolbox

Mais sobre a entrada da fminunc


: A funo objetivo.


: Um ponto de partida. Deve ser um vetor que possu o

mesmo nmero de variaveis consideradas na otimizao.


: Configura a otmizao


:Passando a parmetros adicionais.

2008 Solutions 4U Sdn Bhd. All Rights Reserved

Optimization Toolbox

More on fminunc Output


: Vector of the minimum point (optimal point). The size

is the number of design variables.


: The objective function value of at the optimal point.


: A value shows whether the optimization routine is

terminated successfully. (converged if >0)


: This structure gives more details about the optimization


: The gradient value at the optimal point.


: The hessian value of at the optimal point

2008 Solutions 4U Sdn Bhd. All Rights Reserved

Optimization Toolbox

Options Setting optimset

Options =
optimset(param1,value1, param2,value2,)
The routines in Optimization Toolbox has a set of default
optimization parameters.
However, the toolbox allows you to alter some of those
parameters, for example: the tolerance, the step size, the gradient
or hessian values, the max. number of iterations etc.
There are also a list of features available, for example: displaying
the values at each iterations, compare the user supply gradient or
hessian, etc.
You can also choose the algorithm you wish to use.

2008 Solutions 4U Sdn Bhd. All Rights Reserved

Optimization Toolbox

Options Setting (Cont.)

Options =
optimset(param1,value1, param2,value2,)
Type help optimset in command window, a list of options
setting available will be displayed.
How to read? For example:

LargeScale - Use large-scale algorithm if

possible [ {on} | off ]
The default is with { }
Value (value1)
Parameter (param1)
2008 Solutions 4U Sdn Bhd. All Rights Reserved

Optimization Toolbox

Options Setting (Cont.)

Options =
optimset(param1,value1, param2,value2,)

LargeScale - Use large-scale algorithm if

possible [ {on} | off ]

Since the default is on, if we would like to turn off, we just type:

Options = optimset(LargeScale, off)

Agora as entradas da fminuc.

2008 Solutions 4U Sdn Bhd. All Rights Reserved

Optimization Toolbox

Useful Option Settings

Highly recommended to use!!!

Display - Level of display [ off | iter | notify | final ]

MaxIter - Maximum number of iterations allowed [ positive integer ]
TolCon - Termination tolerance on the constraint violation [
positive scalar ]

TolFun - Termination tolerance on the function value [ positive

scalar ]
TolX - Termination tolerance on X [ positive scalar ]

2008 Solutions 4U Sdn Bhd. All Rights Reserved

Optimization Toolbox

fminunc and fminsearch

fminunc uses algorithm with gradient and hessian information.
Two modes:
Large-Scale: interior-reflective Newton
Medium-Scale: quasi-Newton (BFGS)
Not preferred in solving highly discontinuous functions.
This function may only give local solutions..
fminsearch is generally less efficient than fminunc for
problems of order greater than two. However, when the problem
is highly discontinuous, fminsearch may be more robust.
This is a direct search method that does not use numerical or
analytic gradients as in fminunc.
This function may only give local solutions.

2008 Solutions 4U Sdn Bhd. All Rights Reserved

Optimization Toolbox

Minimizao com restries

Multiplicadores de


2008 Solutions 4U Sdn Bhd. All Rights Reserved

Optimization Toolbox

function f = myfun(x)

min f x x1 x2 x3


Sujeito :

2 x12 x2 0

x1 2 x2 2 x3 0
x1 2 x2 2 x3 72
0 x1 , x2 , x3 30

1 2 2
, B

1 2 2

LB 0 , UB 30
2008 Solutions 4U Sdn Bhd. All Rights Reserved

Optimization Toolbox

Example (Cont.)


2 x12 x2 0

Crie um funo nonlcon que retorna dois vetores [C,Ceq]

function [C,Ceq]=nonlcon(x)

Remember to return a null

Matrix if the constraint does
not apply

2008 Solutions 4U Sdn Bhd. All Rights Reserved

Optimization Toolbox

Example (Cont.)

Initial guess (3 design variables)


A=[-1 -2 -2;1 2 2];

B=[0 72]';
LB = [0 0 0]';

UB = [30 30 30]';

1 2 2
, B

1 2 2
LB 0 , UB 30


2008 Solutions 4U Sdn Bhd. All Rights Reserved

Optimization Toolbox

Warning: Large-scale (trust region) method does not currently solve this type of problem, switching to
medium-scale (line search).
Optimization terminated successfully:
Magnitude of directional derivative in search direction less than 2*options.TolFun and maximum constraint
violation is less than options.TolCon
Const. 1

x1 2 x2 2 x3 0

Active Constraints:
feval =


Const. 3

x1 2 x2 2 x3 72 Const. 2
Const. 5
0 x1 30

Const. 4

0 x2 30

Const. 7

0 x3 30
2 x12 x2 0

Const. 6
Const. 8
Const. 9

Sequence: A,B,Aeq,Beq,LB,UB,C,Ceq
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Optimization Toolbox

Set Fitness function to @rastriginsfcn.

Set Number of variables to 2.

Select Best fitness in the Plot functions

Select Distance in the Plot functions pane.

Set Initial range to [1; 1.1].

2008 Solutions 4U Sdn Bhd. All Rights Reserved

Optimization Toolbox

A = [1,1;-1,2;2,1]; b = [2;2;3]; lb =
options = gaoptimset('PlotFcns',@gaplotshowpopulation2);
[x,fval] = ga(@lincontest6,2,A,b,[],[],lb,[],[],options);

2008 Solutions 4U Sdn Bhd. All Rights Reserved

Optimization Toolbox

2008 Solutions 4U Sdn Bhd. All Rights Reserved

Optimization Toolbox

2008 Solutions 4U Sdn Bhd. All Rights Reserved

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